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Everything posted by ShiEksdee

  1. Town Square Module Estimated Release Date?

    The scariest thing is them saying the big part is done and it's just finishing touches, then me logging in to see those claiming to be "more in the know" saying they said there are still game breaking bugs being hammered out, which is in direct conflict to what was stated weeks earlier. So it's literally impossible to say just how close, or far, Town Square release is. So why is there a tracker again? ^^;;
  2. Redeemed my game key and game is not in my libary?

    Hello fellow game developer! *waves*
  3. Pretty much more or less siding with this. I don't think "lost ALL credibility" is accurate, but the blatant theft of art, toxic community with nobody handling it, and more has really put a dent on what this could have ultimately been. I'm still a fairly neutral stance, but, as a game developer myself.........I have to call it like it is even if I'm still HOPING it will turn around. You can be optimistic and still keep your head grounded in reality. I don't think people truly understand that. They're either like lambs to slaughter or are dryly cynical. > .<;;
  4. So by your own words they are not good developers, as they've given multiple ETA's already, and also missed every one of them...........
  5. I think it's time to say "Thank you" to the Team!

    I try to point that out (about certain individuals) but................I don't really think it's cared about in this forum overall. It goes on a whole lot. This community is just. Something. It's why I drop off after awhile. It sours the entire anticipation for this game because I'm thinking.......if this is going to be community run and THIS is the community I'll be playing with, I might as well not bother playing. I'm pretty sure many others feel the same way.
  6. I think it's time to say "Thank you" to the Team!

    Attacking someone's personal character is an exact example of someone having a weak character. XD;; Because if your own character was strong, you wouldn't feel the need to attack others. But I digress! Many of the people who have complaints have legitimate complaints backed up by evidence that warrants worry.
  7. I think it's time to say "Thank you" to the Team!

    The great community that attacks someone's personal character in the exact same post! Yeah, that sounds great! > .>;;;
  8. DDoSers are such no lifers sometimes. Like why would anyone care if people want to play a game or visit a game site...............It's beyond me. < .<;;
  9. Where do you all stand. Pt. 2

    Hello fellow game developer. Just saying hi because I like chatting up game developers.
  10. Where do you all stand. Pt. 2

    50% and dwindling. That last bit of deception there really put a dent in my enthusiasm for the game.
  11. What do you guys thin - is it cool...

    It IS wrong actually. I don't have to read up on it. I'm a concept artist myself. I work in game development. And if they find something and it's true then nah it doesn't really matter. Facts are facts.
  12. What do you guys thin - is it cool...

    Aaaaand why would this matter? The claim is obviously true, no matter how OP found out.
  13. Scam

    Is this sarcasm, or?
  14. Scam

    Um no, that's not how concept art works...........a mood board, sure, but that is not concept art, not by any definition. You didn't conceptualize that piece. (I'm just saiyan) I don't think it's right to maintain that it is a concept of the team when it clearly is not. Can't change minds, but...............
  15. I know the funding failed. I've been in contact with them (I was also a backer) and also discussing the path to funding for the game. They have intelligent discussions with their fanbase. Open communication is everything in crowdfunded development.
  16. Scam

    Not just that, but laziness is a red flag in and of itself. If they're too lazy to make their own conceptual art, then.................?
  17. Project Oasis devs are actually really nice and open and communicate to the fanbase. I haven't had a chance to talk to the devs of the others, but Project Oasis is probably my go-to for now, because of its unique simulation elements, which pools more gameplay into the game itself.
  18. Scam

    Nah I'm pretty sure it's wrong to pass something not of your creation as your creation.
  19. Scam

    No. Something tells me that is not alright..........if they're passing it off as their own conceptual art when it's only some minor Photoshop and filters.
  20. What do you guys thin - is it cool...

    Yikes...................Is it legal to photoshop actual places and claim it's concept art? Just wondering.
  21. Identity competition? Nine to Five

    Sounds a bit more in-depth than Identity tbh, and more developmentally sound. I hope if they reach their monetary goal that all of it is put to good use! (I'm following quite a bit of projects similar to Identity, so thanks for sharing this one!)
  22. Renting out apartments.

    I seriously hope they won't allow this. THEN it would veer into Pay-To-Win territory.
  23. Opinions.

    The funniest thing to me is watching people support every decision of these devs and yet claim to the other side they "don't know how game development works" which IF they knew how game development worked, they'd clearly see the problems happening there. If any of them are in game dev business they need to find another job, stat. I'm in the middle by the way. I just hate seeing people toss "game development!" as an excuse for what's going on here, when there's no excuse at all. The devs said they'd remedy the problems, so for me it's a waiting game to see if they keep to their word. <3
  24. Dev Blog #020 - Ramping up

    Thanks for the updates and yes, I think we'll benefit from meatier, more concise and frequent updates.
  25. Pets

    I'm glad they'll be different in-game........I don't want any of the breeds offered on the shop. ^^;; I wonder, are we able to breed pets in-game? It'd be cool if, even eventually, we had an extensive pets system where we can breed and sell pets.