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Everything posted by Kickapoo

  1. This Community Is Great & Age

    Are you from Manchester?
  2. Happy Holidays Everyone :)

    Happy Holidays everyone! Don't get too fat over Christmas and remember to enjoy yourself, this shit comes but once a year!
  3. Too many killers

    I agree with the others that A. Your response was a bit salty and B. Although you joined in January I'm pretty sure you never showed your ass until recently, so don't even try and throw your non existent superiority around because you'll just come off a right ponce.
  4. Backer Only Area?

    Great! Glad to see you've taken a real interest :))))))
  5. Game Development

    They aren't just gonna hire you because you say you have experience, that's not how the employment world works buddy. It's like going into a store and asking the store manager if you can start working there and then because you can 'stack shelves' Asylum are going to reach out to professional freelancers as well not just any guy with probably no proof of experience.
  6. Town Square Module

    Why did that give you the impression it was broken? It sounds like you're being a troll to me
  7. Friday the 13th: The Game

    That is your opinion and you sound like you are trying to enforce it as a fact, take a step back. And I've watched beta gameplay now and it appears the full map offers a fairer advantage to the survivors. I watched some gameplay way back where the survivors all got trashed within a few minutes, its probably changed quite a bit since then.
  8. Friday the 13th: The Game

    That game looks so unbalanced towards the killer
  9. Rolblox

  10. Dear haters of Identity...

    Your determination is exceptional, but I guarantee you this post will not change the minds of those with doubts, and your efforts to do so has actually probably only appealed to those who already don't have doubts for the game.
  11. most violent game

    Darkness two was shittttttt
  12. Subscription

    Hypocritical much, you just called me a moron that's pretty childish, and Shimo corrected what he said from your original accusation of him being prejudiced, whereas you accused me for absolutely no reason
  13. Subscription

    Considering you're the only one getting lost in translation I think you're the moron mate
  14. Subscription

    I think you just need to quit while you're ahead before you make yourself look like more of a fool Pretty much none of your assumptions about what we said have been right so far...
  15. Subscription

    @JoelKeys Oh and yeah you haven't answered my question, because before you called me prejudiced and then swerved the question the first time I asked you by calling Shimo prejudiced. Explain how I said I would target all kids, this should be interesting because I never did.
  16. Subscription

    He is referring to the squeaker brigade, not just any old 12 year old kid. Stop trying to make him out to be prejudiced because he forgot to point it out what he meant in crystal clear explanation.
  17. Console Game!

    No bro
  18. Subscription

    He meant the annoying ones, you know he did so stop trying to make out he didn't. I personally haven't found many under 12 year olds which aren't irritating in some way but some of them are decent, I'm sure Shimo agrees.
  19. Subscription

    Hang on a second, where did I or @Shimozukachi @JamesLuck01 or anyone else say we would 'treat all kids like shit'? I was clearly referring to the squeakers who are being annoying little brats at the time, not just any kid under a certain age and I will target them? Learn to read things through before you jump to the wrong conclusion once again.
  20. Subscription

    You clearly haven't witnessed the true mindnumbing powers of the squeaker then, and we most definitely all have. @Shimozukachi makes a good point because the only way to make them stop being purposefully annoying is by making them feel small, so they will fuck off. It sounds harsh but when you remove the age difference from the equation they are still another individual making your gaming experience appaling, so why stand for it? Also I disagree as well with the idea of a subscription, there just isn't a valid enough reason to take that model. Especially now, when we have all already paid for it and only just been given an update, the last thing we want is another update stating the game is going to cost us all more money.
  21. i will arrest everysingle one of you!

    Guys chill your beans it's the resident troll AZIZ coming back as his 600th alias after being banned numerous times. Just ignore him and he can't do anything, his intentions are purely to get on your nerves, I assure you.
  22. Would You Rather

    Believe it or not I'm not talking to you 24/7 Shimo, you dumb cunt. Also I know what macOS is, but you typing 'macos' meant the word was read as one word when I first saw it.
  23. Would You Rather

    I do have hobbies and probably more of a life than you do, try again.
  24. Hello from Sweden!

    Hej, Jag heter Andy och välkommen till forumen! Jag protar Svenska men Jag talar ocksa dalig svenska, haha (Cba fetching the accentation for most of that)