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Posts posted by Kickapoo

  1. 11 hours ago, GeneSmith said:

    Yeah man. Let's see what you've got!

    I've been known to be pretty damn creative in my role plays which is something I'm actually pretty proud of, however I know little of how to structure a story.  I've also done some reviews in my time on an Amazon owned review site (Ciao) if you wanna check them out. Most of them are old though and I've got better since. However, they all recieved positive feedback, so here is my latest one. (The rest are on my account if you just click on kickapoo5)

  2. 1 hour ago, GeneSmith said:

    Well when I get a better GPU you and I should play it. I'll definitely need help with it. Is it on Steam?

    What the pre sequel? It's on Steam yeah but I dunno mate I played it on 360 and sold it within a few weeks so I could get most of my money back. If you'll be actually active say a weekend night every now and then then yeah I might consider playing it with you.



    1 hour ago, Shimozukachi said:


    With what

  3. 6 hours ago, GeneSmith said:

    While I enjoyed the challenge I didn't like how slightly tedious it was and the grind was just awful. I also like the cell shaded graphics but would have enjoyed the original art style more. 

    I agree it was a bit of a grind, but playing with mates usually helped with that. The loot system was the best part, hunting for legendaries etc. The Pre-sequel was the most disappointing because they changed almost nothing and named it another triple A title.

  4. On 05/11/2016 at 3:00 AM, The1TheOnlyGonzo said:

    Boarderlands was a disappointment. 


    On 05/11/2016 at 2:19 AM, GeneSmith said:

    Sims 2 was my favorite one. Worst game though has to be Borderlands

    Have you guys played Borderlands 2? That was a really good game imo

  5. 1 hour ago, Shimozukachi said:

    yeah, but sadly the only thing that has been added (in my opinion) was just the character creation (let's just say 1.5). did you ever compare the reactions of your sims in sims 2 and 3 when they've complained about their stats? in sims 2 they've looked "at you".

    I never played Sims 2 mate.

  6. 1 hour ago, uncannierlink said:

    First things first, when I say death, I do not mean when you are incapacitated and have to wait for an ambulance. I mean true death, as in when you bleed out. There are two major reasons why making death have an incredibly steep penalty (such as a 20% tax on net worth) is a good idea. First, is that it makes dying (and therefore murder) carry much more weight. Since the end objective of this game is NOT PvP, this will apply and will make players actually think about the consequences of actions that involve death.

    Since death is such a big deal, Murder would also be put on the same grounds. While life in prison might be a bit much, I think that if you kill a person, you should have to do everything in your power to make sure that you aren't caught and if you're part of organized crime and regularly kill people, you better have some way to make sure you guys get out of jail free.


    2nd, having a very steep monetary fine will be good for Identity's economy, as it is a method to remove currency from circulation. A HUGE problem in Asylum was inflation. You would have to grind for weeks just to have any amount of money a real player would want. 


    Here is an example: Houses on asylum servers were really the only commodity that was traded. On the asylum servers, houses never changed in value. Their location was static, their quality was static, and their size was static. You couldn't improve or degrade a house so it's value always remained the same. However, over time the price of houses would increase. While you could buy one from the server for a few million, eventually the house would sell for 5x or 6x the price. You may be saying, think that this is a good thing, but here is the catch: The only amount of money that was valuable, was enough to buy a house from another player. Regular players had massive bank accounts, and while money kept being generated into the world, it was never removed.


    If Asylum wants to have a player driven economy like they described (with player owned businesses and player owned production they are going to have to design a method to remove currency from circulation. My suggestion is to make one of these methods a very steep penalty (call it a tax) for death.

    Having a fully circulating economy is a concept in MMO's that doesn't really exist yet....Or does it? I dunno, never heard of it myself

  7. 21 hours ago, The1TheOnlyGonzo said:

    Saints Row Series was a major contributing factor in THQ's closure. The other major factor was the WWE series. Both were making less than what was being put into development. 


    Agent was announced by Rockstar during July of 2007. To this day, we still have yet to see any screenshot or concept image for it, but it is still listed on Rockstar's games and is scheduled for 2017. It is suppose to be a cold war free roam espionage game. 

    It's like a lot of games, The Sims 3 was probably the peak of The Sims franchise and as a result EA failed to improve it further and released a game which ended up actually being worse. I never really had the patience for the sims but I must admit I did have fun on The Sims 3 at one point 

  8. 17 hours ago, The1TheOnlyGonzo said:

    Saints Row Series was a major contributing factor in THQ's closure. The other major factor was the WWE series. Both were making less than what was being put into development. 


    Agent was announced by Rockstar during July of 2007. To this day, we still have yet to see any screenshot or concept image for it, but it is still listed on Rockstar's games and is scheduled for 2017. It is suppose to be a cold war free roam espionage game. 

    Doesn't really sound like a game Rockstar would create if I'm honest, still sounds decent

  9. 3 hours ago, The1TheOnlyGonzo said:

    PS was my favourite,  just because it was the first console I owned. I played Atari when I was young, but I wasn't a big fan. Except Nemco Bowl was amazing. 




    As for if Identity will come to Consoles, maybe. Ports from PC to Console have been a mix of good and bad. Same with Console to PC, good and bad. That is why there are rumours of RDR2 never being ported to PC because of the issues with the original RDR port. If Identity is as great as they plan, they may be hesitant to port it and potential hurt their games reputation.


    As for the arguements, people need to grow backbones and stop getting offended so easily. The interest is not a "safe space", quit trying to make it one. 


    People also need to clarify when they are role playing,  or when they are being idiots and getting personal with insults.  Just makes everyone involved look idiotic.  Just saying. 



    But yea PS was my jam, and the old Demo Discs were the best. I remember getting demo discs for my PC,  only to realise how quickly outdated my PC became. Lol


    What was everyone's top games on their favourite Console?

    Battlefront 2, Time Crisis 2 and 3, Time Splitters, Godzilla, Simpsons Hit and Run and Sonic Heroes on the PS2.

  10. 2 hours ago, The1TheOnlyGonzo said:

    Watch Dogs: was such a let down, and was over marketed which killed it.


    Far Cry 4 & Primal: Far Cry 3 unfortunately set a standard for Far Cry that their last 2 installments could not beat.


    No Man's Sky: Although I love NMS, it is well known Hello Games overhyped this game and board line lied to the consumer, pushing it as a MMO, when it wasn't.  


    E.T: We all know...


    Mass Effect 3: Another title I love, however many hated the original multiple options for the end of the game. The hatred was so deep, developers released free DLC to add extra endings to the series so people would be happy. 


    Demonic: Many don't know this game, and will never get the opportunity to play it. Originally a big Triple A title for Xbox, and was shown in the movie: Grandma's Boy, Demonic was cancelled before being finished. 


    Silent Hills Aka PT: Del Toro was to be directing the latest installment of the Silent Hill series. However shortly after the launch of the demo, P.T, Del Toro pulled his support for the title and cancelled the game. 


    Saints Row: Argued by many to be fun, comedic games, and Rival to GTA. However the SR series ended up bankrupting THQ causing them to liquify. 


    LA Noire: considered a pioneer in acting and facial detail, LA Noire is considered a cult classic by many, myself included. Sadly this game killed the creator company due to the amount of stress and money it took to make. By the time LA Noire was finished being developed, Santa Monica Studios was filing for bankruptcy and selling their ownership to Rockstar, who was aiding them with funding. 


    Agent: So far the biggest hyped game that has yet to be released. It can be looked at almost like GnR's Chinese Democracy.  Rockstar announced Agent almost 10 years ago, and have stated that the game is still in development, with a scheduled release of 2017. However with no more information except what Rockstar is telling us, and the title card, many aren't holding their breath. 


    Metal Gear Survive:  Konami's upcoming release under the Metal Gear title. However without Kojima, the creator on board anymore, fans of MGS are expecting a flop, and the trailers have fueled the rage. 

    (Part 1, more will be posted after others get the chance to)


    Wow your comment is pretty interesting, some stuff there I never knew! Did Saints Row seriously kill THQ? I'm sure I would have seen that somewhere if it did. Also if Rockstar have been developing a game for over 10 years the graphics will be crap when it comes out, like Duke Nukem Forever. Except that was disappointing in almost every other way, too.

  11. 33 minutes ago, Cstove said:

    Yes it is.  I have an Asus z170 mb.  My question is like when I plug in my new card and plug into my monitor, will it display anything before I install the new drivers?

    Are you blind son? I answered that 2 hours ago!

  12. 12 hours ago, Cstove said:

    Hey so I'm planning on buying a new graphics card but I had a question.  So Ik you first need to uninstall your old drivers.  But my question is when I plug in my new card and I need to install the drivers for it will my PC just display a back screen since I don't have the new drivers yet or how does that work?  If someone could help explain this to me that would be awesome.  Thank you.

    Should you get a card that has the right sockets for your mobo and should you uninstall your current drivers, the PC should just detect and install drivers for the new card as standard. Nothing fancy. Also if you need to go back and do anything just plug your monitor into your mobo graphics for the time being. Simple my friend, simple! Or, there is something called google which you can use!

  13. 4 hours ago, Jinx said:

    Asylum have hinted that criminals will be 'flagged' for committing certain crimes IF said crimes are witnessed and/or reported. Beyond that I would imagine that what Kickapoo stated will be the most likely scenario with server owners/admins setting out the laws, and with governments/law enforcement there to see they are implemented.

    Yeah my issue is I don't go on their Twitter very often so I'll sometimes miss what the devs actually say :S 

  14. On 10/08/2016 at 9:37 PM, LionroM said:

    i7-4770 3.4Ghz

    GTX 780

    16 Ram


    I think Identity will run great I hope :)

    You'll likely have to change out your GPU if you want decent performance out of identity

  15. Could be a lot of things really. The most straight forward method of enforcing laws and rules would simply be server set permissions, which is what many rp servers use today to separate classes and kits etc. Then there are rules which are enforced by the moderation team, usually which will be posted on the loading screen for the server. Alternatively rules and laws which wouldn't warrant being put on the loading screen, such as a curfew for example would maybe be set by a player elected government, or some form of chosen power. To what extent rules and laws will be enforced by game mechanics as opposed to role play is unknown at this time, obviously.

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