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About WickedGamer57

  • Birthday March 16

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  1. It's come a long way

    Hey, I've been a backer of Identity RPG now for 2.5 years now, and I've just come back to see how it is doing, and by golly gosh does it look fantastic, I admit I had some doubts about the development during the first couple of years, but I knew in my gut that this game would come along nicely, and it sure has. So, to all staff members @ Asylum, pat yourself on the backs, you've made a great thing, you really have P.S How do you think this will run on a 1050 (i-7700hq), as I just bought a new gaming laptop as I'm going abroad for 3 months and I don't want to miss the town square! Love and peace to all.

    G'dayy! I also like to drop some beats Anyway if you need anything don't be afraid to ask haha.
  3. Hello from Poland!

    G'day and welcome How's the weather in Poland? Here in Australia it is nice and Australianany haha. Anyway if you need anything don't hesitate to ask
  4. Hello From The Great Lakes

    G'day And I hope I can count on you when my factory burns down haha. Welcome to the forums by the way! And thanks for the service you provide in real life
  5. Hello from the UK

    G'day Welcome and would you like a cup of tea old chap haha. Well anyway welcome to the forums.
  6. Hello from Austria :D

    G'day Verry nice to meet you sir and welcome to the forums and well the game I guess I am currently learning German maybe we could play one day haha.
  7. A big Hello from Italy!

    G'day, Haha welcome to the identity community I am sure you'll love it here!
  8. Hello World

    G'day Look forward to playing with you mate!
  9. Addiction

    G'day, Yes they do plan to implement a addiction effect. So each drug has a buff but the drawback is that your character gets addicted to that substance. Hope this helps
  10. G'day, I am pretty sure there are no stretch 'goals' as such. When the kickstarter first launched they announced that even if they do not hit there goal the game will continue. So hope that helps some
  11. Hello from Russia

    G'day comrade
  12. Questions.

    G'day, I am pretty sure buses are automated because of trolls But at least you can become a trucker or taxi cab driver!
  13. Serious Roleplay

    G'day I plan to juice the rp outta this game. So I am going to rp as a 24 year old male left home in Australia at 18 and whose wife just broke up with him (that is the reason I moved to America) and his life went up in smokes. And now he is starting to recover and he is trying to become a copper, and aims to own his own trucking company. Well guys that's it UM I am terrible at backstories so yeah anyway that's me
  14. Addiction

    G'day I have heard a few people talk about it but I think addiction should be a part of Identity. In terms of supply and demand for drugs, another user was talking about it and apart from buying drugs for fun there is really no other purpose to buy drugs, so if there was some sort of addiction meter that would somehow affect your character's performance or something so there is need to buy cigarettes or drink or do coke or something; and then I think there would be more substance to the demand aspect of the drug market. Thanks for listening, and let me know what you think. Anyway pretty sure this has not been mentioned in this part of the forum if it has please let me know and I can take this post down. Cheers!
  15. G'day

    G'day Guys! I am from Australia if you couldn't tell haha. Anyway I just bought into the game really excited to dig my hands into this really good game (Well hopefully ) So I am just that friendly spider loving Australian, so feel free to ask me about huge spiders and snakes and stuff. Well hope to catch up with you guys in game (I'm not good at hellos) so yeah HEY!