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About NotGummyBear

  • Birthday 03/28/2002

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  1. Heists??

    @HairyGrenade thnx for the information much appreciated <3 - Rory ♥‿♥
  2. Ok thnx for the reply, I understand you don't want hundreds of criminals running around just was thinking if it doubles everytime you do that it could get really bad for people who do crime (which my character may go down the track of). Not hating just thinking about myself and other people. Best of luck in your campaign <3
  3. Heists??

    Thnx for the reply @YouKnowBro In regards of the radar I heard on the map the cops will be able to see like a circle in the general area you are in, the more 'stars' you have the smaller the circle. That's what I seen in a video of someone talking about the game

  5. Absolutely, I would hate of course people just to mass kill, but when I do or if I do heists I will try of course to make it fun for the police. Not just make it so I have a clean escape but the police have a good chase and whatever else I can do
  6. Agreed, though maybe add an hour every 3-5 kills after lets so 3-4 or whatever other laws they break
  7. I agree the law should be strict 100%, but though he is rping as politic he has to think of everyone else, if he too that route im sure he wouldn't want to spends 72 minutes in jail. For example what happens if you were doing a heist and shot 5 cops and they died, and possibly 2 civilians/hostages. the 21 days which equals to 508 minutes, thats 8.4 hours so thats is the biggest waste of time as you would have to leave it open and do nothing while you wait. I would thinks 30 minutes as that is a decent amount of time. Just my opinion. Not sure if it is due to the fact im hoping to live a life down the illegal side (prob not killing) but you get what i mean
  8. @LuciousTimes Really like this party, but just a question I know murder is bad but if soeone is living a life of a criminal, if lets say 3 days is (72 minutes irl) then I know criminals may stop but then what will the police do with criminals being scared to dso anything. I think it is kinda fucked if you have to wait 3 days or more (1 and a half hours or more) if you do it on multiple occasions... just my opinion.
  9. Heists??

    Thnx for the answers @Micky_Tohmpson With Q4, I mean like if cops never see them due to them not being on the scene then they would technically won't be seen as a suspect right?? then they could be waiting in an alley way or some other spot and the swap over can be done then
  10. Looking for a personal lawyer!

    Heyy, My name is Rory Kar and I am looking to hire a personal lawyer so I can contact you any time needed. If you are an owner of a firm feel free to send me a message on your services, price and why you think you are the best in Identity. Looking for someone who is ok to come to business meetings when invited and have meeting when needed about legal actions. Also would like someone who has a great deal of knowledge about the law or who will have quite knowledgeable about the law in a few years. Just in case any serious things go down I need to know I can count on you or your lawyers. Thnx - Rory ♥‿♥
  11. Heists??

    In regards to this, I have a plan that you could rob a bank, and with hostages ask for safe passage (able to get to your car without any shooting/troubles), drive around and hopefully lose the police. Meet up with someone who the cops did not see involved with it who can take the money and store it somewhere safe. You get low from the cops (if you're able to get off their radars of course) and then you can 'relax' and can plan the next move. Another question: Q: Can you have relations/ties with lawyers or legal people who can help you get away with crimes if they are able to?? Or would it be considered 'cheating'?? If it is possible then if you are to be caught by the cops, providing you had hidden your face with masks you could get your lawyers to help you out of the situation. Thnx appreciate any feedback/answers!!
  12. Heists??

    Heyy everyone, have a few question about the heist/robbery functions: Q1: So when you rob a bank if you have a hostage/hostages will you be able to ask for things (e.g. - safe passage)?? Q2: Will you ever be able to get off the police radar after a robbery?? Q3: Will you be on the police radar if you do meth jobs without being seen by police?? Q4: If you have a gang who hits the bank, will everyone in the gang be on the radar or only the ones at the scene?? Q5: Regarding Q4, if it is only those on the scene that get caught on the radar could you take the money to someone in the gang who wasn't on the scene who could take and store the money safely?? Q6: How does the money system work (i.e. money transferring/storing)?? Would I be caught due to depositing a large sum of money (from a heist)?? Q7: Would I be able to drop the money off somewhere safe (e.g. - owned offices, apartments, houses, warehouses, stores, etc)?? Thnx for any answers you can give, much appreciated - Rory ♥‿♥
  13. My Character Plan!!

    Heyy everyone, just thought I would share my current plan on what I hope to achieve in my time in Identity. This is what I hope to achieve and it will most likely take a long time to but in the end, I hope it works out!! Probably come back and update it so not only me but others can see a development of a character. Not sure if this is the right forum area but hopefully it is!! So my characters name is Rory Kar, I have a friend whose name is Shannon (last name he has not decided) who I will be owning businesses/gangs with (friend irl). I hope to own a restaurant (haven't come up with a name) and Shannon owns a clothing store (also hasn't come up with a name) to make some money on the side of our hopes in the future. We will live in the same apartment (2 bedrooms) so we can discuss plans privately and in the safe walls of our apartment. We hope to eventually buy a house which we will set up as a 'gang' house where we and everyone we recruit can go to, to discuss business/plans. We plan to live a life of business and crime, owning a corporation (or if we can own one each, then two) which will do manufacturing (unless new ones come up that catch our attention, plus delivery if we both can own and co-own each other's corporation). If this works out we could be possibly earning quite a bit of money from a business POV, two shops plus a hopefully big manufacturing (or two) company/s could earn big bucks if it goes to plan. If it was possible we would have also rented out apartments though we understand it can be unfair. On the hidden side, we will be smuggling/producing drugs to make some money on the side. Possibly owning cartels if need be, as well in desperate measures, we will plan robberies on not only players and cartels, but possibly bank heists. So in the eyes of our customers, we will be business corporations, but behind the scenes, a bigger process will be happening. |Just wanted to share this so I can later see if I have been able to achieve it or want to change some stuff as Shan and I think about it more. As well if people want an idea to do with there character can get a basis from mine. Obviously, needs more time and thinking as naming hasn't been done yet and full plan can't be finalised till we know how many businesses/corporations we can own and shops (pretty sure 1). Just letting everyone know if you would like to give name suggestion feel free to ^̮^ Plus some questions if anyone knows: Q: Can you own a corporation and at the same time co0own another one?? Q: Are restaurants a shop type (plus would they be profitable)?? Q: Do you think this is a good plan ⚆ _ ⚆ ?? Q: With 2 vehicle garages can they be purchased plus can friends store their vehicle there?? Q: How hard will illegal jobs be such as meth and heists?? I know with heists you will have some sort of stars but what about meth?? Can you be undetected?? Q: How much are corporations going to cost to purchase and how would a manufacturing one work?? Q: Would it be ok to have relations/ties with legal groups (lawyers) who can help us out of situations with cops or would that be against the rules (i.e. caught with meth in a truck, lawyers could help with saying we were set up)?? Q: Kinda ironic but Shan and I came up with a name for our 'gaming' group called Team Identity then I stumbled upon this, would it be ok if we call our corporation's and businesses/shops around the name 'Team Identity' or would that be deemed unoriginal/copying?? Thnx for any help, much appreciated!! - Rory ♥‿♥
  14. More then one character??

    Thnx for the info @LuckyDuck
  15. More then one character??

    Sorry if this has been answered, I tried searching up a few things but couldn't find anything. So just wondering would you be able to have more than one character, for example, one as a criminal than one as a cop, just an example as I would guess going from a known criminal to a cop wouldn't be easy. I think this would be a good idea as if you want to change your career/life and want to eventually go back you most likely couldn't. Thnx <3