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  1. Hello from Texas

    I'm in the same boat been waiting since the beginning with constant let downs. They said over a month ago after the March release was delayed that it was defo only a short delay which made you think a week or 2 and here we are nearly 5 weeks later and not much has changed. Still I'm hopeful.
  2. Only a few more day

    How about to actually come up with a date that is actually doable this time by your staff and your own expectations. Whats the point in saying one thing and doing another that's just like one of those Classic shit dad promises ?
  3. Only a few more day

    ECORP!! I now believe!!! Im with you!!!! Fight the Power!!
  4. Only a few more day OMG OMG OMG!! EEEEEEEEEEE
  5. Lucky did you catch the Stream with Jade and that chap last night about time Square, sounds exciting!! Not long now.
  6. Morning! Yeah there is. I believe its and hour of real time for a night time cycle and 4 hours of real time for a day time cycle.
  7. *Nervous Laugh* There's plenty of Arma3 Scenarios still left to play, Just started Black Mesa too which is amazing. Anybody got any other game recommendations for me?
  8. Already booked Monday and Tuesday off work lol! Staying positive!! ~ Daily LOUD Identity Countdown Announcement across my office full of people that don't give a shit!.........CHECK!!
  9. I did it

    I started at $15 then read about Beta and whacked down another $15 stat!! That will do for time being considering you start the game with 1K in-game money, i didn't wanna start to high up the success ladder so as to get a better sense of achievement from the effort i put into the game.
  10. I did it

  11. I'm staying hopeful - even booked 23rd & 24th off work!! Gonna be a long ass week still!!
  12. I believe you need the $30 level pledge to have access on the Beta on the 23rd.
  13. New Screenshots (UPDATED)

    Seriously Cannot!!! Every morning i check the countdown timer and announce it LOUDLY to the rest of the office.