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  1. A face behind our screens?

  2. Whatcha building? ^^ specs?
  3. Good question.. Would like to know too. But I guess its already mentioned somwhere else on the forum
  4. Its only the first month of ' Early 2017 ' It can be also in the 4'th month cause thats also still ' Early 2017 ' The time will tell when it comes out. I guess everybody wants to know the exact release date, but no release date has yet bin confirmed. The best we all got is Early 2017. Eventho, thats not even going to be the full release. Only the Town Square Module. :-) -- Felix Shades --
  5. Greetings from Belgium!

    Welkom of bienvenue Altijd leuk voor te weten dat ik niet altijd als enigste belg ergens ben Of .. Toujours agréable de savoir que je ne suis pas toujours comme le seul belgian quelque part Mon français est terrible, je sais -- Felix Shades --
  6. ETA for first Module

    Early 2017. Correct me if I am wrong.
  7. Apartment/Housing Customization Video

    The Details, Unreal. Very Very good job Devs! Looking foward to see more! Great video, keep up the good work!
  8. Come talk to me on my Discord

    Sarcasm, replied and im not not able to read. alright. Claptrap, out.
  9. Come talk to me on my Discord

    That is what he is trying to do..
  10. To all future First Responders

    Thanks for the share, I really hope they will use this. Because like you said. In arma officers somtimes drive like maniacs when responding to a call
  11. Hello there Quick questions/suggestions.. Mostly questions 1) Will you be able to live togheter in 1 house with a friend? ( Multiple owners ) 2) Would your friends be able to come to your house? 3) Can people buy the same house as you? I mean. If you bought a house on a server ( empty ofc ) and sombody else has the same house as you on another server.. How would that work? This may not be in the right forum area. Thank you.