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Tiisha last won the day on March 26 2018

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About Tiisha

  • Birthday 07/21/2001

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  1. punish

    LOL *cough* script kitty *cough*... sorry I have a cold
  2. Again Delayed huh? IDC anymore

    I upvote this thread.....Stop delaying everything. No matter what it is you guys always end up pushing it back for unknown reasons and you aren't giving us enough info to go off of.
  3. Hello

    I can't wait either....hype train
  4. Town Square module question

    Just town square
  5. Mining

    I think gold mining is In the game....not sure what elsr
  6. Steam is all that is confirmed right now I think.
  7. Hey, there!

    Well I am glad you joined the community. Hope you like it ?
  8. From my understanding it will stay out along with the next 2 modules until the full game is released. If I am wrong maybe a mod can correct me.
  9. Forums in other languages

    I know of 1 person that has a identity community that is in German I believe. I think they will make some kind of sub forums and stuff once the game is released because it really isn't a priority right now.
  10. Is the website identityrpg(dot)net a scam?

    After doing some research and roasting a few moderators on the forums it appears they are starting up a German community for the game and will be releasing there own german server when the full game is released. So they are completely harmless and just a couple of germane trying to start up there own community. Thanks for the report though to try to keep some people safe from scams.
  11. Greetings Identity Community

    Hope you enjoy the community as much as some of us do
  12. Lock people in the trunk

    Here's a clip of one of the twitch streams. hope you find it helpful Mechanics (Can I shove kidnapped players into the trunk of a vehicle?) https://clips.twitch.tv/DarkObeseSardineGrammarKing
  13. i pm'd you with all the clips i could find to help answer most of your questions because i wouldn't let me post links here.I hope you find them helpful
  14. This is a really cool idea and i really like it. I am not sure if this is a thing already and i couldn't seem to find where it had been asked in the clip directory. You should join the discord and ask it in there sometime and maybe @Beach_Ball could ask it during the next stream. Would be a cool feature to have later on in the game but some people may abuse the power of being able to fly a plane and just troll with it.