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JonathanTaylor last won the day on February 7 2020

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About JonathanTaylor

  • Birthday 10/22/1997

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  1. Update Regarding Newsletter

    At the end of the day i believe the developer. John insists that its got nothing to do with Identity then fine. Im all good for having more than one company. A developer is only as good as his community. We gotta support them with this as i have for many years. Im sure that john means every word of it. He just doesnt come on here any more because people are belittling him. Im sure that John knows full well that if Identity gets fucked then its gonna be a shit storm. Ive tried my best at making games (Never successful but just testing) and there is nothing wrong with going back to something old. Just because you dont like the idea of having a game like Furballs (no offence but i aint a mobile fan) and im sure a high percentage doesnt either there is still a percentage and we can all spread the word. Theres i dont know how many people on here but its a lot. Just gotta hope that it helps our way up in Identity. If it doesnt im sure John will continue with the help of the community. Also btw John, the new idea behind updated (a gradual, linear update system) is great. you should have done it before. Keep up the good work John. Prove em all wrong. End of the day, you are trying. Everyone else have copied and failed. We still waiting for Identity by dude, but no one else has come close. So take your time.
  2. game

    No worries pal
  3. We were right, and you can't argue with us anymore.

    Ive been here for almost 3 years waiting on this and im still gonna wait. Yes im disappointed, but theres no point crying about it. The devs will work it out thats their job.
  4. game

    1. Its a little buggy right now and 2. i believe the servers are down until they fix said bugs.
  5. I may be asking for everyone.

    Also you gotta remember, if you've already got your steam key you cant refund. Theres no way they can deactivate the steam key soooo...your stuck if you already got it
  6. Cant even get a refund

    Yeh i feel you man.
  7. Cant even get a refund

    Kind of glad i only put in the $30 for this game. Weird how Fallout 76 is getting all the shit over a least the game works. We shall see tho. Im sure the devs will get it working.
  8. Its here...sort of

    I must say. I am a little disappointed. All of the waiting and ive still not managed to get a lick of gameplay from this. Ive been waiting so long for this day to come and hoped that the game would be ready to go. Its just such a shame to see so much money, time and effort go into this. I would have at least hoped i could browse the menu without it breaking. Despite my honest opinion. Im still rooting for the devs. If they are gonna make their dream come true, they will do it in due time. Keep up the good work guys and please try to fix this im dying to play over here.
  9. Is there an Irish Mafia?

    I believe there already is a Russian Mafia on here if you dig far enough. Whether its still active i am unsure of.
  10. Luprano Family

    Maybe if having to ask how to join, you shouldnt be joining???
  11. Forum Help

    I made this a while ago. I hope it helps
  12. Car Meets

    Yeh no worries bud. Ill leave a link to our org here just so you can check it out. We do a lot of GTA V meets if you ever want to join us
  13. Car Meets

    Me and two of my buddies run a meetup and racing group called the Midnight Chasers. If you are interested you can find our post in the hideout section or I can post a link. We have some good ideas set up for this group and much like you want we have our own steam group and teamspeak server
  14. Smoking, Vaping

    I smoke cigars, cigarettes, pipe, vape and do snuff but i doubt they would add in all of that. If anything, well see an action like in GTA just to smoke a cigarette. Although its an 18 game, i dont think its their top priority to promote this sort of stuff but then again you never really know. Well just have to wait and see
  15. My ETA of the 1st module

    I somewhat doubt it but then again, you never know. Your opinion is your opinion but mine says probably not that close