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Posts posted by Jason_Bourne

  1. 5 minutes ago, connor77saint said:

    ik lol i was just saying as in "rent" im going to steal it ahahaha


    Yea, I knew that and I was trying to say that there would be a system in place based on trust and reliability and money in order to rent such cars if we ever get them.

  2. MATE, this is the greatest car customization game ever apart from, of course, pimp your ride and those lit flash games on websites. Also, yea I've been playing with 3d tuning for over a couple of years on the iPad but never realized it was on computer. Will update with some of my creations

  3. 2 hours ago, connor77saint said:

    I will "rent" your ferrari 


    If we ever get to the point of having a "ferrari" or supercar, then there will be a harder process of renting it and it will be more based on trust and how much you've used our service prior. Maybe we might set up a gold membership with luxury cars and others or something like that.

  4. 10 hours ago, zackyboy18 said:

    hey guys just looking for some advice and feedback on this trailer we have made 
    any opinions advice or feedback will be greatly aprreicated 



    Why are so many people trying to remake Identity lol ... legit there are parts in this video that are from the town square dev stream xD like the road ending with those yellow dustbins and the stores and the character customization a little. 

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  5. 17 hours ago, Tre said:

    Where do u ground team speak or discord?


    I think you mean download, and too download it just search Discord or Teamspeak in your web browser and download them from their corresponding websites.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Frostybeans said:

    ya.... spring of last year XD, go through all the posts from last year about people asking " is it soon" because they kept leading us on with it will be out very soon. this has been a very long cock tease for alot of people.


    Ah, my bad...but I mean now he have like 80% of town square done and a running versions so..

  7. Still Hiring! Look above for positions. 

    Also, please join the discord whether you want to apply or are a business or organization general. The link is in the forum post

    Also, Looking For Dedicated Investors! Please message me or join the discord and add me there (preferable) for more info or if you have any questions.

  8. 25 minutes ago, Rauxa9 said:

    if I remeber correctly, we would be able to create artworks. if that's true then if make and sell art to peeps on the side of retail


    I'll buy your works if it's simple and minimialistic 

  9. Just now, ECorp said:

    This year? Are you trolling mate?
    Now lets just be clear here am only repeating what the devs said.
    Now maybe there is a reason the tracker is not updated they stated they had issues with it before.

    Only thing is they can just drop a line telling us way.
    Its the same story everytime we (the community) start to speculate, we start to argue and Asylum stays silent.
    So way not just ask them like done here and HOPE for a reply?

    Thats all we relay can do here because we rarely get a answer, but am stile going to ask.
    I honestly don`t see the problem with that.


    Town Square? Yea xD sure it's coming out this year. You're crazy if you don't think it is lol because their estimated release date was this spring so try to be logical and see the tracker and the stream.

    I mean, yea relay it, but be calm about it and don't attack them and create false rumors or exaggerations about them, because that's just rude. You saw how much work they put into ts on the stream, and they are doing their best to role it out.

  10. 52 minutes ago, ECorp said:

    IF that is the case then they are straight up lying.
    They said give us time and we will update tracker every weekday.
    And we will release the Town Square module when its finished.

    If that is the case they just lost all credibility again we should defensively see a update today.
    Or they think that now that we have seen Town Square they can just chill for another 3 years?

    @Beach_Ball, @Paratus, @Motown ?

    Whats going on with the tracker?


    Honestly dude, chill. This isn't your life, but theirs and you don't get to control their lives. Their hard work and energy have been poured into it and so they decide when they want to update it and when they are working. Also, it's not going to take 3 years because they need to make a living and 3 years of nothing won't help them much. For me, the estimate game release is this summer ( june - aug ) so just calm down mate

  11. Welcome to the community! Tbh, was going to help you with your English when I first saw the post then I realize your an English teacher xD. Amazing! I love to see Americans going to other parts of the world not just for vacation. You learn a lot about other people's culture and their living standards compare to yours. Anyway, have fun and your graphic design work might come in need for those starting a company or criminal family.

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  12. 4 hours ago, Micky_Tohmpson said:

    WoW was one of the first games I played on the computer. I was addicted. I used a geography book as a pad and a sock for my wrist so it wouldn't hurt. Good times with my freind and his dad who put on over like 3 - 4 thousand hours. 


    Mate, same though xD I had all the time in the world when I was in elementary school and all I played were video games like WoW

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  13. 2 hours ago, SunDiego said:

    Well have fun playing as a civilian then. Youll get gunned down the second you leave your house. Dont believe me? Wait till the game is out and play.


    Have you ever heard of Identity? A MMO RPG. It's called rp and based on real life. So if you've heard of such a game, well this is what it is. This isn't some GTA 5 rip off kid. This is roleplaying to the max. If you even have the slightest thought of what you said, than you best be packing your bags, because this game isn't all gangs and killing.

    Also, on a side note, you best be watching your back as you made enemies with the Morettiand BDE and their allies. I'm part of the BDE and so you better heed your own advice. 

    • Like 3

  14. Welcome to the community! If you want to plan ahead so that you can get a job as a hard-working citizen or criminal, go to the Careers section. 

    P.S. I'm hiring and you can check out my post below for more information.

  15. On 5/20/2018 at 7:35 AM, Mikusiodaktyl said:

    If there will be players breaking the rules and going way too fast in their cars (and let's face it, there will be plenty) then police officers should have the option to turn into pursuit squad members with possibility of using high-powered vehicles, just like when there is a robbery in progress and they can turn into S.W.A.T. team members.The cars that should be avaliable for such squad members should be, imo: Dodge Charger, Ford Mustang GT, Chevrolet Camaro, Skyline R34, Toyota Supra, Audi R8 etc. All with police liveries, radio and sirens of course. Their task will be to spin the chased car out of the road and arrest the driver. Pistols with normal and rubber bullets and tazers should be avaliable for them.


    This isn't Need For Speed Hot Pursuit. This is a RP Game and that means it is realistic, not fake. Don't tell me that " well it's realistic because look at dubai" because I'm pretty sure the khalifa isnt in the game and its made from CANADIAN devs. So honestly no, cause their cars and tactics should outsmart or out gun the criminal

  16. 1 hour ago, Cstove said:

    Everyone’s not gonna be on one server, you need to realize that. And everyone who’s in a gang won’t all be on at the same time.


    Agreed, as well as there are gangs that might be unofficial and those 100+ groups will, as Cstove said, be spread across many servers. You shouldn't put a limit on someones expansion/growth. That would go against the definition of rp freedom for Identity. If you want to do something like this, make your own server