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About MrCobraJ

  • Birthday 04/25/2002

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  1. The Cobra Team - Real Estate Firm

    Sorry guys, if this is a bit confusing I apologize. Tanner or CoDogX is new to Identity and so am I, so I'm teaching him how to use the forums and such. He will be answering questions that all of you might have on the original thread, and I will be posting updates and interesting facts and other related things on the original thread as well. Thank You, Mr Cobra J.
  2. The Cobra Team - Real Estate Firm

    Thanks for all of the positive feedback, another logo being designed right as I speak. Follow this account for updates and reply if you have another idea that I might implement into the company. ??
  3. The Cobra Team - Real Estate Firm

    I'm sorry I don't even know what a PMC is lol. Thanks for the feedback, I'm excited to meet all of you exciting characters in game! I'll be sure to check out Aegis Security and might even hire you.
  4. The Cobra Team - Real Estate Firm

    Thank you, I didn't really know what people would of thunk if it when first uploaded it so thank you for the feedback .
  5. Character creation, Hair, & Clothes

    And maybe tiny little tribal tattoos that you can out on your bicep or back of your hand. Also maybe some timberlands too. I'd be set if I had this outfit.
  6. The Cobra Team - Real Estate Firm Est. 2002 and founded by Mr Cobra J. --- Profession --- Owner/CEO - Cobra J. (MrCobraJ) Co-CEO - Tanner Coe (CoDogX) Employee Manager - OPEN Assistants - OPEN (depends on demand) Insurance Worker - OPEN Sales Agents - OPEN (depends on the demand) Sales Manager - OPEN Supervisor - OPEN Finance Manager - OPEN Advertising Manager - OPEN --- Requirements --- - Have to have some understanding of real estate, if you don't understand what any of the professions even mean look them up and do a little research. - This is a serious career, if you think you can do what you please than you can be fired or demoted to a lower paying profession until you can prove that you are serious. - If you have questions please ask them, nobody wants to choose the wrong decision. --- Extra --- Please message me if you are interested in any professions above and if you think I missed an important one let me know, and also follow me for updates on the company, like the logo and advertising. --- CEO's Notes --- Hello, are you unemployed and are interested in housing and property? Are you unhappy with your current job? Or are finishing schooling for a job like this? Here at The Cobra Team, we believe in giving our young and old residents an opportunity in real estate, we would love to have you aboard , we need people like you to make our company work and to please our clients. Please take your time to think about us. See above for possible careers, and PM me your resume and a somewhat decent application proving to me why you are a good employee for us. We are branching off from our original HQ in Ont, CAN and we are expecting to establish our main HQ here, near the ocean front of course. Our professional team of designers will be coming down on a further date. But for now we are focusing on getting you your dream home/ or apartment for the lowest price possible! We also believe in giving back to the community and every once in a while we will participate in food drives, fundraisers, or just random acts of kindness among the community. ---Edits--- Edit made, April 10th 10:58PM, Thanks for all the positive feedback, a new logo has been designed and has been re-uploaded, I hope all of you like the new logo. I will also try to add new content to the account every few days. Bye for now.l Edit made, April 17th 9:16PM, I've fixed the problem with the new/old CEO or whatever you'd like to call it, CoDogX was meant to be a Co-CEO not the head CEO. Thanks for letting us know. Also read above for new information, we are expanding our company! Edit made, June 26th 11:11AM, I'm working on a trailer/ teaser for the company, explaining into further detail what the company is and what we are thinking on doing, also I meant to add this a lot longer ago, but, I'm also working on an application that I will submit to the thread when I'm finished, you can find help/useful information to your questions on the other thread started by @CoDogX we will be answering questions there.