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Everything posted by LionKingGamer

  1. November video

    I think this friday most likely otherwise next week monday
  2. Hill - A.K.A Mike Barrow {RP}

    I am...
  3. Luxury Hotels

    Lol thanks for the compliment mate!
  4. Is this even true...

    #BEPATIENT First of all let me explain to you that in a couple of months will be the 2nd year anniversary for the announcement of Identity and let me say to you that they were working on core game mechanics not module because some asshole had the job and was to lazy and wasnt working so a team has it in their hands. Plus we just got 2 articles of updates and seems like ur too lazy to find and out and research no offense btw. Also doesnt matter how long it takes the better the game the better the optimization the less lag the better game and like i hate to say it yes its taking forever but here is the thing complaining wont do anything so supporting the devs is better then sitting here and arguing over 20% like you see where im coming from !
  5. Truck Hijacking

    or you can run them over
  6. Any updates on the module's progress?

  7. This game feels too ambitious ?

    I dont know where you got all this propaganda from since all you said is false! First of all when the announced the game thats the first time they started working on it so not much there was to give however we can see updates becoming more often so its not ambitious its reality
  8. A big thank you!

    and also the module deadline for next q1 so yeah
  9. How will this work? help

    No the modules are seperate so you will most likely have one apartment in the three modules. Also if u dont have the apartment you will get a much smaller place
  10. A big thank you!

    Herzog i must admit you really helped the community quite a bit even though it seems like nothing and i would say a big thank you to you because you helped calm us down in the worst of situations and made us happy with your plans of rp such as road rage cough cough but in general thanks for devs im really now happy this is gonna be happening
  11. Devblog Discussion

    Im glad to welcome you aboard the identity community bro need any help just ask me or go on the discord im half of the time online #CantwaitforNovember
  12. Luxury Hotels

    There are gonna be Motels but i doubt Hotels and Penthouses
  13. Video

  14. It is going out and buying things and crafting is for woodlands people and businesses if i remeber correctly
  15. Weather

    I think it will be like that but it wont affect driving only for show but it would be cool to see traffic on a snowy day right?
  16. I want to get into the beta (Buy a pass) But im put off.

    hmm logically a normal human being would understand that Making a game is not easy and that the fact is it doesnt matter how long it takes 1 year to 5 years as long as we get a good game that i would spend lots of time on! Currently the problem is that people are inpatient so they are arguing which is utter bs cause it does not help no one and either the devs so its a lose lose situation. Quote from Worlds Strictest Parents Voluteer " If you wanna have a hissy fit go have a hissy fit but not im my home" Thanks
  17. Town Square Screenshots! [UPDATED APRIL 2017]

    Oh well my solution could work but idk
  18. Town Square Screenshots! [UPDATED APRIL 2017]

    I might have the solution why doesnt HairyGrenade do the blog since he talks to them like nearly everyday. He should just bullet point the new updates and at the end of every month a blog talking about the months work. Like that makes so much sense and it will require only a couple of mins each week nothing much only Hairy if he has the time OR James could do these
  19. Something Soon???

    People There is no point arguing lol its not gonna come out this year and probably next so go off your computers delete your system 32 and come back when beta is released cause this is just getting like 5 year olds fighting over how much part of the table at school they get... So just wait thats all u can do and maybe come hangout by discord if u want real and live updates and to all the complaininers im directly speaking to get off your lazy asses and go do some shitty research on game making you update eating monsters and if u have a problem go refund. ALSO IF U WERE SMART U SHOULD OF KNEW WHEN U DONATED THIS GAME ISNT GONNA COME OUT OVERNIGHT SO PEOPLE HAVE MERCY ON THE DEVS THEY ARE TRYING HARD
  20. Something Soon???

    Narc Said It right there folks
  21. I want to get into the beta (Buy a pass) But im put off.

    No i dont think thats enough but right now your an investor not customer so you really dont know what your gonna get in the end product
  22. Something Soon???

    Honestly i just want to see the video as well and CornHolio was right like even though they are releasing pictures of town square its buildings scrambled around so im guessing the map isnt even started on yet and their working on something idk but im guessing were gonna see somthing by christmas if not then faith is gonna go under 9000
  23. I want to get into the beta (Buy a pass) But im put off.

    Really its your patience which could decide i wasnt really put off because in the end i know ill get what i paid for and to be honest you kinda have been living under a rock since a couple of days ago they released pictures of town square so idk what your talking about lol
  24. Can I run this game??

    A 750TI Will be the least so you might need upgradin
  25. Town Square Screenshots! [UPDATED APRIL 2017]

    If these pictures dont convince not even the video will so stop complaining and leave Thx have a nice day and delete your system 32 for safety