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Identity_Party_Org last won the day on November 12 2017

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  1. March 2018 Poll!!

    I guess, I'll go ahead and update the time frame.
  2. March 2018 Poll!!

    Oh, thought you were on Hiatus, like I said in the poll description
  3. March 2018 Poll!!

    What would you like to see?
  4. March 2018 Poll!!

    Who did I miss? I'll gladly add them.
  5. March 2018 Poll!!

    IDENTITY PARTY ORGANIZATION POLL Good day everyone, here is the second poll of 2018 and the last poll before TS releases. You may notice that Brian Hamilton is currently not active and is currently not participating in any of the polls. I wish him luck and hope to see him return in the near future. I would highly recommend anyone participating in the poll look over the voter guidelines to make sure all procedures are followed: Any Candidate who is found to have exploited the voting system and have violated the voter guidelines will be first warned then banned from future polling and debates run by the IPO. We are currently looking into possibly holding a debate in the Town Square once the TS module releases. Let us know what you think of that. The polls ends March 9th, 2018 @ 12pm EST
  6. January 2018 Poll!

    I'm here to inform people that the leader of the Democratic Realist party has decided to disband their party for the time being. They hope to come back in the future.
  7. January 2018 Poll!

    IDENTITY PARTY ORGANIZATION POLL Good day everyone, here is the first poll of 2018! Between the last poll and this one, I've looked back on the data that we have received and have come to the decision to remove some of the parties. Here is a list of those effected: Thomas Hetch (HETCH) Gene Smith (SMITH) Bobby Cruz (CRUZ) The reasoning behind the removal is that over the past polls they have been inactive throughout the whole process, leading me to believe that they are dead parties. If you are one of the parties effected please contact me so that I may reinstate your party in the polls. I would highly recommend anyone participating in the poll look over the voter guidelines to make sure all procedures are followed: Any Candidate who is found to have exploited the voting system and have violated the voter guidelines will be first warned then banned from future polling and debates run by the IPO. We are currently looking into running a debate soon for a couple of the candidates and hope to bring you more information soon! The polls ends January 19th, 2018 @ 12pm EST
  8. Happy 2018!

    IDENTITY POLITICAL ORGANIZATION Good day everyone, we are officially back from the holidays and are now ready to begin this great year of 2018! Not only will this year finally bring an end to the wait for a portion of the game to come out for us to play with, but allow for major parties to grab hold in the community and begin this democratic process. I hope to give news about debates in the future, we are currently still in talks about doing a debate sooner rather then later, but for now I can't comment on any more information about that. What we do have now is a poll being set up for the month of January, and the first one to be put out for the new year. Expect that to come out sometime in the next hour. I will continue to keep you updated on what's going on with future plans and hope to bring something to you soon.
  9. December 2017 Poll Results

    I believe his vote was counted
  10. December 2017 Poll Results

    Yep. 4 of them were made after the poll was to start, and they've had no activity.
  11. December 2017 Poll Results

    IDENTITY POLITICAL ORGANIZATION POLL Good day everyone, the poll for December 2017 had finished Friday and I've finally found the time to compile the data together, but first, a couple things. 1) I noticed that voter turn out was much smaller then the previous poll, probably mostly to do with lack of advertisement of the poll and less activity in the politics of Identity, I hope to push for more activity leading up to the first poll in 2018 and hope for more candidates to push the polls to their voters. 2) I would like to bring attention again to the voter guidelines for the polls as to make sure people understand when certain votes become invalid, I hope that this doesn't end up a problem again in the future like it happened in the November 2017 polls, so I'm going to post a link to the guidelines here: Here are the results: Will be releasing the analysis of the data soon, so look forward to that! Will be discussing a possible debate for the month close to New Years with the other members of the IPO, hope to bring you news soon!
  12. December 2017 Poll

    Alrighty, now that the weekend is finally over and I can focus on this, let me get the data together, can already say that some of the data is fishy at first glance. Expect the results soon!
  13. December 2017 Poll

  14. December 2017 Poll

    IDENTITY POLITICAL ORGANIZATION POLL Firstly, I want to apologize for the lapse of time between the announcement of the poll and the actual poll, IRL stuff aside, I will try and be more timely with the execution of the polls. For now though, I hope you guys enjoy participating in the polls this month. Last month Lucious Times won the polls with a +3 lead and with Hamilton closely with a total of 14 votes. I'm excited to see how this poll comes out and get voting! ***NOTE*** Poll ends on December 15th, 2017 at Noon!
  15. December Poll Incoming Later Today!!

    Should be soon, been having internet and irl problems. Gonna get the poll up now.