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About TamatoaZL

  • Birthday 03/25/1999

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  1. Game Warden

    As a police officer/sheriff, you can pretty much patrol wherever you want (considering you're a patrol officer). Mechanics (Can you be a forest ranger?) - December 5th 2017 - https://clips.twitch.tv/ThoughtfulAdorablePidgeonCopyThis
  2. Relationships between players.

    For apartments, I believe the only way to do that would be to add your spouse as a roommate. That should give them most customization features.
  3. A face to the name of Developers...

    Cyber is Charles, not sure of his last name.
  4. Hello from Canada

    As of now, the module is still being tested, but should come out late July/ early August. You can follow the progress at http://www.identityrpg.com/info/modules/townsquare/#tracker
  5. Hello from Canada

    Welcome to our great community! Can't wait to see you in-game either!
  6. Supercar Saturday!

    You should get one. Because your project has become so popular within the Identity community, many people would join the Discord, and it would be easier for people to reach you and easier for you to show your promo videos to others.
  7. Greetings From Texas.

    What's up, fellow Texan! Anyways, it's your choice, but there are quite a lot of MC's so if you're willing to compete with them go ahead, but I haven't seen anyone suggest a motorcycle cop rp, so that could be fun aswell.
  8. Hello/Ciao from Italy

    Welcome to our community!
  9. A-Mart

    WHAT IS A-MART? A-Mart is a neighborhood market inspired by many super centers and will have all types of products to serve your needs. Don't have enough money to buy a store, or maybe you just don't want to do the hard work of selling your product? A-Mart will take your product, put it on our shelves, and advertise to the best of our ability. A-Mart will sell products from TVs to furniture to clothing. HOW CAN YOU JOIN US? Currently job applications are not opened due to Town Square not being released, but if you are interested in working at A-Mart, then PM me here or on Discord (Tamatoa#6223). JOB BENEFITS 25% discount on all items 1 FREE product per month (under $50) If you have any further questions join the A-Mart Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/Nvzb3Ph
  10. Just wondering what everyone is planning on doing for most of their time in Town Square. Watching movies, playing chess, or just making new friends? I, for one, know all my time will be spent in the karaoke bar.
  11. Supercar Saturday!

    Looks like a really cool idea! I would love to participate in this!
  12. Hello from Canada

    Welcome to our community!
  13. Hello from Chicago

    Cool! I bet you'll be an excellent officer! Can't wait to see you in-game.
  14. Better dead than red. (BDTR) (ANTI-COMMUNIST)

    Great idea! Love the concept.
  15. Hello!

    Welcome! Can't wait to see you in-game.