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1 Opportunist
  1. New Screenshots (UPDATED)

    damn she thicc
  2. desync ramming is swerving infront of a car or break testing, and because of lag it can launch a car or swerve the car off the road without physically touching and damaging your car will that be possible? i dont want this to turn into arma 3's desync ramming
  3. What will you RP in identity?

    what are you doing to be?
  4. hopes

    do you think a HP Omen i7 gaming laptop can handle that?
  5. hopes

    do you know the size of the servers?
  6. will money, apartment, vehicles save throughout all of the servers or will it only be for a specific server like in Gmod? i wonder that because some ppl can go into private servers farm a shit load of stuff, go into public servers and cause mayhem
  7. if i can run arma 3 ultra at around 40 fps can i run this
  8. diseases and such

    you should be able to catch diseases like cancer or things like that
  9. hopes

    thanks for putting my ideas into better words
  10. What will you RP in identity?

    police officer try to rank up as much as i can
  11. you bring a great point up, even if they bribe officers i feel like they will take the money and snitch. hope to see you ingame and hopefully join the police force and take down some gangies
  12. that article was probably because they didnt have any more content lol
  13. Character Creation Question

    imagine some parts of the game being online dating with girls with massive breasts and boys enjoying themselves. that would be terrific in some parts, terrifying in others