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Drd27 last won the day on June 22 2018

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About Drd27

  • Birthday 09/27/2000

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  1. Packages

    When does the packages dissapear on the shop?
  2. Ideas to promote game

    I think that is not intended and is a bug..
  3. Ideas to promote game

    That is already on the site, if you bought the first package of the game and want to upgrade to the second one you are going to pay an extra 15 or 20 bucks instead of another 30. You can already gift items or packages but you need to do it through an email or an account but you can't buy them and then give them to someone..
  4. Mansions

    the expensivest vehicle in GTA online reaches $2,5 mil, there is no vehicle that costs $9 mil
  5. Engine sounds?

    Well, probably by 2020-2021 the whole game will be done not just a module but yea..
  6. Why isn't this A Steam game?

    You could upgrade it to Founders Package before the packages dissapear completely.
  7. Why isn't this A Steam game?

    The game will be on steam when it releases. If you pledge for the Founders Package they will give you a steam key for the first module because it will be on steam.
  8. dont think this game will ever come out

    This is not the "game" it's just a module for the game.
  9. The game will come to steam when it releases.
  10. regional cost

  11. regional cost

    That's not true, Russia has lower wages therefore it's going to be cheaper for them.
  12. Which cars do you want to be in the game?

    If the cars would end up in the game they would show just a hint of the real car model because the licenses for the real cars are expensive.
  13. Facial capture system

    A community developer replied to a guy that asked almost the same thing yesterday on the live and he said that the devs said that they aren't interesed in doing that because people would mess around with it like in UFC and that it will ruin rp or smth.