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Everything posted by ECorp

  1. You are correct last time the question was asked by someone on stream. They stated that they did not think people whould understand anyways. (Yes i guess we are stupid.). Anyways they should be able to speak about the mechanics left for Town Square. That is just my opinion, and that ussely gets moderated\ hidden on here but heck.
  2. 15 Task's left!!

    Well they stile have several gameplay mechanics left. Meaning not started on, so it is impossible to plan for bugs before they are present. So yes expect bugs, but depending on the mechanics of course. Just saing be realistic for a moment and think about it.
  3. Hello Asylum ( @Paratus , @Motown , @Beach_Ball ) as "complicated" systems are done. Would you maybe want to talk about the remaining tasks? What is being worked on, what gameplay mechanics are left? Maybe some of the challanges overcome, and the ones that are left? Thank you!
  4. Well they don`t realy tell us what gameplay mechanics they have left. And with the enviorment being done you think they would be eager to show that off.? Just saying transparency not so much.
  5. 15 Task's left!!

    I think a more realistic to say end of June. But i do belive we should start to see some real content soon™. Gameplay is left and thats usely where the bugs pop up. So i think we should expect to see more bugs being added. I think it be a great thing if they talked a litle about the individual task remaining. It would sure help in setting our expectations and curiosity.
  6. So been wondering for a while. How will Identity deal with crime, robbery and murder? We know about the stress system, and how it works for straight up KOS. But how will mechanics deal with camping greafing and that type of gameplay? A lot of these games ends up with one reacquiring problem\ game loop. You grind some stuff, and get man handled by a serg of people while you are picking fruit or mining ore. I mean a regular Joe can go a entire life time with out getting mugged, attacked or kidnapped in real lfe. Will there be lets say guards (NPC) for lets say a querry or refinary? Identity is suposed to be realistic so how will Identity tackel this? Eventualy everyone will turn to a life of crime as you end up not wanting to do legal becuse of the time it takes and lower profit. With the risk of losing everything before cashing in anyways. This leaves the world scewed to a semi anarcy where no one gives a crap. Criminals should be a higher risk of getting murder while regular legal jobs should be safer. It be interesting to see how Identity will deal with this side of a game like this. If legal jobs become unattractive it will effect everything from crafting and economy to the mentalety of players on the server. Any toughs? Cheers!!
  7. Weekly Hopes #3

    Please stop spamming the forum.
  8. You'd think that we'd see more gameplay

    You mean 3 days right...?
  9. You'd think that we'd see more gameplay

    What did they show more props or renders?
  10. You'd think that we'd see more gameplay

    @Beach_Ball @Paratus @Motown This is the stuff you should reply to..... [Lets see if this gets moderater approved]
  11. Programming and Bugs Please Tell

    I agree with OP, not hard to say we are working on the system for something. Rightnow that something is doing that when it should be doing that. Or its not doing that and are working to fix it like so. Not hard at all as a programmer and game developer i know not hard to explain some gameplay mechanics\ systems. And what they are for.
  12. Programming and Bugs Please Tell

    Of course it matters. Especially after the delays.
  13. Task list photos | UPDATED DAILY!

    As my philosophy is give credit when credit is due. Its good to see Asylum answering questions like this. It removes any uncertenty and rumor brewing thanks for the answer.
  14. Thank you Community!!

    Remember its called E Beer you will be up and partying all night!
  15. Task Tracker Not Updated?

    Its updated now. Not much happening tough.
  16. Over reacting much?

    Yes i don`t understand way Asylum can`t do that? @Paratus , @Motown , @Beach_Ball ?
  17. Over reacting much?

    Sounds familiar what game this did this and turned around from almost dead? Thats right Facepalm, (Rust) alpha they got a lot of hate since they where so small team. They posted a weekly update from all the developers in the office. Showing what was being worked on, sometimes only written about if early. It helped a lot and that game is stile going strong in some circles. I remember a interview with Newman a long time ago. Stating that this is what saved them, Asylum has been told the same thing. But for some resson they refuse to do so, dont expect them changing now.
  18. Task list photos | UPDATED DAILY!

    Thanks for this, this is awesome. Props to OP as well the more people keeping track the better. Cheers guys you are doing a community service keep up the great work! Thank you!
  19. Yes i did but i was told it be available in 2017.
  20. Only a few more day

    Well you guys have lost my trust and respect, and i do not belive a word you say. PROVE IT OR GTFO!
  21. Mein Traum (TTP)

    A open letter to "The Totalitarian Party" (TTP) We like what you are trying to do here, but this government type leaves a bad taste in our mouth for some od resson. Something dose not sit well with us and ECorp will not be endorsing the TTP at this time. Futhermore ECorp is for a free and open market. And in your statement for healthcare, military, major transport or anything in the core fundamental aspects and industries of society, ECorp is of the opinion that with this goverment the wealth and power, will lie with the few Elite`s and not with the people. History shows that a totalitarian regime is unsustainable for a longer period of time and always leads to war prosecution and more bloodshed. Futhermore we implore the people of this great nation to stand above a totalitarian regime that will infringe on our rights to seek happiness, prosperity and the persut of wealth. We at ECorp will always strive for equality, fairness and opportunity for all. We will leave you at that, with the best of luck and a dier warning. (ECorp will deploy its private military branch to defend these rights and the people of this great nation. Acording with the laws of the land, and the consent of the people.) Best Regards ECorp Your company, your friend, your future. No statement in this thread can at any time construed as ECorp ever would have anything to do with any illegal action. There can be no legal grounds for suspicion or guilt for this sole purpose. Anything read between the lines is the sole views perceived, even if they are true. - ECorp Legal Firm -
  22. Only a few more day

    @POLYGAMER96 : I think that we are all a bit on edge am not negative am critical witch should be a good thing. The facts are the facts and everything would calm down if they just address the community they ignore them in stream and on forums. They hint at delay in last stream and fall trough on promises, at some point its not ok anymore. @PRESTON_BODHI_343 : You nailed my point! @HARRY1 : Yes we are all rooting for them and this game, they just need to throw this community a bone.
  23. Only a few more day

    Way can they not just give a reply to the community? It shows total disregard for there community, lack of respect and it is unprofessional at best. @Beach_Ball, @Motown, @Paratus In my humble opinion its time for you guys to address your community\ costumers. I assume you will be taking the weekend off so where is the promised trailer and website? That WAS promised BEFORE 23rd? Thank you!
  24. Only a few more day

    Yes we where talking at work today as well. We are 12 including me and we all will be refunding if its delays only for a day. after 3 years we are losing faith in Asylum.