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Posts posted by Grand_Paladin

  1. Job you would like (first choice): Drug trafficking
    Job you would like (second choice): Drug manufacturing
    Job you would like (third choice): Thievery/Robbery

    Age: 14 (15 this august, mature, im not an average 12 year old) 

    How many hours a week will you be able to contribute to The Traffickers? i spend on average 12-14 hours on weekends and about 5 - 7 on weekdays.

    Are you an avid "life" server player? yes 80+ hours on arma 3 life and 98 hours on GTA RP

    Will you take this group seriously? As serious as you want. I take this shit serious (got a good mic and speak fluent english)

    Do you agree to take ANY orders from a General ranking or the Leader? (Orders received will not be breaking any Identity RPG rules or ToS.) I will agree to every order you throw at me.

    What do you bring to The Traffickers?

    Ill bring a loyal character to the traffickers and will get you your money. I take this shit serious and dont mess around, when theirs a job to get done it will get done. Ill think ill be a very useful asset to the Traffickers and will be like a brother to everyone. Ill risk my life for anything. If i become a drug trafficking, i will get them drugs sold under no circumstance and will never go on myself and risk the entire thing. If i become a drug manufacturer them drugs will be in production the minute i join and if im a robber, well lets just say the deed will be accomplished.

    I hope i have a fair shot at joining and im looking forward to seeing you in game!