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Posts posted by SunDiego

  1. Just now, LuckyDuck said:

    This statement is wrong in a way, so far the Prison time is Maximum 45 minute..... There is no "Several days" for major crimes. They have to choose still and it is for testing in the Beta. That is Official servers, people might stay on Official servers for that or Private servers which private servers will be able to change the Prison maximum.


    The game isnt even out yet. So you cant say what the prison max time is. Also you should go way more than 1 day in time for massive crimes or stacked crimes behind without being catched.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Cstove said:

    No. No limitations like this. There could be 100 gangs one server, but the probability of that happening is low.  There are so many things to do in Identity, being in a gang is a small portion of it.  I don’t think you realize that there is a good balance in what people want to be in Identity.  Identitys twitter page had a poll a while back that was pretty evenly split 3 ways between ; criminal, civilian, and police.  


    It´s still beter to have restrictions right from the beginning. Later on they will roll into gangs when they see how they get killed everytime from massive group of criminals while they work their ass off. I have roleplay experience from san andreas multiplayer real life servers back then. I know what iam talking about so.

    I mean i could care less since iam the owner of Yakuza, but i want it to be balanced, as real as possible. Also cops going to lose hard with that many gangs.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Cstove said:

    I don’t think we have a specific number yet.


    Then you should overthink this. Police will be outnumbered and it will be easily unbalanced. Restrict it to 10 per gang and there can only be certain amount of gangs on the server. Say like 5 in total. Who ever reaches the reqruiments to create a gang, he is the leady and will have his gang. Now he needs 10 more members. These are the limits i think are ok. 5 gangs per server, 10-15 members.

  4. 15 minutes ago, sp00f_IOM said:

    If the prices are trying to mirror prices in real life then all I see people doing is trying to get rich from drugs. Although a fundamental part to the game, I don't think the developers want EVERYBODY doing drugs, and instead doing what they enjoy, so they're going to have to make normal, everyday jobs rewarding too.


    Well if you want to be living with that risk of getting into jail for several days (massive crimes), then yes, do drug dealing. At the end of the day it will all come down to one players skill if he can live as a criminal fighting the police. If he cant, well he will see it because he will be most of his play time be sleeping in jail while an average joe is still making money doing his job Imao.

  5. We know that everything will be like irl, but i just realized something. What if we would make the prices for items and earnings from jobs the same as in real life. Like every month you get a paycheck and can buy stuff like irl with the same prices. I personally think this would add a whole lot more realism into the game and would make it like a second reality kinda. Maybe make progress a bit faster maybe 2x the speed of real life? That sounds optimal. Like Paychecks would be optimized for 15 days instead of 1 month and everything else propotionally to that too. Idk if you get what iam trying to say. It just shouldnt be like you get in the game and the first  couple of days you own a big mansion with a sports car. Maybe after 4-5 months? I dont know what the right time would be, but it needs to be find thats for sure. I mean, it wouldnt even feel like grinding since youre having fun while playing the video game where you can do anything anywhere.

    Just my thoughts on this, how do you guys see it?

  6. 8 minutes ago, Worldraider said:

    It will release when its ready and no amount of poll's will make it happen any time sooner. I understand you guys are excited (no disrespect intended) but I fail to see what this kind of poll will achieve. Its a bit like making a poll asking people how long is a piece of string. Who knows?


    To have fun

  7. Hello

    I wanna ask if you guys could implement a live chat on this forum section of the website somehow alongside working on the game. It would be for just hanging around and chating with the community till the game gets released. What do you guys think of this idea?

  8. yakuza_6_kiryu_1920.0.jpg
    Welcome to Yakuza
    My name is Sun Diego and i created this gang as i moved in to america. Iam originally from germany, but have been all around the world, mostly in asia. That´s where i discovered this one and only gang. Let me introduce you our gang and the recruiments to be a part of the Yakuza family.

    What is your ideology?
    Our ideology is to protect every civilian in this city. What does this mean? How can you protect people and be a criminal gang? It´s as easy as it is. We protect people from other criminal gangs in exchange for money.

    Is this the only thing youre doing?
    Yes, as harmless as it sounds. It´s against our ideology to do morally criminal things. Everything from drug dealing, roberry, prostitution and so on. If any member is seen doing these type of criminal activitis, he will get blacklisted and possibly worse. Killing will be a part of our activity if it has to be done. We dont fear anyone.

    So how do you fund yourself?

    We are able to make money from protection money. That´s our only income.

    More information about our whole structure and gang will be revealed soon

    How can i join the Yakuza?                                           (
    Join our Discord here)
    If this convinced you by now, youll perhaps want to join the gang. How do you do so? Write your application under this forum post or direct message me if you want it to be privat. Also join the Discord server.

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  9. 9 minutes ago, Jason_Bourne said:

    Was wondering when they were going to come to Identity ... It's Recruiting, not Reqruiting ; Fund not found; you'll in the last paragraph, private not privat, robbery not roberrt, I am not Iam,  and I think that's all the errors you made... if there are any others that anyone else sees please tell me 


    Its not difficult to see that english isnt my first language. Thanks

  10. yakuza_6_kiryu_1920.0.jpg
    The Yakuza leader is speaking. My name is Sun Diego and i created this gang as i moved in to america. Iam originally from germany, but have been all around the world, mostly in asia. That´s where i discovered this one and only gang. Let me introduce you our gang and the recruiments to be a part of the Yakuza family.

    What is your ideology?
    Our ideology is to protect every civilian in this city. What does this mean? How can you protect people and be a criminal gang? It´s as easy as it is. We protect people from other criminal gangs in exchange for money.

    Is this the only thing youre doing?
    Yes, as harmless as it sounds. It´s against our ideology to do morally criminal things. Everything from drug dealing, roberry, prostitution and so on. If any member is seen doing these type of criminal activitis, he will get blacklisted and possibly worse. Killing will be a part of our activity if it has to be done. We dont fear anyone.

    So how do you fund yourself?

    We are able to make money from protection money. That´s our only income.
    More information about our whole structure and gang will be revealed soon

    How can i join the Yakuza?
    If this convinced you by now, youll perhaps want to join the gang. How do you do so? Write your application under this forum post or direct message me if you want it to be privat.


  11. 22 minutes ago, WickedJ3ster said:

    i honestly agree if the police are doing their job then it shouldnt be a problem let it be a thing that is managed by the players, if the roleplay becomes chaotic then so be it, crime raises in a poorly managed system you guys are forcing it, i also thought the stress system in which you get a magical bullet shield is kinda silly as well not only does it unbalance the favor into the cops easily which they already have an advantage its unrealistic criminals are going to have a crappy time because the only way they can win is by going outside the rules not having  to adhere by things like hey i gotta sit here for 20 seconds aiming a gun at you until you finally get scared while running away screaming telling everyone your in trouble while bullets bounce off your back


    We should create secret gangs especially for killing cops :). Dont say it was my plan, but iam just giving some ideas. We could outscale them in numebrs pretty easy and aim all together at one by one at the cops.

  12. You all are mising something really big. Haha let me explain it to you and read it you both Vickvega and op. In this game there is an actual POLICE with real working consequences and sentences for CRIMES. That means if you just kill any free civilian, you will get a high wanted level which means the police will catch you and that means you will be put inside of jail. What does jail mean? Basically youll have to wait a long ass time to get out of the jail or even prison (for crimes like murder/other massive ones). The time differes from 30 mins up to 24h and more (we dont know how much this can go up since its still in testing).

    So i can tell you just one thing: As long as you dont fuck with the wrong people (like irl), there will be nobody harming you at all. This is real life. Think of it like that. There is working police EVERYTHING. Do you get gunned down irl too? No. So. That easy.

  13. 8 minutes ago, VickVega said:

    How is it realistic that it's a world of first-world stuff and also a free for all of shooting and robbing everywhere? Try that in anywhere-ville USA.... Doesn't actually work irl there either.... ¬¬


    Actually it works. You only would get arrested or killed from the police, which is the same in the game.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Cstove said:

    I don’t think comparing GTA and Identity is a good comparison.  GTA is more of a sandbox open world for going around killing people and blowing shit up.  Where identity focuses way more on player v player interactions and RP.


    Buth are trying to achieve the same in a way (real life simulation), but Identity has done this better.

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