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Everything posted by Kickapoo

  1. Why be disrespectful, it's a forum he is entitled to answer you back as much as he wants....
  2. BETA / Modules

    Profender, if James is appearing a bit more authorative than others to you then let me tell you why. He is one of the people who knows the most about this game, has stuck by development news and these forums for time and time and has helped many people along the way. So he may be inclined to answer a question with more confidence than others. He is somebody who I consider useful to the forums. Reading this post, I see you as somebody who has come along, posted something and has got annoyed when somebody answered your question in general disagreement with you and generally caused a nuisance whilst adding very little to the forums. I would rather have you gone than him, so have a bit of respect for those who care the most or do one.
  3. That as well, it's proper old footage
  4. Playstation Now - PC

    This didn't get as much publicity as I expected, but yesterday Sony officially integrated their subscription service onto the PC. This means now PC gamers for £12.99 a month (There is a free trial) can stream over 300 Playstation 3 games, including The Last Of Us and Uncharted to their PC over the internet, and only need a Dualshock 4 and a decent internet connection to do so. Along with this Microsoft are now bringing the likes of Forza Horizon and Gears Of War to PC too. All in all it appears console exclusivity isn't such a large thing anymore, and while many people will say that this integration to PC is for the said games to reach larger audiences, I think it is a large hint at consoles coming to an end. This is because in the near future you may not need a console to play console games at all, and while now only outdated games are available to stream on Playstation, Microsoft are bringing out brand new titles on PC, that could all change for Sony in the future. I think it's great that's happening anyway, considering I play on PC and have always wanted to play The Last Of Us but never wanted to shell out for a PS3/4 just for that game. What do you guys think of this?
  5. Forza horizon 3 to PC Along with that and Microsoft streaming to PC, I think consoles are slowly but certainly meeting their demise.
  6. Hello from Sri Lanka

    Sup man, welcome to the shithouse
  7. I remember hairy sharing this with us on the old forums, it was quite a long time ago.
  8. The Five Hundred Monkey Genocide

    One at a time nigga
  9. The Five Hundred Monkey Genocide

    Heeees got it! Ten points sir. P.S Your signature is massive bro
  10. The Five Hundred Monkey Genocide

    The 495th monkey died because he broke rule 17 and tried to be a hero. (Ten points for whoever gets the reference )
  11. Good enough specs?

    I agree with the general consensus that you should get a better graphics card and perhaps drop back to an i5 instead. That's because the 960 would definitely be the weak point in your build and there is much better cards out there for not much more money. A 970 preferably, but if you have a few more hundred spare get the grand spanking new 1070.
  12. FAQ Extended (Updated)

    That's better, perhaps make the text below the FAQ's smaller.
  13. Who is your favorite artist

    It's really hard to pick a favourite, because saying a favourite is basically saying you prefer every single one of their songs to somebody else's, when that's just an impossible decision to make. But if I did have to pick it would be Dire Straits, a British rock band from the 70s/80s. They changed the way I looked at music entirely, have entertained me for countless hours and have got me through a tough time or two. However a lot of other bands/artists come quite close, which is why I said it was such a difficult choice. Here are all that i can think of now. Notice the genres are a mish mash of classic/modern rock, blues and some psychedelia in there too. There are others I like too but these are the bands/artists which I like several songs from, not just one or two. Eric Clapton, Def Leppard, Muse, Guns n Roses, Joe Bonamassa, Dream Theater, The Eagles, AC/DC, Mac Demarco
  14. Old brands.

    Buying the permissions to use trademarked brands would cost way too much for it to be worth it, and considering massive companies such as Rockstar North didn't do it with GTA that somewhat suggests the financial restrictions on a much smaller Dev company that few have actually heard of.
  15. model work

    Kid you will be able to be a model. If the exterior or interior panels of a player owned business can be customised then chances are modelling will be more of a freelance cash in hand kind of job, where basically the game won't recognise it as a career and will in fact depend upon the player buying their services to take the photos and pay the money to the player. RP style.
  16. Firearm variety

    That would be good but would push back completion a whole lot further, because each individual animation probably takes ages to create. That's why you see many games which don't have them as they aren't a required mechanic, only the games which go above and beyond take the time for that sort of thing. I'd rather see that kind of thing come with updates than have to wait a whole lot longer for it in the beginning.
  17. Close Thread Please

    Yes, but I think you know it will. As do I.
  18. FAQ Extended (Updated)

    Well if you haven't played Arma and play Identity then just learn the damn controls, duh.
  19. FAQ Extended (Updated)

    @JamesLuck01 Mate can I recommend something? Try making the FAQ links in your signature a bit bigger because I've literally only just noticed they were there, so theres a chance loads of people will miss that too.
  20. Men creating a female character

  21. Men creating a female character

    Please start a gender war on this thread I'll buy us all a deluxe popcorn and premium seats if you do
  22. How much is 1000$ ?

    Don't necropost and advertise, you forum sinner
  23. Firearm variety

    Yes but you said high prices won't be good? And yet now you are saying that it is good? Maybe try wording your comments better so people don't misinterpret them all the time.
  24. Suggestion

    Like James said it's based on an island off the coast of America so it's rather likely that all uniforms and police attire will be the same and will be Americanised.
  25. Probation

    I don't think probation should be a thing because that's a rather dreary rp mechanic if you ask me.