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Everything posted by Kickapoo

  1. Negative Response to Role play.

    13 year olds be like One hand on the Mouse One hand Elsewhere
  2. Negative Response to Role play.

    @Fabulous Eh up mate I think were in trouble!!!
  3. I don't see how Identity is like comparing Windows 10 to XP because XP is better and eats less RAM?
  4. Continue The Story

    After pleasuring the store owner for the remainder of the night, he gave the group a selection of the finest purple apples. However the Isis militants queuing outside before the store was open the next morning were the least bit happy to see a non middle eastern male and two ogres getting served before them. They kicked the door down and began throwing explosive tennis balls at the group, while screaming "Allahu Ackbar!" During this Kevin decided it would be a good idea to.....
  5. Dollabank Job Listing

    Nothing like impromptu role play to get the ol cringe reflexes pumping eh!
  6. Continue The Story

    Went to get some from the market, but there appeared to be a considerable presence from Isis so to get around this the group decided to....
  7. apocalypse

    Oh I'm sureeeee @Notering would hate it if you were..... Sarcasm
  8. apocalypse

    @Vix How about Notervix or Vixering I think they both sound good
  9. Geography Game

    Aix (City In Southern France) Yes, I picked one with an X on purpose
  10. Star Wars Battlefront

    Got this game a few days back, and despite the reviews am loving it. Yes it's shallow in story and gets repetitive, but still makes for some memorable moments such as walker assault on Endor. If anybody wants to play it or any other game such as LFD2, Insurgency, Don't Starve etc then just bing me a message. Peace Out
  11. Star Wars Battlefront

    Well I will be honest mate you knew exactly what you were buying into as the game didn't exactly have much to hide so if you didn't like it its your fault for buying it.
  12. Continue The Story

    The first Incestry Ghostophilia straight man porno, in glittering 1080p. They decided they would go and film it in......
  13. DJ!

    There ain't no porn on YT m8
  14. I don't need no protection!
  15. Quick, before they see!

  16. Hello from Soggy Lancashire, UK.

    Livin it up in Cheshire! Welcome to the forums mate!
  17. New Citizen from London, England

    @Zebra Patriotism To The Nation And Mighty Blighty! I'm from Manchester, and welcome to the forums!
  18. Continue The Story

    Spread his fake influence to everyone, with the occasional boast about being bummed by Shrek. After being shunned from society for cheating his rep up @KevinLangston decided he would....
  19. Wikipedia Game

    Get Rick Rolled bro!
  20. Hello from an Australian noob

    Oy Oy Savoy!
  21. Your corruption of reputation gain via using multiple accounts to like all of this account's content is not going unnoticed, friend. All of the other accounts you are using have little activity too, increasing the likeliness of this corruption being true as me and others well think it is.

    1. KevinLangston


      If you don't like it, do something about it, no, i did not think so.

    2. Kickapoo


      What can we do about it the mods won't punish you for it you will just have to deal with alot of the forums having an active dislike for your method of getting your rep up. Pretty much as you are getting more popular with your rep you are infact getting less popular with the forums. 

    3. Fabulous


      I agree 100%

    4. Show next comments  120 more
  22. Who would you vote for?

    That, my friend is debatable.
  23. Who would you vote for?

    Or not play don't starve and play something better!
  24. Who would you vote for?

    Bah screw vanilla I gotta play with mods or its boring
  25. Quick, before they see!

    Yeh luv you too