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About Ozzy

  • Birthday 11/26/1868

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  1. Crip Gang

    I love the name, and good luck with your gang.
  2. American Mafia

    This is the American Mafia recruiting page The American Mafia is divided into six ranks Ranks Leader The leader will make some of the big decisions, and will perform the initiation for all new members. Also, he will choose who is in the other ranks. Co-Leader The Co-Leader will manage the jobs we perform. Examples of these are Bank heists, truck robberies, robberies, etc. Also, they'll be able to order hits on people, but he must get the hit authorized by the leader before doing so. Also, he'll make some big decisions also. Generals The Generals will give the Soldiers and sometimes the Recruits orders, and or tasks to perform to show their loyalty to the organization. The generals will also be given a special duty that’s specific to each individual one. These duties will be Production Manager, Security, and Head of Smuggling. Soldiers The Soldiers will train the recruits. An example of this is taking them to do daily mafia activities, a robbery, or maybe picking up a cash drop. Recruits The Recruits are the lowest rank within the mafia, they will be on a one week trial period. The trial period is when the soldiers will train the new recruits, weed out the rats, and execute those who are untrustworthy. Associates The Associates are people who don't want to join the mafia, but want to work with it. The associates will be our suppliers, delivery men, money launderers, etc. Rules No Stealing If you steal we'll know because we keep record of all of our assets. If you are caught stealing, we will have a ceremony where you will be executed/made an example in front of everyone in the mafia. Uniform The Uniform consists of a black suit, black dress shoes, a red undershirt(If compatible with suit),and a fedora(The fedora is optional). You MUST wear the uniform at all times, If you are seen not wearing the uniform you will be kicked out of the mafia. Cars/Vehicles All mafia vehicle's main color is black, and the windows are tinted as black as legally possible. Racism/Sexism We are fine with racist/sexist jokes, but if we feel you are truly racist or sexist you will be executed. Ranks If a person that is a higher rank than you gives you an order you must follow it or you will be executed. If you feel that the order was outrageous, then talk to the leader. You may be understood, and not executed. Initiation Process Recruitment If you wish to join the American Mafia, them PM me. Initiation Ceremony The initiation ceremony will only be performed once a week for those few Recruits that made it through training. The ceremony will not be performed for those who joined before the games release. The Future Future Goals We would like to eventually disguise ourselves as real-estate owners of nightclubs, hotels, etc. Ranking Up You can rank up by bringing in money and spending time with the mafia, you can rank up this way for all of the ranks. Also, you will be ranked up when the leader sees fit. Discord Message me for an Invite.