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Everything posted by Negan

  1. And what about psychopath politicians with bats?
  2. This Is What People Were Talking About

    Nah, I was talkin about Killmonger from Black Panther....what a badass.
  3. Zombies, entertain the idea

    Who said anything about walkers?
  4. Give Me One Reason

    There will only be one. It will be me. Thus you using US, As plural.....well... That just ain't gonna fly.
  5. Give Me One Reason

    Or else....He could be the Governor from Walking dead. And Kill us all....that would ruin it.
  6. Recent Community Toxicness

    Yeah, I meant the fruit. I wonder if Jesus ate any.
  7. Recent Community Toxicness

    The word date has a double meaning... You get what I'm hintin' at.
  8. Train surfing

    If you could stand on the top while it's moving... Well to say the least....there will be some fist fights up there....And I'll love every bit of it.
  9. Which Mafia/Gang will succeed

    You're forgetting the Saviors. Which I'll only recruit people Ingame most likely.
  10. My biggest wonder about this game so far is what kind of naming system will it use? The terrible arma 3 naming system where your name is your computer name. AKA Dox yourself 101 Your steam name? Or it's own thing?
  11. Will you be able to submit your name? Sorry, wasn't very clear on the first post.
  12. Psychiatrist

    Well, I'm gonna come to you when I need someone to sing for me and Lucille than.
  13. off duty

    I would love to see the concept of off duty cops, though maybe not with guns. It'd give a bit more flair to the game.
  14. What guns do you want to see?

    I just wanna see my baby Lucille in the game. Screw that gun shit.
  15. books

    In the trailer, they say that you can sell your own books. this is probably what that means.
  16. Can you put your hands up in the game?

    Hands up! DON'T SHOOT.
  17. Hello !

    Welcome to my world. Welcome to Negan's world.
  18. Prison Life

    I think it should stay 45 minutes, or maybe even higher. My reasoning behind this is to make the prison a bit more populated. If it was just 30 minutes there'd be like only two people.
  19. Hello!!

    Hello! I'm Negan.
  20. Prison Life

    I would love to be in prison for an extended amount of time. I would actually maybe make one of my chars get a life sentence if that's possible.
  21. Let's Build a Future Together

    2044: The saviors rose to power, and they have officially became the New World Order.
  22. Undecided on the name BlueFoot

    Meant to click transport instead of clothing. Something like "Blue Foot" the uber rip off would be cool.
  23. I agree with allowing corruption, as my character is pretty much going to be corrupt. AKA A gang leader and a Politician.
  24. Identity TV (IDTV)

    If there's a Walking Dead show, it's obvious whom I'll be. I mean, the answer is right in my name. If you don't see it, what is wrong with you?