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Posts posted by Kickapoo

  1. 6 minutes ago, JohnNYBlaze said:

    There are quite a few posts on this forum, and it might take a long time just to search for what u want an aswer to. For ppl just getting here its alot to absorb. My job is not to moderate...moderators who get pissed off because everyone isnt as computer, or forum savy as them, kinda defeats the purpose of having a moderator. Its like saying when i go to a store and ask where something is, and the associate treats me like im a moron, cause i dont work there and they might have to do their JOB, and save ME time looking for it. Since they have the experience and knowledge i dont.  An attitude like that can really turn someone off, and make them never come back to that store. Some ppl are on cell phones and things dont look the same for them, as they do on a computer screen...i can NOT see any signatures cause im on a cell phone. Ppl did not treat me like an idiot when they responded to my question. Point them in the right direction with all that knowledge, instead of letting the condescending attitudes drip all over the screen. It helps no one...If your not part of the solution....your part of the problem

    You're a big fucking turn off mate I'll give you that

  2. 1 hour ago, Mentality said:

    It's ok to get excited but you have to temper it with patience. This is a very small team of developers. You can't expect things to happen right away. That done said, I would like to do a little dabbling on the modules when they are released as well. At least we would be able to get a taste of it. There are plenty of other games out there being released that can occupy our time as we wait too you know.

    No shit

  3. 1 hour ago, JamesLuck01 said:

    I can say @Joshua_Else you can always aim for one of the highest ended PC's and set a goal, if you fall short of the goal ask your parents if they can chip in and also maybe if that is still a bit short, you can always downgrade some stuff/ goal.

    For instance I am going to be buying a brand new pc even though I could probably run the game on this one, but I am going for a much better computer. Some things I will be getting; GPU: GTX 1080 (a bit over the top but oh well), Hard Drive 3TB (again over the top), 32 GB RAM, and CPU: i7 (not sure which one yet. My budget limit is £2000. 

    I can't see you getting a build of that calibre out of £2000. From your current specs I would imagine you are aiming for 4K gaming, which means you will need a monitor which by itself starts at around £800 for a decent size. High end i7's are also in the range of about £400+, your GPU won't set you back too badly, you're getting way too much RAM unless you need to complete tasks with heavy processing demand (Rendering etc) As well as that if you want watercooling/funky case/branded mouse, keyboard headset etc they will cost a load too. 


    Edit - I was wrong, I don't think your GPU would be powerful enough for 4K gaming. I completely forgot about how 4K GPU's ramp up the price of a build, I see what you're doing now.

  4. On 12/02/2017 at 2:17 AM, green_mau said:

    10/10 bop tbh



    5/10 Can't rate it any higher bro because first of all it's nothing but a pop charts hit, and secondly it's old in the sense that it's a dead vibe (Not a classic)



    And now, my personal anthem. 



  5. 37 minutes ago, Mentality said:

    Well, if you want proof you'd have to be in the office alongside the developers. Believe what you want. I'll take the word of those who will actually talk about it.

    That is true to a point but I would at least to a certain level accept video footage as acceptable proof. Even that though has been proven unreliable by game devs time and time again.

  6. 12 minutes ago, Mentality said:

    That is a video straight from a YouTube member asking the developers questions and getting information from them. No comeback? That's what I thought.

    No you dick, that is not an official video which means regardless of the source of the info, it's not an OFFICIAL VIDEO. People won't give two hoots about this guy relaying information that was said partly because this video is old and secondly sourcing information that way is somewhat unreliable as it is all just words, no solid proof. Plus if you want to make a fuss about me having 'No comeback' give me longer than 5 minutes before you mention it....

  7. I personally think if they made driving realism a priority it would put people off driving in game. This is because it feels incredibly slow driving slowly in a game, and your perception of how slow you are going doesn't mirror going that same speed in reality, because your brain tells you you have to be slow in a real life situation, but not in the video game. Subsequently, if people drove too fast and crashed all the time/ruined their vehicles I imagine the driving would become a quell with the community and not a benefit due to its so called 'realism'.

  8. On 12/02/2017 at 2:55 PM, BlackHood said:

    My name is BlackHood I'm an assassin and good at my job that's the only thing you need to know about me. I will assassinate any police officer political leader gang leader or even a normal civilian if the price is right.

    I like how you emphasise the normal civilian as the most high risk target in that sentence xD Should be the other way round I imagine....

  9. 10 minutes ago, Mentality said:

    Just watch the youtube video about the criminal career.

    Stop confusing people, there is no official video about criminal careers. That is exactly what people are drawing from your message, so make sure you reiterate the information being in the second update video.

  10. 14 hours ago, DoctorFosterGloster said:

    Surely identity wouldn't be too complicated - as to avoid mass hysteria on servers
    All you'd need to know is what a piston is and i'm sure you'll be fine

    It would be a simplified version of Car Mechanic simulator I imagine. I personally found that game boring as hell and not educational in the slightest, which I believe should have been the point of it...

    18 hours ago, Arky said:

    I know absolutely nothing about cars but really would like to work on them when the game comes out. I have no idea what I need to know and where I can learn about them.

    You mean in real life or in Identity? If you're talking about Identity then use the search bar, send the devs a message on their Twitter or by tagging them/messaging them here or just wait for further information. I should warn you that the driving module is the third and final module to come, meaning any information could be far off.

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  11. On 18/01/2017 at 8:40 PM, Jaydenzalez said:

    Ok, so I own an Acer Aspire E5 with 6 gigabytes of ram, an Nvidia GeForce dedicated graphics card, an Intel(R) Core i5 processor, and 900gb drive.

    Could I run this game at a decent FPS?

    What graphics card have you got? And I presume you aren't confusing a dedicated graphics card with onboard graphics are you?

  12. 5 minutes ago, adricopter said:

    I am wondering what will we be doing in this game? What are the factors that will have me hooked? I really hope that there will be something ( I know there will be no traditional questing, which was addressed on these two videos I saw on YouTube(


    )). So my question is that what will be the story to this game(so as to speak)? Living a dual life sounds interesting but I would really want my Identity identity to have a destiny!

    Gods sakeeeeee, mate there isn't gonna be a story it's an RP open world game, no story aspects whatsoever apart from maybe a bit of backstory to the world.

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