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Posts posted by iStreamOnline

  1. 11 hours ago, HappyrogueNL said:

    Would that be changed? Because it's nice when you have real neighbours! 😄


    They are working on getting everyone the apartment they pledged/paid for. Currently everyone will have the same studio apartment. Also, it is normal for furniture to disappear and reappear, as they are aware of that issue and are also working on a fix for that.

  2. 1 hour ago, monokoi said:

    When accessing all I receive is a loading icon and then a black screen.
    This is reproducible in FF and IE. As a result, I can't access my key and join the beta.
    Any advice please?


    PS: Why use silver-grey on white for the forum editor/text box? It's barely legible.


    Install Chrome?

  3. 33 minutes ago, asshole said:

    the motorist has a lux 1 bedroom apartment which is way more suitable for a vip than an regular two bedroom apartment 

    i mean the package is $500 

    i just feel fucked in the ass because i think you threw in the shitty old dirtbike to compensate for it


    They are aware of people not getting the apartments they paid for and are working on a fix for that as well as making the furniture stay after you place it.

    The VIP pack has more money given plus a lot more clothes as well which ups the price of the pack as well.

  4. 5 hours ago, edthechowderhead said:

    Isn't most of this in the game? Just the details of each thing isn't exactly how it should be? I couldn't figure out the trimming and wall paint thing tho, probably will be added later when there's a currency and crafting system.

    Also the peep hole thing must be a weird keybinding


    Wall paint is in there. Once selecting the wall, select Matte, semi-gloss, or Gloss paint, the top right of that box select "Customize" and you can change the wall color. 

    Select wall finish:

    Select Customize, top right and select color:

    Select border trim:

    Select trim moulding:

  5. 6 minutes ago, MemphisMan said:

    12/5/18 Bugs:


    1.) Can't purchase some items (boots and watches) by using "E" to browse


    2.) When elevator reaches my floor my character is spun around facing the back of the elevator


    3.) E key doesn't work for calling elevator


    4.) See no option to use peephole in apartment door and have heard it's usable


    I think they want bug reports to be posted here so they're all in one place and organized.

    • Like 1

  6. 6 hours ago, Sorvete said:

    Happened to me as well, redesigned the apartment again, and today, when i got in, it was a mix of both designs with furniture overlapping everywhere... had to remove half of the furniture lol. Still, I'm glad it was saved somewhere. I was able to hang a picture I painted myself.


    Hahahaha that happened to me too! I designed it, left, came back and it was all gone so I designed it again, differently, left again then came back and it was back to my original design. xD

  7. 10 hours ago, addebob said:

    I click start on steam, then I get a message about what the town module is. Then I click "Got it! Let´s go." And after that it only loads and nothing happens. What can I do??



    6 hours ago, Preston_bodhi_343 said:

    Same issue for me.

    My character just stands there in the room and nothing happens, can't make new character or play the game. This needs to be fixed urgently.


    They're working on loading and database issues. People have found that if you keep trying to join you will eventually get in. Many are having issues loading in the server and the devs are highly aware of that.

  8. 1 minute ago, BlazinBender said:

    With the amount of misinformation in your post, me responding is a courtesy.

    fyi gonna ignore any future comments from u UhnotheGamer. but just to make a point, I never asked them go give me "Everything" when town square released. Anyway, good of ya to jump in and try to defend and deflect for the company there, man. 


    'Cause it totally makes sense to give someone a car with no road to drive it on. ¬¬

  9. 40 minutes ago, Pootisman11 said:

    This game really pisses me off i'm trying to make a new character coz somehow my first one got deleted (cough cough identity devs) and all the names are taken??? ive been trying to find a name for 15min and i cant?? 


    First name being taken is being fixed. You'll be able to make a character with the same first name and different last name eventually, they're focusing on stability right now.

  10. 28 minutes ago, DanDud88 said:

    That streamed real world internet radio?  I seemed to remember the first time i saw the apartment customisation video a few years ago them saying that.



    4 minutes ago, Frank said:

    I was wondering about that as well.


    I believe that will be added soon along with other goodies for us to do. Right now is a preview of what we can expect. Also why we all have the same apartment, they are working to giving us the apartments we paid for so just hold tight! :D

  11. 2 hours ago, Shiloh said:

    So i spent some time designing my apartment, putting in different pieces of decoration and logged out for a few. When i came back all of the items had been removed from my apt..? why wouldn't they stay.


    I'm also having issues with putting TVs on the wall, or even on a TV stand. I can easily put the TV half way through the floor but not on a TV stand. Same as flowers onto a table/end table and stuff.


    Yes i know, Alpha. Bugs. Just wondering if others are having same issue :P


    They are aware of the furniture disappearing, and they are working to fix that. Nothing can be mounted on walls as they are also working on that issue as well. I was having that issue as well. :)

  12. Just now, Frisky said:

    Lol Idk ive only heard bad things about the discord


    Because a lot of them are 12 year old trolls who don't understand the difference between an alpha and beta release, and don't know the difference between a module and a game.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Frisky said:

    Yeah I know but it would be nice to have more than one semi helpful tweet a day.


    Discord is a little better if you can sift through the B.S. from the real haters. The community managers will reply to people at times clearing some things up and it's quite helpful.

  14. 1 minute ago, Frisky said:

    I can't get in and I have been trying for hours after my naked rampage. Doesnt really help they havent given an update in hours. Their PR is horrible.


    I was having the same issue last night. I just kept trying and I eventually got back in and played for another hour or 2 before heading to bed. It's expected for an alpha release and a lot of demanding players trying to connect at the same time.

  15. 1 hour ago, killerkate888 said:

    when i started the game it went to the screen where it says lets get started and all i see after that is half a mans shadow on the wall a closet and the tv in the corner every time i click anywhere it doesnt work    help would be appreciated



    In that case, restart the game. The server database is flooded and they've been working all morning and day to get it fixed for us.


    1 hour ago, Frisky said:

    I will keep the dream alive. I will never wear clothes


    This dude let me throw popcorn at him for like 30 seconds before getting pissed and running away. We share a similar dream.


  16. 4 minutes ago, Frisky said:

    Yeah we formed a mini army of naked police and would trap people untill they joined us in our nude adventures. I hope to do that again since we were all randoms with a single goal. My goal will remain the same though


    To get everyone naked


    It really is a good goal to have though

  17. 4 minutes ago, Easy1989 said:

    I have Payed for these Game 3 years ago now where is may key??


    In your identity website account you should of linked your steam account to your identity account. if not, do it, then it should show your steam key. Copy the steam key, then open steam. Under Games select "Activate a product on Steam.." then put in the key, then identity should show in your game library.