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Everything posted by iStreamOnline

  1. My time in identity..

    Because a lot of them are 12 year old trolls who don't understand the difference between an alpha and beta release, and don't know the difference between a module and a game.
  2. My time in identity..

    Discord is a little better if you can sift through the B.S. from the real haters. The community managers will reply to people at times clearing some things up and it's quite helpful.
  3. My time in identity..

    I was having the same issue last night. I just kept trying and I eventually got back in and played for another hour or 2 before heading to bed. It's expected for an alpha release and a lot of demanding players trying to connect at the same time.
  4. My time in identity..

    In that case, restart the game. The server database is flooded and they've been working all morning and day to get it fixed for us.
  5. My time in identity..

    It really is a good goal to have though
  6. My time in identity..

    Enroll me in jelly school 'cause im super jealous. That looks hilarious
  7. Where can i find my Key

    In your identity website account you should of linked your steam account to your identity account. if not, do it, then it should show your steam key. Copy the steam key, then open steam. Under Games select "Activate a product on Steam.." then put in the key, then identity should show in your game library.
  8. Go to elevator and press E on the control panel. Your name should already be highlighted in the search box. Select Search. The elevator will take you to your floor. Walk out of the elevator and go to the room number shown on your screen.
  9. Go to the lobby bartender, purchase furniture, go back to apartment, middle mouse click something and once highlighted blue, left click mouse, that pulls up the options for painting walls and floors, hit I to open inventory and select your furniture, then hit place in world. use mouse scroll to rotate the furniture to your liking
  10. Ahhh so thats how you get so many community rep points.
  11. I don't see any RolePlaying in the game!!!!

    I see it as GTA V Online until private servers are introduced tbh. I feel unless people put time into their own server, it's just going to be an annoying free for all lol.
  12. I don't see any RolePlaying in the game!!!!

    No worries. It can be a bit confusing at times. We've all been there.
  13. Its a Prank??

    They've actually stated those issues were part of a third party UI and they were waiting for them to fix it and then release a patch but the patch kept failing when being packaged. Follow their Twitter for updates to be properly informed.
  14. I don't see any RolePlaying in the game!!!!

    In your identity website account look for the steam key. Go to steam - Games - Activate a Product on Steam - Enter in that key and it should show up.
  15. I don't see any RolePlaying in the game!!!!

    No, if you linked your steam account to the identity website account it should show up in your Steam game library and you'd be able to install it.
  16. I don't see any RolePlaying in the game!!!!

    You're in for one hell of a time then LOL. Patch not released yet. Servers are still down