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About mrmoneyindabank

  • Birthday 11/10/1987

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  1.                                                     Chopp Boyz

                             We dem Boyz that do the clean up

               hit yo block and sweep yo MF street up


                              Gang Gang Role playing

    All choppas on deck we here. As u can see you know wat we are abt we live by the gun. the Choppa is law we never get caught without it....

    If you aint Gang Gang you can never be one of us. We want hittas. We are not the God Father we gone

    do it like Meech did it B.M.F style. Money, Drugs, Flashy cars, Mansions and bad women we gon have it all. Money laundering,  Drug dealing/smuggling

    Robbery, weapons trade and if they need a Body dropped they should contact Choppa Boyz.




    We are a street gang everything flashy from the jewelry to designer street clothing. This is our State Property its get down or lay down.

    This gang is Rated M for Mature so all that are and looking for a good time in a modern day gang join us 


    RANKS: Loyalty is first and everything follows do nothing to jeopardies the gang cover all tracks leave no trail. No snitching, no talking to the cops,

    no talking to the opps. 30% of every job earnings will go the gang from all members. To do such things as deck out the choppa boyz hideout,

    gang investments, gang clothing line and gang cars.


    Depending on economy ranking system may change lets run Choppa City