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  1. No offense to the developers, but my faith ran out awhile back. A sliver of hope perhaps. It's not looking good though, if I'm going to be completely honest.
  2. Hopefully yes. Probably not.
  3. It would be quite disappointing. I've paid a moderate amount as a backer two years ago, and delays are disappointing at the very least, to me.
  4. Perhaps you're right, my memory's a bit fuzzy, as I've stated. No need to get defensive.
  5. They delayed it the day of release the last time, if I recall correctly.
  6. Same, and it mostly has to do with the way the last update/blog post was worded. No references to the date at all.
  7. Hopefully, yes. I'm optimistic.
  8. Is everything still on track?

    I'm wondering myself. I thought I read somewhere that the video's supposed to be out this month, but I might've been imagining things.
  9. 1 day left

    It's a matter of semantics, and isn't very important to me at least, so long as they're in the ballpark. They are Indie, and unexpected things happen sometimes, but a delay should be within a reasonable timeframe.
  10. 1 day left

    It's this behavior that honestly has turned me away from really having a vested interest in the development of this game. I appreciate that you're trying to stick up for the developers, but they really REALLY do not need your help. I prefer hearing a response from them addressing issues (and I'm sure new backers, or people who are on the fence regarding whether to back the project or not) would agree with me. In my opinion, you're doing the game more harm than good. If people want to complain to the developers, okay, that's fine, they can do that... I'm very confident in the developer's abilities to respond and not cave into any 'pressure'. In the end, the developers will release the game when they feel it's ready to be released, yes, I agree with that; and that's precisely the point... No amount of criticism is going to FORCE them to release the module in a state that they would not want us to experience. They don't have a publisher breathing down their neck regarding meeting release dates (Publishers being the only people, at this point in development, capable of really pressuring them to release anything). TL;dr: I have faith in the publishers being able to release the module without feeling any 'pressure' from criticism, as they've proven they're professional with regards to handling negative comments and criticism, they don't need anyone to stick up for them/aggressively respond to anyone on their behalf. Again, this is all my opinion, and should not be considered as me trying to stop you from what you do, you're entitled to behave how you see fit... I just think that this particular behavior has harmed the production of this game more than it has benefited it, and I'm speaking from my personal hype (I'm a $100 backer, from Kickstarter).
  11. 1 day left

    Honestly, at least the developers are polite when addressing concerns, it's the community that have a problem with people who express concern or highlight the developer's accountability. That being said, most of those people are fairly recent backers (a year or so back, give or take) and don't really comprehend that many of us have been waiting for at least double that time. It's why I've stopped voicing an opinion on anything at all. If anything killed my hype, it's not the devs, its the self-proclaimed vanguards of their development process that aggressively respond to any criticism of their lack of meaningful updates with posts like 'Stop criticizing the devs' 'try making the game yourself' 'why don't you get a refund and leave' 'Do you know how long it takes to make a game like this' 'I'm sick of posts asking about x and y'. It's a handful of people, and they know who they are... It's not a constructive way of responding to curious or concerned backers, and I think those members of the community need to behave with a little more tact. Edit: And the developers SHOULD try and listen to their community and the people who have contributed to their project, in response to @Rinyuaru-Kun... The release date's announcement was promised by them for this month, and in my opinion, yes, they should keep their word.
  12. Dev Blog #008

    Very exciting! Good luck guys!
  13. I've been gone for awhile, but reading through all these forum posts I can see a lot of people expect it to launch sometime in March. Why March though? Have the devs said anything?