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Jmx10001 last won the day on November 23 2017

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  1. the music in identity

    yo wag1 what you saying people (just an inside joke if ya know ya know) just wondering (while listening to NSG ft geko yo darlin') will i be able to find any music types from the uk such as drill (uk), grime, trap (uk), drum n bass, jungle, bashment and garage, basically songs i can be like when it comes on "ayyyyy tune ain't herd dis in time"
  2. Medical System - A comprehensive Look

    this idea could influence more than just job it could effect the economy, health care, peoples lives...... this can effect everything with in the game (may be im over exaggerating) but this 1 thing could effect lot of aspects with in the game making it more realistic, because people would have to eat food to stay healthy also drug over dose (and other condition relating to unsafe use of drugs) could lead to social and medical services.
  3. In game hacking

    i rate both dem games. it could also be used in politics to find out what the rival party is planning, but yer i get what your saying about it not being a massive thing
  4. In game hacking

    NGL this is a sick idea there could also be possibility of tech start-ups providing security software for electronic devices. (that's if some systems were added to allow this)

    But their could be a possibly of police gaining that power, well not drones and APC coz I don't think those are gonna be in the game but would be interesting if they could use them

    what not even Molotov's, well protests and riots are gonna be boring
  7. is anyone planning on composing music such as drum and base, jungle, bassline and (or) garage.
  8. WAX LABS [18+]

    the cannabis industry will always have my political support 420 blazes it
  9. Job vacancy's: Within company jobs: Chief editor/ service manager: This person will be charge of the PIMN, the role involves ensuring that the PIMN is efficiently run and reporting back to the PDF about company statistics. This role requires a person who is not affiliated with any political party or the government and dedicated to providing the people of identity with the truth. Chief technology manager: This person will be in charge of the tech department and how the service get delivered to the people of identity and exploring new ways. Manager of the advertisement department: This person will be in charge of the advertisement department which is how the PIMN gets its income from. Manager of the news service: This person will be in charge of the news service, this person will have to work with reporters, informants, analysts and writers to produce interesting, relevant and truthful story's to present to the public Manager of the political information service Economic information service Social information service Music and culture information service Political analyst Outsourced jobs: Graphics designer/ artist
  10. The peoples independent media network (PIMN) Parent organization: The peoples development foundation About us: The peoples independent media networks mission is to provide the people of identity with a media network that gives truthful independent information about important subjects such as politics,culture,music,society, the general news and the economy. Making a profit from selling ad spaces also, The peoples independent media network will be a service provided by the peoples development foundation. Services we provide: news, political information service, economic information service, social information service, music and culture information service and advertisement service. Information about each service: The news: this service will cover all information and events around identity but summarised to remain relevant and interesting for all service users. Political information service: this service will explore the political landscape of identity and its party's, providing the public with in depth reports and summary's of events with in the political world of identity. Economic information service: this service will provide information about the economy and the different emerging markets Social information service: This service will be reporting on all of the different subjects that the other services report on but showing the effect it is having on sociality may it be good or bad. Music and culture information service: this service report on subjects such as music,films,art and literacy. Job vacancy's: Within company jobs: Chief editor/ service manager: This person will be charge of the PIMN, the role involves ensuring that the PIMN is efficiently run and reporting back to the PDF about company statistics. This role requires a person who is not affiliated with any political party or the government and dedicated to providing the people of identity with the truth. Chief technology manager: This person will be in charge of the tech department and how the service get delivered to the people of identity and exploring new ways. Manager of the advertisement department: This person will be in charge of the advertisement department which is how the PIMN gets its income from. Manager of the news service: This person will be in charge of the news service, this person will have to work with reporters, informants, analysts and writers to produce interesting, relevant and truthful story's to present to the public Manager of the political information service Economic information service Social information service Music and culture information service Political analyst Outsourced jobs: Graphics designer/ artist If you are interested in joining the PIMN please contact me saying which vacancy you are applying for and why you would be best for that role.
  11. News outlet

    the peoples development fund and the peoples socialist reformist party are in the process of setting up the peoples independent media network we just need to find people if you know anyone who would be interested please inform them about us, there are more job vacancy's with in the PDF in those links to find out more about the peoples development foundation please go to the 1st link or contact me
  12. the peoples independent media network is looking for someone to analyse the political landscape of identity and its party's, delivering independent in depth reports and summary's to be presented to the public. if interested please contact me
  13. the peoples independent media network is looking for someone to analyse the political landscape of identity and its party's, delivering independent in depth reports and summary's to be presented to the public. if interested please contact me
  14. So what you're proposing is social democracy am I right ?