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  1. Lets be Real About the Release Date

    This is going to be unformatted and my opinion. I am open and willing to hear all of your guys' voice in the replies, but here's what I need to say. So the release date on Town Square Module is set for March 22nd (I think). At the time of me typing this, it is February 28th or one day before March 1st. Therefore, we have about 22 days and 3 hours until the release (Same time as EST). This is exciting stuff. We have a new and fun game planned to come out in less than a month! However is this a real estimate? I know things always change around and things go wrong, but is it a real date we can look at? In my opinion no. We have looked at things such as the gameplay video which was promised in January, then wasn't delivered. Then promised on February 1st to be done in days. And once again, wasn't delivered. Then after two weeks into the month, we finally got something that in my opinion was very underwhelming and disappointing. So how can we trust that it will come out fully in the month of March? Is it because the devs said so? No. Because the devs also said they were just polishing the Gameplay video on January 22nd. So in all honesty, don't be surprised if no big set back occurs, and your waiting for the month of April to actually get access to the game.
  2. Alright, I'm out.

    I have to say, I do agree. Now I'm not one to refund or pull my support, but I was beyond disappointed by the video. They promised it within the month of January. They said middle of January it was definite and they were just polishing it. Then January passes and they claim days. In fact, they even mentioned it wasn't going to be weeks. Then almost two weeks go by and finally, I get the notification that they posted. So I rush to see it and I get a sneak peek at some neat mechanics in a police vehicle; then some honestly shitty walk animation (there is no transfer animation from normal pose to walking animation, it looks rushed tbh) then I get to see some GMod level meth system and a dude firing his gun, a dude getting handcuffs put on him, and then nothing. Not to mention it was in a portion of the map not even accessible to us until the full game release (I think). So yes I agree here. Also for anyone who tries to defend this, go ahead; you have the right, but please think of a better argument than "A game isn't built overnight" or "they have pressure". No shit it isn't built overnight and no shit they have a lot of pressure. The reason for that is because they continuously underperform and disappoint people. Every day it seems we are becoming more and more into a situation such as No Man's Sky. (Devs promise a bunch of cool features, never deliver on any of them, basically false advertisement.)
  3. It will either be that or my own Law Firm.
  4. 1. I disagree, The servers won't be dry just because cops have to do their jobs. That's actually quite absurd to assume. Many cops will play cops because they want to protect citizens, and make sure people obey the law, many players will play criminal because they want the easy cash or adrenaline of running from police. Not everyone wants a shootout to happen or to have the ability to pay someone off to make criminals job easy. This game is not supposed to be crimeRP with AI police. It is supposed to be a life-based game where players can choose from a multitude of roles. Also, Lucky never said they would be banned, he said the server mechanics will handle it. 2. Please elaborate on how criminals, the ones who have the ability to perform many tasks such as robbing banks, smuggling drugs, selling drugs, making illegal weapons, and more, will be bored compared to the police who will drive around doing traffic stops until the CRIMINALS decide to give them some action to respond to. Sorry for any repeats to lucky's recent post, it was posted while I wrote this
  5. Im thinking about starting as police and seeing if the Law has a decent role. If it does, and people are in need or lawyers, I intend to sway towards that.
  6. I also recall on stream, a dev informed us that on Official servers, there will be people who can "rank up" in a sense through system sort of similar to karma points. (You do your job you get good karma, you don't you get bad karma.) I would assume those in higher positions would be the ones to punish accordingly.
  7. As a player who is planning on joining the force, I disagree with this statement in a few ways. Firstly I want to make it clear that I do not think that corruption should be against server rules (You shouldn't get banned for it) but I also do not believe it should be encouraged. Sure there will be corrupt cops because people want the cash, but I don't think there will or should be too many. The next aspect is politicians. I would hate to see a public server politician become corrupt. Now when I say corrupt, I don't mean doing drugs or breaking laws, I mean pardoning criminals with ties to certain gangs or them working with certain gangs. The only reason I say this is because I know what it is like being in a game or on a server where one party or group has full control over the server. Especially in some life-based RP games, I have played. Basically what happens is someone makes a criminal empire and because of that, they are capable of pulling off major crimes. Now the problem lies once this group is in correlation with a governing body. the reason being is the cops will either be at a complete disadvantage when attempting to apprehend the criminals (given misinformation, they are warned ahead of time, etc), or the police will be useless because even if they arrest someone, they would just be pardoned or released. Now, this is not fun for a variety of reasons. The first being the police. As an officer, you would be looking for an opportunity to roleplay as a job you find interesting. So when you physically can not do your job because you know that if you respond to that call or you try to place a warrant, you will get killed by a large group of people on the backs of corrupt police and politicians. The second is that when the officers cannot do their jobs, the whole city goes into complete anarchy, making any player not apart of what would more than likely be a secluded gang, getting bullied and pushed around without any means of defending themselves. In simplest terms, in the course of probably a year (depending on the gangs grow rate), this will be the history of that server. The History of Hell: Peaceful town. Minimal Crime. Police have control. Structured Gov. (The way intended by our Gods (the devs)) Gang violence starts peaking. Police are directing attention towards that. Gang violence erupts into Suburban and Inner city. Police now have most attention there. Gang Violence is a major problem. Police ignore lesser crimes. Politicians start focusing on fixing the issue. Gang conversion. All smaller gangs start to group up into larger gangs. This could be anywhere from inner-city to outer-city or east-side vs west-side. The city has become a "hood" type feel. All crime begins to spike. Police start going corrupt. Remaining police lose control. Politicians lose control. People begin leaving the city. Gang violence surges for days. Police can not intervein because of little manpower. Politicians go into hiding. Businesses close down. People hide One gang is victorious. Gang violence massively drops. Crime spikes. Politicians are forced to step down, corrupt leaders elected. Police lose even more control. Remaining police band together in a vigilante force. Most die Vigilante force outnumbered. Vigilante force leaves. Normal citizens get harassed. Normal citizens leave. Now for some people that may sound fun. However it really isn't, the untold history after that is everyone is just grinding non-stop because they are never contested by law enforcement. So the server struggles to get new people, old ones leave, and it dies out. No one but the ones in the action will have fun and for everyone else, its a complete middle figure to their attempt at immersion. I got a bit sidetracked but to attempt to tie this to the whole corruption thing, basically if too many police go corrupt, it would be because of a large gang. This large gang will more than likely follow this timeline. Now if a politician went corrupt, this would just boost the process where basically we skip the gang violence a skip straight to the police losing complete control. If you need me to clarify, ask me. I can understand any confusion. (Not check/revised/edited) I lied I will edit this once to add this bit. Just to restate, I am fine with small corruption here and there, but we have to be careful of an outcome stated above. It is not a very small chance that it will happen, it has a very good chance of happening if the general corruption like we think would happen, happen. It would be a shame to watch an entire official server being avoided or driving players away from the game.
  8. Identity TV (IDTV)

    Like stated before, that's true about the laws, but the original plan was to upload in entirety and to even speed up or slow down vids to bypass youtube auto checker. Also yeah they plan on running adverts for IRL and IG businesses.
  9. Not Guilty

    So does this mean that forums will be RP oriented, or will we get yelled at for metagaming if we place warrants on those who advertise illegal goods on here?
  10. A few questions

    Being a normal player, I can answer two of those for you. I will let the other answer the rest or correct me if I am wrong. 1. The Economy will be based on supply and demand. The development team described it saying there will be a feature IG for business owners to monitor the price of things online and stuff like that. 2. The Gov roles will be available to all players under certain restrictions. For jobs such as Police officer or Dispatch, or other public services, no special permissions will be needed. However, to gain things such as SWAT or higher levels within the Police force, you will need to grind your way up the ranks. This is planned to be customizable on Private servers.
  11. Identity TV (IDTV)

    This is a great Idea. I love the fact that you are introducing new jobs to Identity, however, I have a couple of concerns with this idea. 1. Money - Now as you have mentioned, you are planning on advertising IG and IRL companies, placing videos on youtube, and streaming to Twitch. Those three things are ways of making IRL cash. Now the problem is in that it is IRL cash. I am not aware of whether or not you can do transactions like other games to get money IG by paying IRL, but even then it still can cause some concern. Now I'm not saying your intention is to scam, but for people who act or write, or whatever, they want to be paid. More than likely with the IRL money you intend to earn. Now if you decided to take all of the content and upload it without crediting the others that worked on that content, well then you would be making a good amount of money and without a proper IRL contract, this would be completely legal. So for anyone who signs up for this, just be aware of that. Also with the whole IRL TV broadcasting, I know you already said you were not going to use it, but just to re-iterate, It is illegal and I would hate for you or Identity to come under legal battles because content that they own was shown in a video game they haven't received money from. So that's all about the money side of it. 2. Production - So if you saw the sneak preview into the housing (specifically apartments), you would know that TV is a thing. Now when they turned on the TV. When he did this he said "Streaming youtube videos". This is vague. It is not clear from the video if you as the player are streaming regular videos through Youtube onto your TV or if it is a youtube stream or Twitch stream you can be watching. Judging from the intro sequence in the video, it seems to be a youtube video playing. Therefore I am not sure how things like Live action news will work out, but your episode idea it good to go. The only problem would be the ad revenue which I talked about above. So if you can stream live video, then you would need a dedicated cameraman to stream on youtube or twitch along with no or limited ability to edit. So if you have plans for live TV, it will be hard. Those are the only concerns I have now. Good luck with everything and all of that and again, if you want to get involved in this stuff, be careful of scammers and such because you will not be protected by IRL contracts. (Maybe IG contracts, but he could walk away with hundreds of IRL money sooooo)
  12. Libertas Law Firm

    Libertas Law Firm Now Hiring! About: The Libertas Law Firm is a team of paid men and women who are dedicated to the service of all citizens. Commonly associated with Criminal Law, Libertas has plans to hold positions within other areas such as political, financial, and family. As of now, we hope to primarily focus on offering our services to those in custody who can not afford lawyers or as private operators for those in larger suits. We also have an offering of working as the legal team for major corporations and political activists. This firm is one of the newest to hit the market and will obviously not be able to handle multiple corporations or cases at one time. Therefore, we invite YOU to assist us in making a great name for yourself. If you have interest in a career in law and don't want to work from the ground up, join a team who will pay you and give you connections to become the best lawyer any of us have seen. Information: If you wish to join as a legal representative, please contact me on the Identity community forums. AS OF RIGHT NOW, The Libertas Law Firm is in need of a development member. If you know how to create a good website, please contact me on the Identity community forums under my account. (Yes we will pay in USD). Contact us! Please Direct all questions to my Identity community forum account.
  13. Custom Police Branches

    Understandable. have a nice day
  14. Custom Police Branches

    I have been doing some thinking and some research for games like Identity. As a person who is mostly interested in the police aspect of the game along with the social interaction, I found interest in a game called Police 10-13. Now this game is only based on police roleplay and is quite interesting. Now what I was staring at was the option for players on their forums to customize their own police departments. These departments ran to different calls and specialized in different areas. Now the only reason I bring this up is that I based my idea off of this. My idea is to do something similar to this but not exact. Bearing in mind this is not just a police simulator, I have tweaked the idea above into our favor. On the forums, I would be happy to see a section for players to run their own divisions within the island's police force. These divisions will hold no elevated positions of power for their members. They will be solely for roleplay. This would take 0 developer efforts IG and would take only minute effort from forum devs. For the division's section, players will be able to start their own division or join one. They can name it whatever and describe it as whatever. What these divisions will be used for is if one person wants to be a cop, but mostly wants to do trafficking patrols, then they join a division that specializes in traffic. The division can then be assigned by the governor for whatever task necessary that the Governor sees fit for them to fulfill because that is what their division specializes in. Get it? Probably not. In the simplest way I can make it, Divisions are subsections of the Island's police force made for players to have the ability to be associated with a specific talent or liking. These divisions will then be called on by higher offices to perform tasks based off of that division's likings. As an example, a Division I would make would be protective detail. Those interested in Protective detail will sign up for the division and once accepted, inserted into our roster. Then while in game, the Governor will come to me or another person in a high position within the division and request our services at an event. We will then act as guards for the speaker, guard the outside, check things, do whatever the police who would be there needed to do. I hope it makes more sense. This is obviously an idea in development so if you have anything that would be able to make this better or something you have concerns about, please say it in the replies. (P.S If this goes far, it would be cool for the popular division to be able to give their members in-game badges to wear. Just a thought.)
  15. Discharge Reports for police

    Yeah, I wasn't referring to an actual in-game implementation, but a forum area dedicated to this. Also, I just thought about forum groups, so police can write reports on the forums and not bother criminals who do not care and criminals can advertise without police interference.