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Everything posted by TPlays

  1. Showing people around your pledged apartments?

    Cant wait to see how you design it!
  2. Showing people around your pledged apartments?

    I like how you said luxury apartments. Think about it It doesnt matter what kind of house you have you can renovate them all. I cant wait to see all the original renovation Ideas everyone is going to have!
  3. Who is still on for supporting this?

    @MikeBrand@TheDarkNoise @Rzgenesis@JCAR371 @karma52@Jarhead@Byron@Mordacar @Dancool000@Order@Dazerbake@Gometzler Boys thank you so much. This is why the game will survive. I cant wait to friend all of you in the game!!!
  4. DonĀ“t understand the devs ?!

    Honestly we have to understand that this happens a lot. But the reason why it is taking so long for the devs to fix it is because there isn't 100 devs like most games there are only a few. And i men somewhere around the ball park of 5 or 6 I believe. WE MUST NOT LOSE HOPE!!!!
  5. Task list photos | UPDATED DAILY!

    Im so happy to see that the community is still living and strong. We need people to be able to believe. Im super happy that this game has a growing community of lovers not haters. Can't wait!!
  6. Delay announced by Motown

    @ParatusWhat you did here was what you should be doin daily. Active with your fan base. I am a 100% supporter of the game. Please please please.... update us daily.

    Guys. I know there have been delays. I have been following this game forever. But I recently pledged. We have to work together as a fan base as a gathered people na work with the devs. ITs rare but if you have skills ask to help them out. They need all the help they can get. Together as a fan base we can make this game work we just can't give up and hate. Im still with you Asylum.
  8. I still have plenty of hope. This happens to a lot of devs that don't even get on the shelves. The fact that there are so many updates even after the delay means they care about the game. I like how they have the progress tracer now. But truly they should have had it since the beginning. But I love it now. I can see what they are working on. Truly what they need to do is make a lot more of their volunteer staff more dedicated devs. I still am happy for this game. I am still optimistic but don't let some delays ruin your hope!