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Everything posted by LightBringer

  1. Games inside this game (Many ideas in one)

    To be blunt about it, this would be impossible. Performance would drop majorly to the point where just a hard drive might not even be able to handle the game fast enough. It's just too much work also to implement in a game where real life itself has equal counterparts.
  2. That map is really out of date. Trying to get a new one out but nothing so far. Yes, you will have access to module 1 if your package states 'beta access.' The only location available in module 1 will be the Town Square in Ashhill. So a smaller but more lively portion of one of the cities.
  3. Bank robbery ideas

    There won’t be hacking or much ways to pull a stealth heist. It’ll very much follow PAYDAY 2. If you’re fast enough no police might make it, but it’ll likely be a loud heist all the time.
  4. Yes, you will have access to play Module 1. However they’re not so much a beta as they are more of their own thing. Closer to alpha, but not quite alpha at the same time.
  5. dead

    Well if you actually die, you will be respawned at a location (hospital I think) a decent ways away from your place of death. They don’t want to encourage players to seek revenge like what happens often in Grand Theft Auto. There will also be a short timer to respawn. But I’m most cases you will often just go into an unconscious state. Similar to a ‘downed’ state. From here paramedics will have to arrive to bring you back to health. When you do die however, you will lose everything your player has on pocket. Things like physical cash, any weapons or drugs, and their things (movie tickets, apples, etc). You will not lose clothes however aswell as your phone and etc.
  6. Change Height and Weight

    You cannot change your height, weight, or age ingame. You can make yourself look older with wrinkles but it will be adults only. Height sliders might never make it to the game but they want to try and add weight sliders eventually. Very low priority however. Not something they’d look into until full release.
  7. Garage space, stuck with founder car?

    I'm not so sure how well I'd be able to answer the question but I will try the best I can. So! As for selling your pledge vehicle, it's a straight no. Players will not be able to get rid of this vehicle as it is unique to their account and for backers only (No players can get this vehicle again after beta)! But for your concerns about things like garage space, from what I recall you won't need to get anything like a new garage just because you bought another vehicle. Don't quote me on this, but if I remember correctly there are specific 'community garages' around the map which act as a public storage space for vehicles. Garages can have many different locations while the larger community lots are limited in location. You can think of it as a place of limbo for any extra vehicles you wish to just swap out for another to place in your garage. Now, I am not saying this is correct at all, but it's just my understanding on the topic.
  8. Do You think TS will release ?

    Well in all fairness, the video was delayed because it included stuff the devs hadn't even planned on making for months and months in advance. Sure it was makeshift but just getting the basis of vehicles down, animations for the guns and the physics of the bullets, player health and damage, etc. Yes it way delayed very much but this should't represent how Asylum will be on other release dates. That's not to say that it's impossible for Module 1 to delay, but what I am saying is that the video was a really special thing in that time just wasn't on our side what with the game crashing in development and more.
  9. HELP!

    Purchasing the Citizen package ($15 USD) grants you only the full game, while the Founders package ($30 USD) and up will grant you early access to things like Module 1, Module 2, Module 3, and beta. Module 1 releases on Match 21st of 2018.
  10. Some Questions and Suggestions.

    There will be official public servers aswell as custom (player rented only) servers. In terms of what transfers through each server, we don’t entirely know yet. Money might, it might not. It’s a decision yet to be made For custom servers you will be able to add mods, but only IF modding support ever makes it to the game. We can’t confirm modding will ever be available in Identity. We hope it’s possible but there’s no way to say for sure.
  11. Cash Transporter

    No. This is likely because the job of driving the vehicle would prove to be too unbalanced as it forces one player to be put in danger, because it’s very likely that players will attempt to rob this vehicle all too often.
  12. And double occupancy

    If your home has two bedrooms, then yes. You can house two players including yourself.
  13. Can I?

    Certainly! When you pledge for Identity your currency will automatically transfer over to USD. This does however mean you might be paying more or less of your own currency (rather than what the packages cost) due to it being converted. All depends on the exchange rate.
  14. Steering wheel input?

    There will be wheel support added sometime (probably when cars themselves make it to the game). It should support most common wheels
  15. Country

    Certainly. While the modules will be English language only, others will arrive when ready. As for servers, you should be just fine
  16. Environment Realism / Video Logic

    The island won't be terribly small. It's atleast bigger than GTA V's map by a fair amount. But yeah, aircrafts are just not in consideration because it cuts off the possible social interaction when going from point A to B. There will be a train however that travels the map for players to use as a mode of public transportation.
  17. Play your own music inside your car through bluetooth

    Sadly, you cannot listen to your own music in the car. It will only be internet radio that can be played. My guess is that this is likely for preformance reasons. That and players will be able to hear exactly what song you are playing depending on the volume and whether or not your car's windows are down or up. Could lead to trolling as well as possible preformance drops what will everything streaming in.
  18. You won't be manually loading and unloading a ton of stuff into a semi truck I know. In regards to delivery, I recall the developers saying it's very similar to Euro/American Truck Simulator in that you take contracts to complete.
  19. Electric Bicycle

    I don't believe there will be electric bikes as there are no electric cars. In other words, I don't know how you'd charge them in-game considering there's no way to charge an electric car, because there aren't any. But everything is of course subject to change. Maybe in the future things like this will be added.
  20. I believe clothing does indeed go in your inventory, meaning you can drop or trade it to another player. Same applies with things like food and drink and even movie tickets. You can even trade them for cash if you really wanted.
  21. Is the website identityrpg(dot)net a scam?

    Looks to be a fanmade community site. Though I cannot say for certain. However, thank you for informing us!
  22. Identity music video

    This song?!
  23. Question about stuff

    I doubt many would appreciate it... my suggestion: Don’t. But if you do, do be peaceful about it when discussing and don’t be an issue to others, including in-game. If players are seen to be problematic and better off banned, they will be removed.
  24. My Suggestions Please Read Developers

    1) Car and house prices will vary based on quality. There are cheaper options and expensive options. From bicycles and apartments to luxury vehicles and houses. 2) Likely no 'super cars' but it's possible so long as it's fitting with the actual modern day. Limos will be for the governor. Not sure if other players can obtain that vehicle. 3) There will be no NPC AI aside from pets. No bodyguards that means. You can hire a real player as one but they still will be marked as wanted for killing. We are looking into ways to filter out self defense from the game's criminal act detection system. 4) I believe there are police radio frequencies. 5) I think you can do permadeaths in private servers, but nothing like funerals. 6) There will never be air vehicles added to the game as it allows players to skip the social interactions of going from one place to the other. 7) There will be no military as there is simply no use of it. In the real world, the military isn't legally allowed to respond to crimes like bank robberies and such. They're more for serving and protecting the land as a whole which simply isn't a possible job/role in the game. 8) There will be an airport for cosmetic purposes but not for flight lessons or anything. Just aesthetic. There may come a time where this changes if DLC is made, in which case you can transport between islands at the airport, but it's still far too early to say if DLC will ever make it to the game. 9) While there will be no physical keys, there is a mechanic where you can lend a friend the 'keys' to your vehicle, allowing them to drive it temporarily. This is made this way to prevent players from stealing the vehicle. They won't have ownership of it, they'll just be able to drive. 10) You can hijack cars. But remember, they are all real players' vehicles. You will never be able to sell or keep these vehicles. They will always respawn back in the owner's garage after despawning from the world. 11) Bait cars sound cool, but it'd be impractical for a video game. If a player is committing a crime they likely already have a getaway planned. It's one of those features that sound neat on paper, but likely would never play out positively in a video game. 12) You can mug players as well as shoplift and rob banks. The grandest of crime though will be robbing the Federal Reserve. 13) There will be police dispatch. 14) Police will never be able to tell who is wanted by just looking at the player (unless they remember the suspects appearance). They will have a laptop in which they can see if a specific player is registered as being 'wanted.' 15) Pretty sure everyone has an ID that can never be removed from their inventory. 16) There will be no children. You cannot adopt a child, play as a child, or have a child. While you can get married, if the marriage is straight there will be no baby making regardless. We want the game to be safe for people to record on YouTube and Twitch. All players will be adults. 17) Books are all player written, so there is no way to really 'gain perks' or anything. You can maybe read a guide book a player has made however and learn something new. 18) There will be restaurants. Not sure about drive-thrus and fast food though. 19) No power companies (besides for aesthetic purposes if any) or jobs like plumbing and such. 20) If I remember correctly, the police chief rank is only obtainable on private servers. Not 100% sure about that though. 21) There might be agents but I don't entirely recall, nor do I know 100% how their job would play out. 22) You don't run for president, but instead the governor. Players can advertise their selves to gain popularity and such. Come the voting time, players will cast votes for who to be the new governor. 23) No undercover cops. If they were in game, every police officer would do it. It's just too overpowered and unfair because crime is a real part of the game that we want to keep in place. It's freedom of the player if they want to live by the law or go against it. 24) There will be bounty hunting but it will require a lot of manual work. You won't be told the criminals location or anything. That's for the player to gather intel about and figure out themselves. 25) There will be a court, but it's only purpose is for prisoners pleeing for an early release. Some crimes might be justified, such as a killing in self defense, in which players can see a player as guilty or not guilty in a criminal case. If the player is voted not guilty they will be released from jail early. 26) You can not play as pets. 27) The game currently costs $15 to buy and $30 to purchase will access to early builds. This will increase somewhere in the $45 dollar range in the future. It will not be free to play. 28) There will likely never be a demo. 29) You can watch YouTube and Twitch on the TVs. 30) There will be no TV channels as there is no easy way to tackle this. It also will cost performance which we do not want jeopardize. 31) News can be written by players in the newspaper. 32) There are rain storms but nothing extreme like tornadoes or hurricanes or anything. 33) Vehicles are not player-made. They can be customized though. 34) There will be beach homes.
  25. Pay taxes and rent And Loads of other questions.

    1) Apartments will be player bought rather than rented. This means there is only a one-time fee to pay to own the property and live there as long as you wish. Thus, the backer apartments are not possible to lose. Houses however have rent. 2) I believe vehicles will only have sales tax. Quite sure you cannot pay in increments or anything like that to get a vehicle in advance. 3) There are no water or electric bills. For houses, you could day they are incorporated in the rent, but apartments just provide it for you. So technically, there is no bills on water, electricity, etc. 4) There are no children in-game. No sex or biological children as well as adopted children. Pets however will be in the game. 5) The only NPCs in game will be the pets and any shopkeepers/cashiers whom you'd purchase items from. 6)There will be official servers as well as player rented servers. Players can not host their own server however. 7) Economy is driven by players as the commodity market will represent. 8) There is a short tutorial required to get your drivers license teaching the player about how driving works in identity. If they just choose to troll and not obey the 'laws' in-game they will simply be punished for it in game. Through either losses in money or jail time depending on the event. Players are advised to be of at least 18 years of age to play, however there is nothing stopping younger. 9) There will be hunger and thirst but it will not kill you if you avoid it. These will only debuff you until you decide to eat and drink. 10) Gravity is intended to be as physics based as it can be. 11) No slippery, ice-covered roads. 12) Crashes won't be on par with BeamNG, but perhaps more along the lines of Grand Theft Auto 4. Only this time, you won't survive major accident. Choosing to not put on your seat belt has the potential to send you through your windshield and 'stuntjumps' will almost always result in your death.