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Everything posted by ECorp

  1. Its not the same at all, one scenario you are guarantied to see what they want to show and ask questions after. The other they may not have time to show everything they planed and you don`t get to ask questions after, And btw I am calm way wouldn't i be?
  2. They did not start on the last task ether witch is a bit worrying. Did they lose a programmer?
  3. Career Poll

    I think the more intresting parts are the jobs players will create them self. I just hope they have systes in place for it. Like Chronicles of Elyria have contracts.
  4. The key word here is Pre-Alpha and no there are technical constraints. When creating a huge dynamic world, check out the lates news for UE 4. Photo realistic game graphics (like you see in chinematic renders and CGI) are not that far off. But not here yet.
  5. Take a look at, keeping in mind that is pre-alpha. And no on Arch Wiz style, MAYBE when Real Time Ray Traces hit UE 4 in 4.22
  6. When is the stream today (29 may)?

    Streams are Tuesday and Thursday 4PM EST Time convertion for you.
  7. No one has talked about that am just saying i have noticed a attitude change. On how Asylum engage there community and the manner in how they do it. (Just take a look at e.g.: Jade in Discord a couple of weeks ago banning\ kicking anyone that was criticizing them for delay.) The tone is more hostile\ aggressive, that is my experience\ opinion. And it is to a extent understandable with all the hate they are getting, i think Tuesday (29th May 2018) will be a turning point.
  8. Not at all i was speaking about Asylum general attitude towards the community not directly about you. As i feel its been a changing in atmosphere and openness these last couple of months. A change in the modus operandi sorta speak.
  9. Its obvious is it not they are tired, frustrated and angry. Throw that on top of the usual stress, hard work and forwards and backwards. And you get a person how will rather avoid the situation or become confrontational and\or abusive. Its been quite clear the mods and dev`s have been more and more aggressive and hostile to questions and there community. And you can clearly hear there angrer and frustration in there voice when asked about stuff they don`t want to talk about.
  10. When will this game fully release (poll)?

    How knows lets see what they show us on Tuesday.
  11. Optimization

    The only tattos i want is the ones i will get doing hard time in prison. Hey am already in prison on here lol.
  12. I think that they should drop the regular rens and repeate stream. I think its relay backwards to limit your time to 15 minutes. Stuff can happen things can break witch is fine. But you should then plan for it. Lets say a problem with recording or stream, client or what ever. And you are left out of time? Futher more as the stream ends people will have questions. It makes more sense IMHO to do showcase first and then the community can ask some new questions. Cheers!
  13. Current plan for the next stream (May 29th)

    Hello @Beach_Ballits nice to see you are listening to the community. And i think i speak for everyone when i say we are excited. But just a suggestion is it not a bit backwards to do the gameplay last? I think you guys should do Town Square first, removes the time constraint if something is not working e.g: stream\ recording software\ loading so 4th. And that way we can ask questions about something new and not sit there with the rens and repeat stream for 45 minutes. I think that be much better approach you know questions going to fly when we see what is. Cheers!
  14. Same here i also hope they show of some interactions in the Town Square. But that may be one of the elements they are stile working on. It will be exciting, I just hope they keep there promises this time.
  15. Tuesday stream is the day they said in stream they WILL show something on Tuesday. This is long awaited and so needed. What do you think they will show us?
  16. Social Area instead of bloodbath?

    Welcome to Baltimore!
  17. Will Town Square be released if Website is not ready? Or rather if the TS is done before your issues with the payment provider is resolved. Will it be released regardless? Thanks.
  18. Belive me its a good thing that no one can rob your home, and safe zone. If you don`t have these restrictions, you have limited time progression as someone breaks in and steal all the new guns you crafted. When every other day you get a home invader its going to get old fast. Also remember this is a RPG if you don`t have areas where players can chill out and sosolice. You are left with GTA Online chaos and no one wants that.
  19. Task list photos | UPDATED DAILY!

    OP keeps track of progress and adds a nice summery as well. This allows us as a community to keep up with whats happening. With out the need to remember the numbers from yesterday. Its a great community service they OP and others in this thread are doing. They deserv thanks if you don`t find it usefull then you don`t have to read it.
  20. Credit is due.

    So give credit where credit is due. I think we as a community should recognize the progress that is being made. We can see that the tasks updated 2 hours ago that disregarding the 1 gameplay task. All tasks left are now In-Progress depending on the game bug extent. And new bugs that can show up development things are finaly looking up. And i think we should expect the last gameplay task being started on soon ™. I stile think that they could show us some more content e.g: Environment (as it is complete). But at least now we can see the end of the tunnel. Last throw your voice in if you want to see a fly trough of Town Square?.
  21. You'd think that we'd see more gameplay

    Well said you would think that atleast they do a fly trough of the Town Square. Seeing as it is done and all, if first impresion is the worry's, they should have no issues showing of complete content. It would do so much for moral and community sentiment. To me at least it realy seems like they have no wish to show it to us.
  22. Task list photos | UPDATED DAILY!

    Its imposible to finish 1 programing task a day. That is just not realistic, console yourself with the fact that backend is done. And gameplay in my experience is more bugs initially but easier and faster to finish then backend systems. I have some hope now, only thing its concerning they don`t show the stuff that is finished. Like the Town Square environment, it says its done, way not show it?
  23. Module Wipe

    Unfortunetly there are no money to be made, and no jobs. Its a socialist dream up in there, everything is free! Apartments included, there will be no jobs before all 3 moduls are done a.k.a Beta. They stated that there will be a wipe before release so everyone can start on a equal footing.