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About charlieboy

  • Birthday 03/26/1982

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  1. Joining the police force

    Well the first part wasnt i just got carried away in my head
  2. Joining the police force

    Or how much of a fine or even pints on a licence would you give for speeding? jesus i just thought imagine if you lost your license and had to get the buss all the time haha
  3. Non-Lethal weaponry

    Tazers t-shirt soaked in petrol hammers planks of wood fishing nets tranquilizers from a hunters gun baseball bat golf club hockey stick
  4. Some Quick Job Suggestions!

    I would have said lumberjack is an absolute must to be able to supply factories to make all sorts of things to supply the shops with
  5. Joining the police force

    I think the most important point is number 4 we need people to understand their responsibilities and be ably to apply themselves. haha hear me? i hate myself haha but we do need this
  6. Other types of shops - question

    I think the devs need to give us more information to work with here
  7. Joining the police force

    i just mean you should be quizzed on the full details of your job and it should maybe be timed too to keep the google heads getting the job and breaking immersion
  8. Other types of shops - question

    but if people only ate once per day why would you want to get into a business where you make very little money? maybe if they limited the number of places to sell food to be owned then yeh but thats not very fair but then again thats life haha so maybe m8 maybe we realy need alot more information dont we? because untill we do its all just speculation
  9. What is your concern about Identity.

    And at this point identity is sitting at almost 220k
  10. Other types of shops - question

    Its hard to see the need for players to be able to own such shops i i heard that you only have to eat once per day. i would imagine it will be more cosmetic items that people will own shops for like a furniture shop supplied factories supplied by lumberjacks collecting the raw materials
  11. Joining the police force

    I think there should be a test and i dont think it should be easy either
  12. private identity server

    im 34 and i think most people who will play this game will be somewhere in the middle
  13. private identity server

    i dont really like heavy RP but i wouldnt say no to it on my server i like it light where you just act yourself really but im also from UK
  14. private identity server

    where are you from where would you host your sever maybe we could share this venture with more people?
  15. private identity server

    ah i got ya man sorry. i was thinking it was very early myself but if you want to hit the ground running you need to get people on board very quickly or a long time before release. to be honest id rather just join a server but at the same time id like to be able to regulate the community to keep the idiots out