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Everything posted by iStreamOnline

  1. Now that furniture stays...

    I decorated this last night:
  2. Upgrading from Package to package I believe gives you a discount, that may need clarifying. Weather will be in game but not to the extreme you're thinking. With things like "power lines being down" or "Roads becoming impassable" could turn players off of the game, or you could run into the issue of not enough players to repair issues like that, with the amount of people online (Servers will hold ~300-500). Private servers could have these, depending on the server developer. Vehicles will be repairable and fixable, also will be insured as well as car washes around the map. So far you can only purchase apartments, as for how to acquire them, they may add them to the shop later when that comes available, but the prices for the houses will more than likely be very expensive in terms of IRL money (Just look at how much the penthouse costs).
  3. Now that furniture stays...

    You're welcome At the moment, no. They have disabled some of those options because some of the code needs to be refactored in order to work properly. You can paint on canvas' on the easel in your apartment, it is buggy so be warned lol. We will soon be able to turn on the tv's, sit on furniture, etc. Some of the lamps and lights are buggy as well - they may or may not plug into the wall outlets. And you can turn on/off the lights.
  4. Now that furniture stays...

    Once you have it selected, use your mouse wheel to rotate it.
  5. Still can't make a character or login

    Well don't rule it *completely* out just yet. The Town Square module does have the memory leak and has not yet been optimized so there may be hope and you may not have to upgrade just yet. If you do happen to get in game, try lowering the GFX settings as well as that should help a ton. The TS is very detailed.
  6. Still can't make a character or login

    Your systems falls well below an other CPU in comparison to nowadays. It's WELL below an i5 and even below some i3 systems. Using that minimum requirements lab to determine if your system can handle a game isn't that accurate without actually going in game and trying to run it. You may be able to start it, but playing it for a period of time is different. Your Radeon R4 tells me you're probably on a laptop in which case you will more than likely need to upgrade. I have 16GB of RAM, the memory leak takes 7.4GB then climbs to ~8.3GB, your 4GB won't be enough to handle a memory leak like that, people with 8GB are having issues with running the Module.
  7. Still can't make a character or login

    There is a memory leak that's top priority on being fixed. It drains your RAM. 4GB is not a lot, and I'm surprised your PC hasn't brunt up playing GTA V. I would upgrade but that is a huge possibility why you aren't getting further then the title screen pretty much.
  8. Still can't make a character or login

    I try Good luck! I hope it helps.
  9. Still can't make a character or login

    Instead, go to Steamapps -- Common - Town Square - And delete the whole folder. Then Open Steam, make sure its not in your library, if so, right click, uninstall, and reinstall ONLY IF you want to go through reinstalling it again. It's hard to pin point isolated issues like this one. I know of maybe one other person with this issue, and not even sure if they've resolved it yet either.
  10. Still can't make a character or login

    When you uninstalled the Town Square, did you delete the folder in steamapps, or just Uninstall through steam?
  11. Should Marijuana Be Legal? Reply what you think about it.

    I think it's a great alternative to western medicine and helps people with anxiety, depression, PTSD, seizures etc..
  12. Town Square isn't what people are portraying it as.

    With these recent patches I;ve never had an issue getting to my apartment and I've been in the elevator with multiple people. TV's can be mounted to walls as well as other objects: I guess wait for more patches to drop if you're this upset. Not much else to do besides wait for the devs to fix the issues, and you can also report issues and glitches as well so they can be attended to.
  13. Lucky, I haven't yet been able to get the green or bronze table lamp to place on anything. The cords will automatically place in the outlets when you place the lamp, so if its not connecting, its buggin' out. TV's aren't functional just yet as they are refactoring the code for some of the items, like the fridge, oven, etc.
  14. Lamps are buggy. Table lamps can’t be placed, or at least I can’t place them on anything. And big lamps sometime sconnect to outlets, and sometimes don’t.
  15. Town Square isn't what people are portraying it as.

    Apartment furniture is fixed, some bugs like lamps don't plug in right away, Glitching through buildings has been patched for the most part, elevator is a lot better, UI is more stable, cinema is more stable, sometimes a black screen, most time it's playing movies. Painting is buggy still but works. Part of the alpha is working out the kinks, it's been getting a lot better i assure you. The past few updates had to be rolled back, that's why there was so many in that day.
  16. Founder , Motorist pack

    No problem
  17. Founder , Motorist pack

    So once you buy the Founder pack, or whatever you decide, in your account settings on you will link your steam account, once linked and once bought, the steam key will show up in your account settings. You will copy that key, go to Steam -> Games -> Activate product on steam -> Paste key -> Activate. Then it should start downloading the Town Square Module.
  18. Founder , Motorist pack

    Correct. Passport: Gets you access to the game when it comes out. Founder: Gets you access to the game when it comes out and all 3 module play and beta access before game comes out.
  19. FAQ Extended (Updated)

    That's being fixed actually. they know about it and are working to make it so people can have same first names. They are currently trying to get the module in a stable state right now and getting people the proper apartments they pledged for. That's not a possibility right now as it's just a Social Module, and the devs are still trying to work out pledged apartments. Those details for co-owning apartments will come later, I'm sure.
  20. Karaoke's a blast

    That's the good thing about role-playing, anyone can play any style they want, so if they don't want to put themselves out there then that's their choice.
  21. Town Square isn't what people are portraying it as.

    A lot of people choose not to speak. Some issues for VOIP are still being fine tuned. Send a report here:
  22. Town Square isn't what people are portraying it as.

    They have been super busy rolling out constant updates. And if you want to stay up to date with what's in the updates, or what they're looking to work on next, head over to the official Identity Discord Here and the people are always happy to answer any questions or help out in any way they can.
  23. Apartment in town Square

    Bedrooms and items are account tied so you shouldn't lose those. You may lose the items your characters has though, like furniture inventory and food items.