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  1. Who or what will you become?

    This poll is at 31 votes, I need more data.
  2. Who or what will you become?

    Thank you SUBWAY244 I didn't know how to answer that question.
  3. Who or what will you become?

    Good luck with your capital.
  4. Who or what will you become?

    If there is not an option for you to select please write it in the comments, I'm sorry for this inconvenience but I would rather not have to create another poll, that doesn't mean I myself or other players don't want to know who you will be.
  5. Who or what will you become?

    This page needs more views.
  6. Who or what will you become?

    The release of our adventure is upon us, so I just wanted to get a better sense of the locals or so.
  7. Will there be an uber service in the game?

    What if some one calls for multiple stops with your Uber then robed the bank and got back into your car to hold you hostage, does your wanted level go up to kill on site?
  8. Indoor, Outdoor, Bush and Ruffy.
  9. A bit of self respect, you have to want to quit first and take it slow, don't try and quit tomorrow just cut back how much you take until you think your ready to quit.
  10. Consultaint/s?

    A part time job possibility, in real life the police sometimes enlist the help of civilians with special skills or knowledge on there current case like retired thief's to backtrack the case or narrow down suspects with the skill or know how to get that specific job done.

    No you don't need mental health services or counseling your beyond that you need Jesus and the love of a caring parent. But you make a good point there should be an actual asylum in game for characters to plead insanity.
  12. How will criminal courts work?

    Doable and I don't see why not.
  13. What will happen when you are offline?

    Puts $4K in my pocket, $350 a week and when I'm there food plus my own room free.
  14. What will happen when you are offline?

    Dude!, Sweet!, thank you!, that's what I need, I get that with VIP.
  15. What will happen when you are offline?

    I'm so fucked, I have a job that requires me to work 6-8 weeks on, 6 weeks off and the whole time at work there is no access to internet. "Deep sea fisherman, FML".