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Everything posted by MisterBolt

  1. In-Game Currency to Real World Currency

    You are addressing the future of gaming my friend. In fact having a working economy inside of for example a game is in so much demand, that it is one of the biggest driving forces in the development of blockchain technology (searching ways for making more transactions per second) This is because it can have the potential to create a supply / demand economy with basically everything you can image (see cryptokitties as POC) For a game like this I would say this could be the difference between a mweh game, to one that writes history. With regards to the arguments of people saying: "They will not allow that, or some government may not allow it blabla" It CAN work regardless if people want it or not. Even the US President can be against it for that matter. The beauty of Blockchain is that it's decentralized over an entire worldwide network so nobody can stop it. Your avatar will be your avatar always locked into the network, your house will be your house and so on. Even after servers are down. This results in real value so you could play this game for real money. This will affect the choices you make in game significantly. Money will never 'dry up' because this is how economy works. For this to happen the entire game code should be encapsulated inside of a smart contract like Ethereum is offering. Although this IS the future, right now the technology is to slow to make this work on a big scale. Oh and for someone who is afraid developers will get broke, they will become filthy rich by setting a transaction fee of 0.01% Don't worry the fee is fixed inside of the contract so it's not editable by the developers once released. Hence the decentralization. However, this game will never have this because it will be to much work for a company like this.

    Well it could be me, but sending the 'do your homework instead of gaming' post prior to some kind of release of this game is a bit premature? I mean I experienced a project like this before, delay delay delay, no dates given (poor project planning) and ending up canceled. And that was a game from EA.. So I would say deliver first before you are warning people about actually spending time playing. Also if I'm allowed to give you one tip: Pick a goddamn date and build a hype around it. It is called pre-launch marketing. Not doing this shows not having a marketing team at all. (I'm hyped for this game, so I express my enthusiasm in frustration)