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Everything posted by Hatoful

  1. Create Your Identity

    Name: EllieAge: 22From (City, Country): Portland, OregonAppearance (Body, Face): She's pretty lean, but not muscular. Has light brown skin and brown and curly hair. She also has hazel eyes and is 5 feet and 4 inches tall (However, she likes to argue she's, at least, 5'5). Attire: Wears flannel and black skinny jeans when not working. Otherwise, she likes to dress pretty comfortably. Job: FarmerDetail of House: A small farm house up in the mountains. Somewhat dainty looking and has an old-fashioned look to it. Detail of Car/ Vehicle: A red or blue pickup truck to drive into the city. For a nice joy ride, she opts for a mountain bike.Personality: Quiet, funny around her friends, caring, honest, and hard working. Background: Ellie used to live in the heart of Portland, working as an accountant for her father's company. After some family troubles, she decided to pack her things and escape from all of the drama. A friend of hers showed her a brochure for Identity Island, and off she went! Since she's always had a love of animals and nature, she became a farmer! Although she has no experience whatsoever working on a farm, she hopes to make some new friends at her new home and enjoy the fresh air!
  2. Events / Festivals

    That sounds so cool! It would definitely promote socialising with other players and not doing just illegal activities all the time c:
  3. I'm looking forward to just farming and being a regular citizen honestly