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Posts posted by ShiEksdee

  1. Hello! Please stay strong! Cancer has been an enemy in life as well: I lost a guy I was in love with to it (just last April so very recent), and another love too, as well as many family friends and family members. So I can definitely understand the pain of that! You must not give up hope, though. As for friends, I'm always up to have more people to talk to so if you ever want to chat here I am! I'm a bit of an otaku though so xD forgive my geekiness. We're all hype about this game along with you so you'll be surrounded by like vibes here. ^^ Welcome to the forum.

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  2. That isn't true. There are a lot of free games that have a plethora of features. It's just that Identity has a bit more of a modern twist - I've seen games with more robust gameplay in the free sections of games, but none quite in the same setting as Identity, which is what makes Identity unique.

  3. On 5/22/2018 at 11:38 PM, Abrahim said:

    I explain my character will be called "abraham crouger" abraham is a youg person but he hate the religious peoples and he want to killed thall because he suppose god have traitor him so he have try to talk with a preacher but it's done nothing he's still hate all that so one day he have take a gun and kill a preacher for pleasure and he have never stop this activity it's more clear ?


    I think players will have the opportunity to kill just about anyone, since there's lots of crime in this game, so probably for sure you could roleplay someone like that. And I think I saw somewhere that someone was going to be some sort of religious leader in the RP. So maybe you will get the opportunity to be that. (Interesting character, by the way)

  4. 13 hours ago, Jason_Bourne said:

    Is it peaceful and quiet, because that would be a nice town lel... Is there a huge amount of people that live there?


    It's dead quiet in Winter, but the festivals come the rest of the months. Late Spring - Early Fall is semi-busy. I live right next to the "pickin' park" so I have to hear the music they play out there all the time. lol And most of it is not good. xD But other than tourists coming through, it's a small town.

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  5. Depends what you mean by violent? In this list in terms of "mix of subject matter + blood/gore" etc. probably Hatred. Overall in terms of pure subject matter where "ooh look blood and guts and gore!!!?!?!!?!?!" doesn't = "violence", probably the game Rule of Rose (this isn't counting the super obscure game's I play, like RPG Maker types games and such, because some of those are a bit more violent and disgusting subjects than RoR).

  6. When I think scam, I'm imagining a person/people deliberately baiting others into giving them free money without intent to deliver. It's more probable that this game keeps getting snagged by a couple of things to make it in danger of reaching a thing we indie devs call Development Hell.

    Firstly, people need to realize that this project is ambitious beyond belief even for a seasoned developer. These types of games typically require a studio hundreds if not more devs working full-time to get done as quickly as the player base is demanding. Secondly, the budget funds raised for the game are nowhere near enough to sustain a team working full-time on this project. Which means unless they dipped into their own pockets to fund or found another source of funds, this project would have probably tilted more on the side of a Passion Project (working on a game in spare time for free/for the love of game dev itself). Thirdly, especially in an indie studio where the team is on the smaller side, life stuff happening chisels out dev times harder than in a team where there's plenty of people to cover if one or more people are out of commission for awhile.

    So my fear and hesitation for this game isn't so much that I think it is a scam (I personally do not believe it is - from a fellow indie game dev POV), but that it is a project that is highly susceptible to fall indefinitely into Development Hell at some point. Especially in the long run of things. MMO's are a pain to maintain and keep content fresh and updated. It's a neverending developed game, unlike offline games. ^^;;

    The only problem I have so far with this game (other than the extreme Dev Hell risk) is that there needs to be a touch more understanding on management: How to market/maintain their backer interest, prioritizing certain things, etc. for example the lack of communication by way of making gameplay videos and "pledge package" details, etc. NDA-type stuff is mandatory for large companies that fund their own games. It shouldn't be so hard to find organized pockets of info and gameplay videos and all that for a game that is crowdfunded. A.K.A. you can't create a crowdfund game and treat the marketing the same way a AAA-title game company will. I mean you CAN, but it's not really a nice thing to do. xD

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  7. 1: I am of course excited about this game's concept. It supposedly plays like a 'lite' and modern version that Chronicles of Elyria will (another game I'm excited for that is much more extensive than this, but has more a "light fantasy" setting)

    2: I will probably be in some sort of entertainment "career" like singer/artist/writer, or all three. I may take up some detective/forensics work too. And maybe another character to test out the crime stuff?

    3. More gameplay footage is ideal. It's hard to know if I want to buy into something without seeing more of it.

  8. Disappointed about a release? Never. I think it'd be cool to sit in and watch first hand the development take place. u wu And I usually play off and on with alpha/beta stuff and save my hardcore playing for final releases. I plan to use the modules time to (maybe) make some new friends here! ^^