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Ceothryth last won the day on September 8 2018

Ceothryth had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

9 Opportunist

About Ceothryth

  • Birthday 02/12/2003

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1,127 profile views
  1. Getting Keys!

    @Loewe8yea finnaly
  2. Getting Keys!

  3. HYPE ???

    i sayed sorry in discord sorru
  4. HYPE ???

    nooo its not @Loewe8
  5. HYPE ???
  6. Basic Info on Characters

    RP Name: Ceoth Oblivon [i will change im not sure] Description of character: Beach short clasic t shirt and trainers What job do you want to have in Identity? : Bussines or gang leader What city do you want to live in? : Roseport What are your goals in Identity? : live relax and making more money
  7. Hello From Turkey

    @cenkmert steamım bu ekleyebilirsin alma yolunu anlatırım founder aldım paypalla
  8. Where are you from?

    @Furigold ekle türküm tüm türk oyuncuları bir araya toplamaya çalışıyorum
  9. Where are you from?! (Europe)

    @erdeminoff ekle türküm tüm türkleri bir araya toplamaya çalışıyorum
  10. Houses and Economy

    @ozan22 ekle bende türküm 30dolarlık pakedi aldım
  11. Backpack system [Dying]

    when we die our items in our inventory are gonna drop the floor or they stay whit us ?
  12. Android/ios app

    if we see android and ios app it will be awsome like showing ur items money i hope they do sorry for my bad english
  13. New here

    u need to wait module 1 to play when 3 modules will be over full game gonna relase
  14. Which cars do you want to be in the game?

    1965 Ford Mustang GT [I Really Want This One]