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  1. Please tell me those aren't the final animations...

    Animations are garbage, literally OSRS has better animations
  2. What are you looking forward to the most?

    The release of this game. Lol.
  3. Just ideas

    Just trying to help you (in a very pessimistic way). All the people here with all these expectations are going to let down, a lot. I don't want that to happen. I guess you could call it tough love.
  4. Just ideas

    Again, those are "common sense". those "suggestions" OP made aren't ideas and such aren't counted.
  5. Just ideas

    It's hard to find here, but I'll let you in on a secret. It's called "Common sense".
  6. Just ideas

    I swear, it's like everybody here lives in a fantasy world. You're expecting way, way too much from this game. literally none of what you said besides your first "Idea" is going to happen.
  7. How does jailtime work?

    I'm quite sure you're not capable of reading properly. I clearly stated that there was a lot of RP with 45 min jailtime. You literally make up statements for me so you can counter them with unlogical shit. I've never seen someone lose counter arguing themselves, that's just pathetic. If the prison time is over an hour and a half, that particular server will 100% fail after a max of 6 months. "Limitation of arma 3 mods" you do realise Asylum doesn't even use mods, right? Wait of course you don't, all you do is talk out of your ass because you're too stupid to have common sense. I also never use guns in arma, so you're completely wrong on that aspect of me being "pew pew die", there goes your miserable attempt at trying to be the psychologist. Maybe instead of being one of those people that thinks they're so smart without knowing anything, try actually researching the game and you might not come off like a moron.
  8. Painfully Waiting....

  9. Project RP

    Identity will have just as many kids.
  10. Real roleplayers

    It's all going to be depending on the server. Some servers are going to be hardcore and not allow too much trolling, but most servers most likely will allow it, due to trolling being a big grey area. In my opinion, trolling should never be a bannable offence.
  11. Name

    In-game name.
  12. How does jailtime work?

    It's like you completely ignored my post, and made the most moronic post you could think of. I literally did just that. See that's where you're already going wrong, you're assuming that just because the prison time will be shorter than 1 hour, everyone will be shooting eachother within 5 minutes of timespan. That just shows how stupid your argument is. The Arma servers have 45 minutes prison time, and I guarantee you, you'll die about once an hour or two (depending on what you do). In fact, I've been running around as a cop without any gear for the past few days on Asylum and I've been kidnapped 7 times, but haven't been killed once. All I had was great Role Play with civilians. It all depends on the servers. There's no way Paratus is going to make all prison time the same due to him saying "I want the server owners to be able to customize the servers as much as possible without the usage of mods". Again, do some actual research instead of playing the smart guy without any solid arguments. In case you don't know how to do research, this should sum a bunch up for you:
  13. How does jailtime work?

    It's like you don't know anything about this game at all, did you even attempt to do some research on this game? 1st - Yes, game mechanics allow you to do "professional ciminal stuff". 2nd - It's to be decided on each server and whoever owns that particular server. 3rd - It's going to be a literal prison, not much more. 4th - anyone wanting prison time to be longer than 45 minutes either is a salty career cop that doesn't want criminals to have fun, or most likely hasn't played any game which allowed for 45+ minutes in prison. It's fucking terrible, it gets boring very quickly and irritating. inb4 "I doubt any cops get salty over criminals and want to ruin their fun" yes they do. I've been playing as a career cop for about 1 year long on Asylum's Arma 3 servers, and before that 2 years of the criminal life. I know how cops behave and think. Inb4 "can't do the time, don't do the crime hurrdurr" the game is made for everyone to have fun, not for criminals to have some fun, then having to sit in prison for 2+ hours before they can actually continue doing what they want. Breaking the rules is exciting, you get the cops after you, you get into shoot-outs & much more. Why would you punish players for having fun by making them sit in prison for 2+ hours? Nooo... You don't say.. That was sarcasm.