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  1. [FAQ] Police Department

    NativeYoung thanks for your answers, from what I can see they are all correct
  2. For major situations yes, however I thought you were talking about traffic stops and things lol
  3. Arresting Process

    will we be able to get ouf friends out of the jailtransport process? I will have to confirm with Motown this is actually how it is, but yes i'm assuming you will be able to, I will get an answer from Motown when possible
  4. Hey man sorry If this is not how you meant to come across but that sounded a bit rude. Try to just be nicer about it next time
  5. No, they are not. Police deal with everything normal, then SWAT are used for major crimes like the person you quoted said. SWAT are in no way near the same as the police, and police are always first to respond.
  6. Behind bars

    Maximum sentence is currently 45 minutes, I will ask about what you can do during jail and will add that to my Police FAQ.
  7. [FAQ] Police Department

    I agree with this
  8. [FAQ] Police Department

    The reason they limit it is because we don't want 20 SWAT on duty and 3 police officers, it's completely unrealistic. We want a good ratio of police to SWAT. Same with detectives. As we would have 20 SWAT sitting at PD and 3 police officers with almost no backup available unless it's a serious enough situation for SWAT.
  9. [FAQ] Police Department

    It is very likely that this will be available, I will confirm with Motown though to get you a certain answer.
  10. Department Of Justice

    They have not released pictures yet of the police vehicles or anything like that but they will aventually
  11. Release?

    As Duck said they were indeed delayed however the Town module could come out any day now or could come out in the future
  12. Paramedics Uniform

    No helicopters will be in the game, or planes for that matter
  13. I'm guessing you and maybe your friend would be the only one in that riot "for no reason" lol
  14. [FAQ] Police Department

    whys that?
  15. Poll about police roles

    Check my FAQ in my signature for information about K9 that motown has confirmed.