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About Marius_Rosetta

  • Birthday 10/01/1992

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  1. It's almost time!

    November 30th is just a week away ladies and gentlemen! For most of us, this will be an interesting and hopefully enjoyable beginning with Identity and beginnings or continuations with Role-Play. I currently watch a lot of GTA RP (TFRP/TheFamilyRP group) and though they have a public server, it's around a 12~ hour queue to get in... so Identity RP might just be the niche I need to get my bearings on Role-Playing. There may not be a lot to do in the beginning of Identity, I think we all know this, but I think this game can be a platform for people who want to Role-Play as any type of person they want to be - whether beginning their RP adventure, or continuing. But this comes with uncertainty from a lot of things I have seen with Early Access games. Some of the people I have seen here have been so harsh and probably rightful in one way or another in being so harsh. We must remember that if we plan to play Identity, we should spread Identity's positives and not dwell and sink this game with the bombardment of negative reviews that plenty of potential games have fallen because of. There will not be a lot of content to truly utilize at the moment, but for the aspect of Role-Playing, I am quite sure that the basis, the Town Square, will be suitable to do that in. It really comes down to us brushing past the issues we have had with the development, regardless of what development issues we all have or have had. Identity is coming out and as a community, we either help flourish the idea of this game, along with the progress of the development team - or we sink it by not positively supporting the game that we all want to be successful. We're going to have issues. Hands down. But we are going to have the foundation of the game and that is what is most important. But will we as the community make or break the game? That's up to all of us to decide from November 30th and on. Hope to interact with you all on that day. Hope you're all having a great Thanksgiving and have an awesome time in Identity.
  2. R u Kiddin us??

    Lol, even with any form of progress, there just has to be some complaint or two or multitude complaining of nothing being achieved. My previous post on another topic is starting to make me side more and more with the people getting absolutely sick of others posting the same jibber jabber. Majority of the people who will be launching IdentityRPG at launch, will not even understand how to actually make this game the way in which it is supposed to be played as. Role Playing Game, in the final three letters, is what I have a funny feeling most people won't even comprehend. People complain that it is not even out yet, but probably won't even understand the Role Playing element involved in this sort of concept. Pretty sure we all know that hours after launch there will be yet another multitude of complaints regarding how "this isn't the game I paid for" "this gameplay is boring" etc, etc, etc. I'm not saying the progress has been an amazing journey, but so long as there is progress, I have no issue with waiting. Patience is a virtue and without patience you are just as ignorant as the other fools. Not saying the topic poster him or herself, but generally speaking. We are all entitled to express our concerns about a game we have put money into. But can you at least have some form of alternative suggestion rather than a couple of rants (a couple in this topic, for example) - because without anything to suggest, it's just digging up the same crap that everyone else on these forums had to deal with over the past year or handful of years. Progress is being made, whether you think so or not and whether the IdentityRPG team wishes to tell us or not. Simple as that.
  3. Biggest Development Flaws

    I disagree with launching the game in its current state, but your other points have positive and constructive criticism. I respect you for not going out of your way to share any hidden anger towards the Developers/game itself. Majority of your other points are, otherwise, truly important for this team to take into consideration. With releasing the game as is right now, though, that would be similar to Life Is Feudal: MMO, where nearly all Steam reviews are negative (although the game itself is a needle in a haystack sort of MMO) and thus not many people are encouraged enough to give it a try. Two different styled MMOs. One (LIF: MMO) which launched into Open Beta/Early Access without the right sort of content and patches/updates (which are done nearly every day now) and one (IdentityRPG) which has the ability to launch into Early Access with the right sort of content, amount of patches/updates, and keep the playerbase and future playerbase thriving. We may not see the same viewpoint on this, but as much as I would love for this game to launch as is, I know it would not be in its best interest in the long-run. But, again, I do respect you for your positive criticism.
  4. Opinions.

    My opinion may not count too well but for what it is worth, here I go. I understand venting your frustration, but a lot of your frustration is what we all passively feel in different ways whether more quietly or as aggressively. We all would like this wonderful concept of an MMORPG (in literal sense of Role-Playing Game) to be released and although many may be upset and many may be frustrated... a game in development is not something that can just be launched because we want it done. Somewhere in this forum, someone mentioned that with every test, there may be a bug, and with every fix on that bug, another bug may appear. When you consider the idea of the game, the coding that had to be done from scratch, and the previous sentence, you have to be considerate to the game's development. Yes, it may suck that the game is not playable as of yet, but in no way/shape/form would I want this game to be launched just to have servers going down every hour to fix this or that. Even when this first module is launched, we will face bugs/glitches that will force us to end our gameplay for a limited time, but I would prefer a much smaller scaled version of patches/updates than servers being constantly worked on due to the Developers giving in and launching the module. Many others including myself have pledged $30 or more towards this game and still remain patient. The only advice I could give you is not to pan out your anger and frustration in this way, as someone above mentioned, the Developers never respond to these things. While staying either optimistic or patient is tough, your best bet is to do what you feel you should. Whether you feel a refund is necessary, or if you have a change in your mindset and decide to ride it out towards launch - these decisions are up to you. Many of us have chosen to wait until the launch and I'm sure some of us including myself stay in the shadows of these forums and check on the progression towards launch every so often. Personally, I keep up to date with not just this game's potential and launch, but a few others as well. Without getting too off-topic, there is one game in particular which is taking 'uber' long to launch and I know it's not coming out anytime soon but I have no problem with it. Developers take their time and info/clue us in when it is needed. Perhaps we should know more. Perhaps. But until then, patience is a virtue.
  5. Hey there everyone!

    Hello there those awaiting the release of Identity RPG. My real name's Marco, but for Role-Playing purposes, I'll most likely go by the name of Marius Rosetta. I think I rushed the community registration and put Mario on accident, lol. Identity RPG will be my first real involvement with Role-Playing, as on other games the RP-concept does not seem to click with other people. Other than Identity RPG, I play and stream other games such as Rome II Total War, Shogun II Total War, the single-player campaigns of Battlefield/Call of Duty, Conan Exiles, Life Is Feudal: Forest Village/Life Is Feudal: MMO, and a handful more games that I can't think of. I'm hoping to meet many of you once Identity RPG releases and hope to start off as a normal citizen in the game, doing normal jobs and saving up some moneys. Eventually I plan on getting into the Detective/Police Force once the module is released and stabilized. Other than that, I cannot wait for Identity RPG to launch/release! P.S. - Can any Admin/Moderator somehow change or tell me how I can change my display name to Marius_Rosetta?
  6. In Town Square.....

    With so many different careers and jobs, especially the player-owned businesses that will become available, I am looking forward to a few different things when I first start. I'm most likely going to start with any sort of job I can get free of the player-owned businesses and work towards socializing with other people and see where things lead to. Eventually, I do want to get involved with the Detective/Police force but only once the features of those careers are implemented and running stable. I do want to Role-Play in Identity RPG and I think this will be a game where I start that, but also continue to develop as a Role-Player. I really just can't wait for this game's release and gradual patches/updates.
  7. It is good to see that so far, the positive expressions outweigh the negative expressions, even though more votes will come in. I understand people have their own way of critiquing and expressing how they feel, but as time goes on with this game's release, patches, and updates, I think this game will definitely be one of its own kind. To trail off a little, I watch a lot of GTA V Role-Play and a lot of streamers have joked and such about Identity RPG but I think the more this game becomes developed, we will see a lot more people invested in it than just ourselves. So as I have voted - I was very happy and fulfilled with the gameplay preview/stream but as I said elsewhere, I do wish the preview was a little longer. I noticed Paratus said there will be more streams to come, so I hope more gameplay with interactions and such will also be broadcasted. Overall, I'm very hopeful and will continue to wait for the release of Identity RPG. I only pledged enough for the Open Beta access myself, which I feel will be like a fresh/normal start for a game like this - where I will be able to earn my way through the game's content as it releases.

    I tuned in at the last hour or so of the stream, then went to eat and came back in time for the gameplay preview. I haven't been waiting as long as others, I check the task list every day or every other day but the gameplay preview was worth the watch. I know it was late for majority of people as the stream had started before I watched, but I was hoping for a little bit more of a preview (but I am glad there was one). The graphics looked amazing and the level of detail put into certain visuals was really neat as well. The interactions that this game will allow, for example the small fan being turned on and hearing it while it was on, will be really great for people who Role-Play and stream their Role-Plays. All in all, I am satisfied and cannot wait!
  9. Weekly Hopes #2

    I lurk a lot on the forums and in general, but the Tracker has definitely helped a lot of us I think. Instead of waiting for a weekly/bi-weekly/monthly progress announcement, we can see the progress daily and our anticipation will still be there.