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Posts posted by Kickapoo

  1. 2 hours ago, Carmelo_dinoot said:

    13 year olds shouldn't be doing drugs 

    That's alright then because I'm not 13. Oh yeah and as well as that I don't think the law solely prohibits 13 year olds from taking drugs, I think its illegal for everyone for most of the world. But I'll let you off, as I know its just you being immature.

    • Like 1

  2. 13 hours ago, Short said:

    I am from Nor-Cal and growing weed is a big thing up here and if they do add this to the game it will be amazing.

    I'm sure you already do appreciate it but man it's so lucky to live in one of the few states that legalise bud for recreational use xD Wish England was the same

    • Like 1

  3. @JamesLuck01 @Shimozukachi What separates PC gamers from console gamers truly is that half of console gamers still don't realise a console is a PC, just with a different GUI, OS and standard hardware crammed in a case. So the new Project Scorpio having a full size card suggests that it is becoming more of a 'Desktop' than before and if anything is displaying it's inadequacy to the PC more than ever, because they are becoming ever similar.

    • Like 2

  4. On 05/01/2017 at 7:35 PM, Phiedrus said:

    Dear fellow citizens,

    While I agree with you all pointing OP to check the search bar, there are many ways to explain the concept, no need to be so rude as some comments here. No need to quote anyone. 

    Regarding grammar and correct English, sure we should do our best. Now, also please consider, even a native English speaker can make mistakes. I know because I see it everyday in countless forums. Those of you who are foreign speakers (like myself) or have learned any foreign language, you know the huge effort it takes. Those of you who don't, I invite you to do so; it's extremely rewarding, and it will give you a feeling of what I mean. And please consider the foreigner speaker's effort has made to communicate with you.

    Yes, I'm new here, I don't have too many posts. Yes, I haven't (yet) had to deal with the same question over and over. But I'm not new to the Internet. I've faced this situation elsewhere like any of you and I have never been so rude to a newbie. Because I want them to stay here long enough to learn how to use the search, to spend their money in the game I want to see developed and, in the long term, to refer to this community as a nice and welcoming one. 

    It's not my intention to make any enemies here. I really expect to play and have fun with you all.

    Thank you.

    Trust me if all of us had only been here a month too then we would easily be able to tolerate these types of questions like yourself.

  5. 2 hours ago, KingBen1223 said:

    They probably did obtain rights for them, plus they are pretty old movies, I doubt anything within the past decade even will be playing in the theaters, so It's not that hard to obtain permission for use in the game.

    So you think only movies that are in theaters require license fees for third party users? U mad?

  6. 9 hours ago, JamesLuck01 said:

    Did you give up hope @Kickapoo? because this reply to this guy sounds like it is that way. A year is not long, 3 years is long! but at the same time; time flies by.... 1st module will be playable soon, me estimating max end of march.

    No mate I'm not leaving any time soon

    • Like 1

  7. 8 hours ago, Shimozukachi said:

    Why go to the effort of using an emulator which are often buggy, some of them don't even work, optimisation will naturally be shite and so will the controls. If I wanted to play console games again wouldn't I just prefer to pay £40 for a cheap 360? Probably. You do you though.

  8. 18 minutes ago, BennLeww said:

    I understand employment believe me. I have a project of my own. But coming across identity made me want to give a hand is all. Thanks for all replies anyway, look forward to playing this game

    I find it hard to believe you do when you just tried to get in on the project via a forum thread.

  9. 14 minutes ago, Malibu said:

    Lol are you serious?! I thought you were legit suggesting it. I'm going to have to remember this when I see you in game ?? watch ur back! :ph34r:

    It's pretty obvious to be fair haha

    15 minutes ago, Atmosphere said:


    Like a sombodi fuc u bic

  10. 42 minutes ago, Shimozukachi said:

    there's one game that not even super mario bros 2 can beat: dead to rights retribution.


    Looks decent enough, oh wait I sold my console never mind.

  11. 30 minutes ago, Malibu said:

    You never knoww!, she might like it! 

    && I'll have to check that game out on YouTube. Thanks for the suggestion (:

    If I were 12 then maybe I'd be excited by that, but I ain't so B| And oh you're welcome, and one last thing Manhunt is actually not compatible past Windows Vista which means you have to patch a lot of stuff to get it to work, is still on Steam tho. ;) Nah it were a joke Manhunt is ming I doubt you'll like that shit at all, think serial killer simulator.