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TIBURON7013 last won the day on March 17 2018

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About TIBURON7013

  • Birthday 12/12/1995

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  1. New Screenshots (UPDATED)

    If you told me there would be no dumpster work, why a waste container? @Pato suertudo
  2. I have not understood what you mean by the captures, where can I see them? @Pato suertudo
  3. @JakezinnBRYou do not have to spend more money after having purchased Founder ($ 30) or any superior package. If you buy Founder ($ 30) you will also get the full game when it is published.
  4. ¿Qué estación de radio puedo tocar? o puedo reproducir mi propia música? ¿Puedes comprar armas o cómo las obtendrás? ¿Qué armas habrá? ¿O habrá más armas que fuego que cuchillas? Si me quedo sin municiones, ¿tendré que ir a la tienda a comprarlo o cómo me va? Si puedes comprar armas, ¿qué armas habrá? ¿Habrá un arco? @ Pato suertudo
  5. Thank you for the approach

    si eres español ya estas tardando en unirte a nuestro discord de españoles en identity abajo sale me firma donde pone unete te llevara al enlace
  6. @LuckyDuck I know you will help me
  7. hello, I wanted to know if when you are a policeman you can stop who you see suspect, to register and know if everything is correct Could it? If I am a police officer, can I place the handcuffs on someone who has committed a crime? Being a police officer, he could stop the person who is driving and force him to go down to show him the badge or bad aiming the pistol, without firing just warning him If I am a police officer and I see some reckless driving or some kind of illegal career, could I follow it with a police pursuit? or call some police colleague to come and help me Being a police officer, could I do a blood alcohol test? If I am a police officer, can I stop the traffic when the situation allows it? Being police that is what will warn me to know if there is a robbery, the thief that stolen will know that I am going for it? The police car will warn you on the radio of the crimes or robberies that you have or you will have a walkie talkie or an iphone? In the commissary there will be posters where you see the most wanted delicuentes de identity? If I am a police officer, can I get the thieves in the car and take them to the police station for questioning? Being a police officer, you can go to stores, or houses, or shopping centers, or gyms to question people? How many ranks are there in the police? Do you have to pass physical tests to rise in rank? The cops where they trained? Will there be some kind of gym? Or shooting range? Within the police ranks are there any that you can get to military? What is the maximum range you can get? Open some speed limit or if the traffic lights go off in red, can a police officer act to interrogate them? When we advance and become swats, the missions are already very different than we had before being police or not? When you are in the office of the police station and they call you to warn you of a crime or robbery or crime, what can you do to notify a patrol? or go your? Could you tell me about the maximum realism that identity will have? Subject ambulance, you can go to look for wounded or people who are ill and cure them and take them to the hospital? Open dumpster work? Will there be people sweeping through the streets of indentity? Can firefighters act at any time or only when they warn that there is an emergency? There will be work as a taxi driver? A passer-by can defend himself against an attack or robbery? Or will he have to wait for the police to act? If you die in the game that happens? reappear in your house or what happens? If the thief is not armed with only a knife, can the police shoot? or it will be real and until the thief does not take out a firearm the police will not be able to shoot Where do you keep your money that you earn with your work in the indentity game? If I cover myself with the police car of a terrorist attack and happen to shoot the gas tank, will the car explode? If I am a police officer, will I wear a bulletproof vest? If you are swat and you go with all the uniform you will receive less damage than when you go with the other police uniform, I mean helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, etc ... Being a policeman and if you tell another patrol to come help you and do not pay attention to you, will you have some kind of penalty or does each one go on your own? Can you upload 5 people in the car or those allowed by the vehicle? To drive any vehicle, will there be the same license for everyone? or will each one have his card? We already know how you said that there would be no official brands but the cars will look like the real marks or will they seem of the future? If I am a police officer, will I have different work shifts at night, day or evening? Being a police officer, you could patrol peacefully with the car, visiting identity? Will there be any kind of hairdresser to cut your hair or braids, etc or change your hairstyle and it will be real? I mean if I go with long hair I cut it then I go back inside and I say a long hairstyle will be real and tell me that I have it short and wait for me to grow up? Will there be some kind of gym or sports room to get strong? When you go shopping in a store furniture or teles, who will attend the online player or a bot? Can you buy gas in a metal decanter and throw it in a car or anywhere and throw a lighter or set it on fire? There will be some type of explosive and if so what will it be? It will be the typical game that goes the typical guy with a rpg and becomes the king of the game or that you will not give much importance, I mean that it will be more vulnerable and with a rpg will not have many advantages If you are a police officer and you are patrolling and you see that a sniper can warn the special services or can you act and shoot?
  8. Hackers and mods

    espero que esto sea verdad
  9. Bob Ross INC: Promoter of Fine Art

    @KingBen1223Write it better so that it understands you
  10. Aviation Transportation Business

    there will be no airplanes said in identity