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About iStreamOnline

  • Birthday 07/06/1888

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  1. Funding

    Funded? No I don't think so. Any money spent on the website or purchases through steam do help the production of the project though.
  2. Wall mounted tv wont mount the wall

    Send them a bug report so they can double check that
  3. What Was Your First Online Multiplayer RPG?

    Diablo Spawn -> Diablo -> Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
  4. Anyone still play?

    Yeah, let's compare an alpha release of a partial game, to a completed game. LMFAO!!!!!!!
  5. Ummm ?

    They promised a social module, which is what the town square is. Your expectations for a small company are too high. Feel free to code the whole concept yourself if you feel it should of been done by now, apparently you're talking like you know more about it than them.
  6. Anyone still play?

    Why quote me in this? I see my quote pertains to claiming apartments, not swat module or shooting range.
  7. question

    Asylum Ent is not a huge company with a lot of devs and graphic artists...They only have a few devs working on this
  8. Ummm ?

    If that makes you feel better.
  9. Ummm ?

    Is it don't own the game yet you're spending so much time on the forum complaining and whining.
  10. Ummm ?

    And yet, here you all are. Still here. Game must not be dead yet then. ;D
  11. Ummm ?

    They knew not many people would constantly be playing as they've stated it as being a social module. Only so much you can do. Content will be released between the modules release. You will see content, more features, more things to do before SWAT get's released. Yes they will take awhile, that's usually how it works with a small team like Asylum Ent. And to state what their financial situation is, whether it be revenue from new buyers or people paying for upgrades is quite ignorant. You have absolutely no idea what their finances are or if they'll have enough money to finish the project, none - Zero Idea. Rockstar Games, a 3 billion dollar company, turned out GTA V in how many years...4-5? Not to mention, the bugs and glitches that still exist in the game, the huge issues at the launch of GTA Online (I actually lost my character twice and money was taken once due to server instability.) Yet you expect a small company to turn this game out in less than the time, less money, resources, everything, and you expect it to be perfect. That's laughable. And most people don;t even realize the Town Square has been re-coded, redesigned, multiple times. They ran into issues, like literally every company does. It happens. Every glitch and bug from launch has been addressed and fixed. They are soon to be releasing a Shooting range, barber shop options, tattoos soon. There has been a thread created showing what the road map for identity will be.
  12. SWAT release date??

    No worries, that thread was only posted under 2 weeks ago, a lot are still asking what the plans for Identity are.
  13. Ummm ?

  14. SWAT release date??

    They specified the Town Square would be a Social module with not much to do but socialize. Between now and the SWAT module they will be including new features like the shooting range. If you want to see what they plan on doing until then, check out this thread
  15. Progress on my appartment

    That's not a filing cabinet, mate.