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About T3RMZY

  • Birthday April 18

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  8. Motorcycle Wishlist

    Harley Davidson V Rod Night Rod Special? (my favourite bike)
  9. What will you RP in identity?

    Im most likely going to join an MC
  10. Aidan Andrews Basic Information Name: Aidan Andrews Age: 24 D.O.B: 18/4/91 Ethnicity: Caucasian Gender: Male Sexuality: Straight Appearance Build: Muscular Tattoos: None, though still thinking about it Skin Colour: Pale Eye Colour: Blue Hair Style: Long top, short sides Facial Hair: Beard Hair Colour: Blonde Weight: 175lbs Height: 187cm My Story Aidan Andrews was born in South West London in '91. He was in love with motorcycles, especially Harely's and Honda's. His parents called him a motorcycle enthusiast, that was for the short time they knew him. Aidan's parents were gunned down in a dark alleyway on Christmas Eve 1999. This dramatic event sure did change a few things in his life. The way he acted, his sense of humour, the people he hung around with,but one thing stayed. His love for motorcycles. Nothing could separate Aidan from his bikes. The first opportunity he had to ride one, he took it. He completed his riding tests in what seemed like record time and not a single day passed where he wouldn't be on his bike. Months passed and Aidan was working in a garage making some sort of wage. It kept him on his feet though, that was the main thing,he even did some work on his own bike during the weekends at the garage. After 3 years of working in the garage, fixing vehicles and meeting new faces Aidan decided to go to his first motorcycle meetup. He had never seen so many bikes in his life. There were even some Motorcycle Club members attending the meet. It was one of the best days in Aidan's life. That was until he left his bike to get a beer and crisps and returned with no bike to be seen. After dropping his food and drink in anger and shouting in anger, two members of the MC he saw earlier came up to him, saying they saw the theft in action but it happened too fast for them to act. They offered to help him get his bike back, they know how much a bike can mean to someone. They explained that they had seen the robbers at motorcycle meets before, they never robbed anything before though. They asked Aidan for his address and said they would contact him if they found anything on them. He gave it to them, he was so desperate to get his bike back that he would do anything to find it. Weeks past and some members from the MC came to Aidan's house bearing good news, very good news. They had an address and said they had scouted it out and saw the bike but wanted him to be there when they took it back. The day came for Aidan to get his bike back, a member from the MC gave Aidan a pistol in case things got messy, long story short. They did. Shots were fired, men were killed, and Aidan started his life of crime, he killed two men that day, he got his motorcycle back, but that didn't change the fact that blood was shed. The MC members said he did a good thing, Aidan didn't agree. Aidan became paranoid, he couldn't sleep, something haunted him at night. Aidan stopped riding his bike, stopped working his job. He thought it was time to turn a new leaf, so he did. He bought plane ticket with the majority of his money from work and ran away to a secluded island. Hoping for a new life. That didn't come so easy though... PS: I probably writ too much, but hey i do love some good RP