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Everything posted by Atmosphere

  1. Identity Beta, what do you think so far?

    How do you mean??
  2. Arma III difficulty for a newcomer

    I suggest playing either KOTH or Life servers to get the hang of the controls due to it being a lot easier to respawn if you were to die. Main tips : Shift + WASD = sprinting. Press W+A to toggle walking or jogging. Hold Alt or double tap Alt = free look, you can look around with the cam without having your entire body move with you. V to vault over things, some servers make you jump, some won't. Double press Control to either lower your weapon, or raise it. Having less items in your inventory means you can run for a longer time. These are my main tips. Goodluck.
  3. What Computer Specifications Are The Lowest?

    Most certainly not with those specs, unfortunately. You'll have to upgrade, any budget?
  4. What Computer Specifications Are The Lowest?

    770s should be able to handle it. Which CPU do you have? Doubt you can play on high settings in full servers though
  5. Rpg? Consequences for actions

    I assume the cops will take your firearms license, send you to jail, and probably can't buy gun licenses for a while ( 3 in-game days ) or something.
  6. apocalypse

    Ah I see what you're trying to pull off, you're pretending to be trolling so people wouldn't think less of you due to your stupidity in your posts this thread. Nice try!
  7. apocalypse

    Oh I'm not raging or mad at all, I just pointed out the facts. Perceive it however you want.
  8. How will everything be managed?

    It will be depending on the server and their own set of rules, because, not every server will be a life server. There will be a few Battle Royal / survival types of servers and such. Whitelisting is enabled for community servers, it's up to them whether they want to use it though.
  9. apocalypse

    No it doesn't make me more stupid at all, in-fact, it makes you even more stupid for thinking so. Not everyone browses 9Gag on a daily basis and makes shitty "dank meme's" every day because they have no rational responses to actual conversations. Just because I don't understand your lack of proper English and misused "meme's" doesn't mean that I'm stupid. It means that you can't even properly converse as a human being. That "meme" meant to say that it pleases you that I didn't call you names, I assume. So how is that a "troll" or a proper "meme"? That's like me calling you stupid for not knowing the name for every painting made by artists in 1782.
  10. apocalypse

    I really don't understand your gags and meme's.
  11. apocalypse

    holy shit. If this was anyone else I'd assume they're trolling. Though, somehow, I wholeheartedly believe you.
  12. apocalypse

    Did.. You even read what I posted? See this is why I called you stupid, stupid.
  13. apocalypse

    That is because this time you actually gave an argument, instead of irrelevant posts. I don't just call people idiots or morons and such because I disagree with their point of view, I'm actually very open-minded.
  14. apocalypse

    again, zombies are NOT supposed to be realistic. Arguing about realism for fictional beings is like arguing about magic. It's not supposed to be realistic, or even reflect reality. It's supposed to give you a thrill and scare you, and make it more enjoyable that way. Do you know how boring literally every game/movie/comic/anime/anything would be if the monsters/creatures would've been realistic? Like any superhero movie for example, They try to make everything so realistic, that it entirely removes the Comic feel to it. What would be fun about zombies that would walk way too slowly or just decay before even reaching you. You'd have no worries and the thrill/fear is entirely gone.
  15. Unreal Engine 4 - Graphics

    I think the characters will be more developed, but I'm assuming that the outer world wouldn't change much from what it already is. ( skip to anywhere beyond 1:35)
  16. apocalypse

    No, that's not it. I understand that you don't like zombies. Which is completely fine. What I don't understand is, why you don't want zombies in the game for other people that DO like zombies. This game doesn't revolve around you and only you, enough people want zombies in this game. But let me guess, you never thought of someone else's opinion because you're too fixated on your own good and enjoyment.
  17. apocalypse

    @Kickapoo I appreciate that yo, nice to have someone with a similar mindset here.
  18. apocalypse

    I'm far from upset, you probably had no argument so you're pretending that I'm being sad about this? Haha. Silly you.
  19. apocalypse

    1) I called you stupid after you repeatedly posted irrelevant things while trying to argue the point of zombies. 2) You actually did call me retarded, however an admin deleted that post including most of our posts in this thread.
  20. apocalypse

    I just speak without a filter, it's not my fault he was being ignorant. I just call it like it is. I don't call anyone stupid without there actually being a reason for it. Please tell me how any of his arguments were either, relevant or valid responses. Stop trying to be the hero.
  21. apocalypse

    I'm not starting anything, you're just way too easily offended and assume that I'm trying to start fights. I give proper arguments and decided not to back down, and I have no filter. Stop being such a social justice warrior and grow some thick skin. If you're offended that easily, the internet isn't a good place for you.
  22. apocalypse

    Well if you like them, why are you arguing about them? No one cares about decay and such. People just want zombies in the game that look like zombies, they don't expect their skin to fall off, slowly rot their body over time etc. We just want a survival content with some standard zombies. Due to Identity being so realistic and daek nights being really dark it will be alot more thrilling than other games that have zombies.
  23. A problem with Identity

    That's true. I'm probably just being a pessimist. Hope it's going to be great.
  24. apocalypse

    Who ever said players would be zombies? I meant zombie Ai, which you kill, because it's a survival server. No one said anything about people role-playing as zombies.
  25. apocalypse

    So zombies are unrealistic but living a fake life on a video-game is realistic? Guess what genius, zombies are NOT supposed to be realistic, they're supposed to give you a thrill when watching movies or playing games, not make you doubt reality. You literally said that you didn't want zombies in the game because it'll become a "griefer game" or w/e the hell that even means, but now you claim that you're not against them? Then why the hell did you even bother arguing? Stop contradicting yourself. Zombies will be added either way, however it would only make things easier if Developers did it. Literally no negative things about this.