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Everything posted by lamona

  1. Well, the day is almost here.

    Anybody who thinks that Town Square has RP potential is only setting themselves up for dismal disappointment. Compared to what Identity is meant to be, TS is extremely slight. Make no mistake that, despite the delays, this is still very much just a very small "taste".
  2. You'd think that we'd see more gameplay

    If you are suggesting people stop voicing their concerns about it, that isn't going to happen, and for good reason. Records of things like false info/miscommunication is important so expectations can be tempered accordingly, and people actually have a clear idea how the project is going from the perspective of somebody who has invested. We have absolutely no obligation to be their marketing team; we did not pay money to work for them beyond being beta testers. Clearly, Scorn is less concerned with its playerbase and is plagued with its own problems (2 months without an update is the first thing I saw). This project is clearly better off than that. And more communication is good. However, they just need to work on keeping to their word so the community isn't strung along and disappointed. Good thing that's not what people like myself are doing? Don't lump critics together with hyperbolic "SKEMMERS" people lol.
  3. You'd think that we'd see more gameplay

    And if not, well, there's a couple of things. People will rightfully be annoyed that the carrot at the end of the string was tugged away again. Two release dates fell through and we haven't seen footage yet. This gameplay footage is undoubtedly going to sway a lot of the more worried fans. Personally, I would mainly be concerned at this point if a small amount of gameplay footage is too difficult. MoTown said himself that it would be shown "regardless of state", which is comforting, but we know well he doesn't have final word on that. That would have to include not being entitled to shutting down people's arguments because you donated more money. I do agree with you on this with Kickstarter in mind where the ominous "it could never happen and that's too bad" comes into play. Hopefully it doesn't come to that though. We'll see how things are coming along on Tuesday.
  4. You'd think that we'd see more gameplay

    You simultaneously say that it depends on the gamers and then insist the gamers -- who are literally the investors in this case -- aren't entitled to anything. Sorry, but you're not the arbiter of #truegamers or how they should behave, haha. Fortunately we're going to be seeing actual TS gameplay on Tuesday, which I'm sure you'll understand is eagerly anticipated by both the optimists and pessimists.
  5. Programming and Bugs Please Tell

    Sure, just like we saw last month that it was being delayed again, despite the more positive side of the fanbase insisting that couldn't possibly happen. Always glad to be proven wrong on things like this, because if this does actually turn out to be "quite minor" then we'll be in TS by the end of May. Like you said, we'll see. Just don't be surprised if it doesn't arrive.
  6. Programming and Bugs Please Tell

    Some more transparency would be nice. Being left in the dark on half of this development tracker is a step back into not really knowing what's going on. But I mean, it should be dawning on people by now that it is not coming in May, lol.
  7. Cool, but ETA?

    There is no official ETA -- any ETAs you see floating around are purely speculative based on limited information. Their way of dealing with missed deadlines was to remove deadlines altogether, so I wouldn't hold my breath for another date, nor would I expect anything in the next month at the very least.
  8. Task Tracker Not Updated?

    The blog regarding the delay and tracker explicitly said "It will be updated each and every day." There's a better way this could have been said if it wasn't supposed to include weekends. But eh, I just have to go back to my original position on it: this tracker isn't going to give you a good indication when it's done or even what's going on, and you're setting yourself up for disappointment if you treat it that way.
  9. To Be Honest.....

    There's a few things that make me concerned, even moving past the nonevent release dates. In the March 3 dev blog, they cited needing to "reinforce [their] server structure and do more internal playtesting" as the main reason for the first delay. That's quite a few steps beyond design/art problems. This is compounded with a developer insisting it wasn't the art stuff holding things up a mere day before the delay. Perhaps the dev backer with retroactively prove to be good transparency, it's hard to say at this point (89% was looking pretty tasty...) I understand the exponential nature of game design, but the lack of in-game media since March, including the trailer, is a little disconcerting. We're hearing a lot about the new website coming together, but what of the signs of progress that the module itself is supposed to be? It isn't entitled to want people to keep to their word, or to become frustrated/disillusioned when that trust is repeatedly tested.
  10. More or less what I started to worry about when we were getting closer to release -- what is there to actually do? It would be fine if it was still just a taste as the full game speeds along, but the expectations being loaded onto it have grown and grown because of the lengthy wait. If the Town Square was a totally separate release, it would draw a different audience than the people who backed it. That is to say, a social module with free customisation is very casual, while something designed around encouraging roleplaying (Identity proper) is geared towards people who become much more immersed in games.
  11. will identity be out may 21st?

    Anybody who thinks the removal of a release date and inclusion of an intentionally vague tracker are signs of good progress are doing some pretty serious mental gymnastics at this point. The numbers moving up different increments should not be sending you into a frenzy lol, if it were a month away they would have said. Also, even just from a statistical standpoint, calculating a date with the info we have is misguided at best.
  12. They've crossed the Rubicon for me, so to speak. To not only delay it a second time, but doing it at the last minute and scrapping a release date with a resigned "what more do you want?!" shows a complete disregard. Baseless positivity hasn't worked so far. Why do people think it's going to be different now they're not even giving us a date? lol
  13. New (vague) tracker. What does this mean?

    It's a delay. Instead of releasing another date, they've put up a tracker with no estimated times/dates. So it's up in the air.
  14. Disappointment and A Vague Tracker

    Anybody who thinks they're going to be able to make any serious calculations based on how it moves is only setting themselves for further disappointment. If a release date wasn't a reliable indicator, making assumptions based on very limited information is guaranteed to leave you empty-handed. Nothing about this suggests it's a time to be madly refreshing the page to see a big update coming around the corner. It isn't there.
  15. Only a few more day

    Like I've always said, I wanted to be proven wrong by the end of all this, but I ended up being proven right: I would say I told you so if I wasn't so annoyed.
  16. Delay announced by Motown

    The module is simultaneously an alpha and a very small (incomplete) portion of the actual game. What people are getting at is there's all this talk about polishing and making it 100%, but it's well understood to be a very early look into the game, something that's supposed to ensure us that they're actually doing something. It is well understood that the game will still be in development and subject to massive changes. It's naive to think that they're going to achieve something that's 100% by any reasonable stretch of the imagination, especially for a module. The problem is we still haven't seen anything that suggests they've actually got a game. April 23rd was a moment of truth, and it's been a pretty damning blow -- I cannot depend on anything these people say. It's so unfortunate that what could have been an exciting weekend for the community has turned out to be another disappointment.
  17. Delay announced by Motown

    Going from a date back to a progress bar is clearly regressive. Dealing with missed deadlines by dropping the deadlines isn't transparent, it's more obtuse than giving another date. I knew it would be delayed, but I had my doubts it would actually be quite this bad.
  18. Only a few more day

    It's surreal to think this is supposed to be "open and transparent" when it's been anything but. It's been so drawn out, and once again it seems the light at the end of the tunnel has dimmed to nothing.
  19. 5 days ..

    Remember this bit from March's dev blog? According to that, they were very much just fixing out final issues and had something playable. In that case, what's the hold up with a trailer, or at the very least media from inside the game? Considering it was the last stream before release date, I was expecting some kind of meaningful update on the state of things. Seeing more assets get put together, something which is very far away from "server structure and more internal playtesting", is too little too late at this point; we need to see an actual game.
  20. New Screenshots (UPDATED)

    Second this. If they were even remotely serious about April 23, there must be some more meaningful still images than bank notes that won't even be in module one.
  21. 5 days ..

    Put it this way: if the new video, website AND module all come out in the next week, we're talking about an incredible, unprecedented turnaround in delivering on promises. But their latest post on social media suggests nothing but more of the same -- another render that won't even be in the module because there's no currency. If they were ready for April 23rd, surely they would finally be sharing at least in-engine screenshots? If it's not in a state where they can do THAT, the date is truly a pipe dream.
  22. Haha well, in that case, I would strongly suggest having a Plan B lined up.
  23. In short, they're not hitting deadlines, and there is little to suggest April 23 is a sure thing. We're less than a week away from the release, and there's no sign of new media, a trailer or the updated website. The time to sort of just "hope" that there's something really cool just around the corner fizzled out about a year ago when people were wondering if this exact same module was gonna come out. To give you an idea of timing, if you pledged during Kickstarter, you were told to expect a feature-complete beta in 2017. We're in 2018, and all we have a timeline on is a chunk of the alpha. So yeah, definitely don't be taking time off work or something for this, imo.
  24. In Dev Blog #015 we were told to expect more media including a trailer. As far as media goes, all we've seen is a screenshot of the character creator, and random assets that aren't in an environment. It's been no different to any other month in this regard as far as signs of actual progress. There's no sign of the trailer (don't forget the lead-up to the last video). In the following blog, there's not a single reference to the date/month, instead referring to a currently nonexistent tracker that's purportedly supposed to show us "exactly where [their] development stands in regards to each milestone, such as the Town Square release." It would be a disaster to push it back to another date. I'm concerned they're going to scrap the release date altogether, and relegate it to the tracker; returning it comfortably back into the realm of "soon". Hopefully not, and this will turn out to just be the beginning of a very busy week leading up to the actual release of module one, which is what we all want! We'll see.
  25. It's concerning because we were just told we were going to get a new tracker on the upcoming website, which would come before the module release. There's no sign of that, or a trailer, or any media beyond bathtub assets. Perhaps it'll just be a very busy week leading up to it, we'll see.