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Everything posted by LionKingGamer

  1. Roads

  2. Roads

    Yh where i was born we drove on the right im fine with both sides i just wanted to know because the right side is easier for buses
  3. Roads

    But what about offical servers where everyone comes from a range of countries that might be confusing for them right?
  4. Bent Cops

    Corruption will probably be a thing without a doubt but within the police force i dont think that could happen
  5. University

    Well from what i have heard in university when you begin the game you get taught the rules and Roleplay points what to do and not to do all the basic stuff. There is also some exams which you will need for a career and in the future they said they were looking to expand the classroom but only after release. You can also socialise in the University if you would like to. I hope that sums it up
  6. Yeah but i think transfer in general shouldnt be added
  7. Role-Play thread.

    *Tyler finally arrives in his new home* He sighs of relief "Soon Tyler thought to go meet his new neighbours and discover the neighbourhood" It was looking like a great start for Tyler
  8. The idea of have items you bought with real life money being transferable to official and unofficial servers doesn't really sound alright because if you join someone's game and you have the V.I.P Pledge you get a head start and I don't think it would be fun cause I know when the game releases most people will drive around and explore the map to get the taste of living on the island. So having transferable items should not be a thing and the things you pledged for should only apply to one server
  9. Role-Play thread.

    *After hours on end Tyler (Lion) finally arrived at Island port* *Wow he says what a beautiful island* Then he gets a taxi ready for his new adventure
  10. My Mistake

    Okay so recently ive seen people judge me just because of my age. So what everyone can play games and everyone has the right to play them i dont think it should be allowed that i am treated difrently just because im 12 like wtf. Its like treating a 70 year saying that he is to old and cant play. Like people you should be happy that diffrent age groups are playing this game as it will make it more diverse. This is a roleplay game allow it to be more intresting in life you wont see 14 year olds doing police work and you see how it would be so next time when you comment something just because their young think again cause i might be 12 but that doesnt change anything
  11. My Mistake

    Okay so over the past day i realised a lot of stuff about this community and how it works and it really taught me a lot how the game works and will try really hard to fix this . I understand everyone just gets annoyed by stupid 12 year olds who think they can have fun when their actually ruining it. Also now i fall in this age group and i have to show myself diffrent from the others. Im really sorry to all i have said unsensible comments to and i do regret this in general but unfortunatly we cant reverse time. This is my mistake so im gonna message you all about this privately . I know in life your gonna get jugded were ever you go even at school but you have to understand it for it to work. I do understand why this is such a hot topic and why most of you hate me now cause im probably the only 12 year old in this forums. Now i will try my best not to be annoying i will do my rp as serious as it can get i really dont want to ruin anyones game expericence and i know to most of you this game is something that you wanted for a long time and its the same for me i dreamed of this game. It came true. Now all of you think im not mature but that is up to you to decide not me. Everyone has a diffrent opinion and i accept it totally. Im am very sorry guys i hope you guys can understand how stubborn i am and i have a lot to learn from this game Sincerely Lion To all who posted on this topic
  12. My Mistake

    Its my mistake i made this post i regret it so much
  13. My Mistake

    Look i never played BF/COD before and i dont see it intresting there is a reason on my channel their is no Cod cause i find it very boring but thats my opinion and simulation games intrest me quite a lot and i really do want to play this game and have fun roleplaying
  14. Hotel

    There are hotels
  15. My Mistake

    Yeah i guess thats true well in game im gonna try make a mark and try to get everyones respect no matter what Nothing is impossible and i wont miss one day of playing this game work my way up the mature ladder. This Post Shall NOW BE OFFICALLY CLOSED DONT REPLY PLEASE .
  16. My Mistake

    I cant say anything.....
  17. My Mistake

    I know this conversation won't earn me anything and I'm sure I'll lock my car and I'll check it twice so it doesn't happen and the squeaky voice I can't control
  18. My Mistake

    No I'm not gonna lie to people and Ive already made a pledge on this account you guys think I'm going insane because of this when I'm not I'm actually glad people are saying what they think it's constructive criticism a bit
  19. My Mistake

    I'm not mad at all I'm just trying to prove a point
  20. My Mistake

    Well I drove by the law as well but my bro said it's boring by the law but I enjoyed it
  21. My Mistake

    You might think I'm crazy but I don't like gun games and in identity I want to start my own phone shop that people would buy and use or join a bus company to drive the buses. Generally you will find those trolls but I don't understand why they would get a gun and do a few kills then they die and have to build the gun all over again and I don't think it's worth it. When I usually play gta 5 I drove trucks and buses nothing else lol
  22. My Mistake

    Alright then you judge me just because how I did my profile well that's your opinion alright I wasn't trying to solve this problem I was only pointing it out I have no Idea why your so mad but like if that's what you think then I'm cool with it
  23. My Mistake

    I'm guessing you think I'm a joke but ok and I'm just pointing out that not everyone is in mature
  24. My Mistake

    Thank you Vix that's the point I'm trying to prove but people don't understand
  25. My Mistake

    Yeah this Conversation is closed. POST CLOSED NO MORE REPLYS PLEASE Any More Thoughts then MSG Me